Need Relaxer Help! 4a/4b


New Member
Ok, something is going on with my hair. The texture of my hair is weird. My left side is beautiful and my right side sucks. I have been using Elasta QP mild for the last year. My last couple touch up's have not been the best. One side looks good, one side looks underproccessed. I have a sensitive scalp, so Elasta worked for that, but not with straightening. Before Elasta, I used Motions Lye for years, but it burned the he** out of me. I plan on going back to Motions, but my question is, what's up with the Motions Oil? I haven't went to a salon in about 7 years, and don't plan on it. What are some other relaxers I can try that are at Sally's or regular beauty supply stores?

All help would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance!

I heard that Motions Oil does not work very well on type 4 hair (althoug some other women liked it). Do a search on the thread "Motions Mild" and you will see more there.