Need relaxer suggestions....


Active Member
Ladies I was a long term Arosci relaxer lover, and I moved to TX and haven't found anyone who uses it here... anywho I'm coming off of a 30+ week stretch and my options are Mizani (which I've tried before, and didn't get results like Arosci but it was okay) or Affirm (I've never tried it but I've seen results from others and it's nice)? Does one work better than the other on certain hair types? Should I just tell the sylist that I want to try Affirm, since that's what I really want? I even thought of buying Arosci products, but I'm not sure which one my stylist used... Thanks in advance for your help :bighug:
are you able to find out what your old stylist used? if so, just bring it with you to the salon.
Thanks Me-T, I thought about that but, they had so many and I wasn't sure which one to choose. As for my old stylist she's not there... not sure if she left or if she's on vacation. I will try contacting her again.