Need reviews for Hair Rules products


New Member
They are now located in Ulta, but due to their high price and my not wanting to overspend for subpar products, I'd like reviews from anyone who has tried these products.

Can't really find much info on them, except negative stuff on NC from two years ago. Not about the products, but other stuff.

If you've used them, please tell me what you think.

TIA! :-D
I have just started using hair rules because I am in search of a product to define my frizzy curls. I purchased the no suds shampoo, ultra quench conditioner, and the kinky curly cream. I have used the products about 3-4 times so far. I really enjoy the shampoo and conditioner on my dry hair and the curly cream does define my curls very well. No crunch. Very moisturizing. I do agree with the price but so far its my fav. I have used KCCC, Miss Jessies, Blended Beauty, and Jane Carter.
Thanks Redantz. I called my closest Ulta and they got it in stock this week. I was all set to rush to get pick it up until I realized that I didn't know "what" to pick up. LOL! :lachen: has a product review section and most 4s were not feeling the Kinky Curling Creme. The quench conditioner seems doable, but I have enough conditioners that work for me right now. More interested in the styling product, but I need more reviews before I decide.
I'm glad you posted this because I forgot I bought some last year from HSN. :lachen:They had a 3 product special price deal. I recall I loved the conditioner, don't remember the shampoo and there was absolutely no crunch (as already mentioned) to my curls. As soon as I find the box, I'm going to use the products again. I probably only used once due to the price and I have very thick hair so the size of the con wouldn't last long for me.
I overlooked this line after I read the ingredients about two years ago. The price point and the ingred. list didn't add up for me. Let me know if any of you like it.