Need side-by-side comparison shots made?


Well-Known Member
Wanna side-by-side comparison composite of your progress, but don't have Photoshop (or the time to figure it out). I'm volunteering, just 'cause I like doing it.

This what I'm talking about... (password in profile). My signature has a comparison too.

PM me two links (one to the before and one to the after, indicate which is which). It helps if they are similar angles/sizes. I'm NOT a pro, but I can get the point across. Side-by-sides can be very motivational especially for hairanorexia recovery. :)

ETA: Oh, include the dates or whatever caption you want under each pic.
Like this...
Before: <include link>, caption
After: <include link>, caption
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I don't have anything right now, just want to thank you for offerring. I will definitely keep you in mind.
JLove74 said:
This is very nice of you to do :)

Can you do it from pics already in our Fotki?

Yep, just send me the link.... Oh, I forgot to tell you how to get the link.
  • Go to your album, right click the picture and select properties.
  • Highlight the link and copy (ctrl-c) (don't include the questions mark)

It'll look like that. This is using IE. But the procedure is the same if you're using Netcape or Mozilla.
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Aw, come on! Only one taker? Lunch break's almost over... :ohwell: But the offer is open while I have the time (the next few months). Oh and if you're worried about me having copies of your pics... anyone that can see your pics can get a copy. That's why we have the copy right thingies at the bottom.
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JLove74 said:
oh and let me find out Sareca and Vevster are photoshop professionals!

Thanks girlie

You're welcome. I do use Photoshop for work, but we don't do anything fancy with it.
Hey ya'll. Even if you don't think you've had progress you probably have... the side-by-side really makes a difference.
This is so generous and kind of you to offer. I need to see if I can get some updated photos and we'll see what's really going on!
Kimberly said:
This is so generous and kind of you to offer. I need to see if I can get some updated photos and we'll see what's really going on!

I'll be here... um, God willing. :)
I am in braids right now - I hope when I am ready the offer still exists. You are so kind for doing this................
Awww ......that's very nice of you Sareca.

I'm also in braids right now. I hope your doing this when I take them out the end of August. Thanks for the offer!;)
Wow, that's really cool of you, Sareca! :)

Thanks for the offer, I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future.

ETA- I've noticed your own comparison pics the past couple of weeks, and would like to say your hair looks great! I love the color and texture.
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