Need products in Washington DC area

Ive seen Surge at just about any BSS. I purchased my MTG from an equestrian store in Damascus MD. But you could probably find it at other ones in the area. I just went to that one b/c it is not that far away from my job. You could got yahoo yellow pages and do a search on "equestrian" in the area. I called to make sure they had it before I went there.
If you the exact BSS locations in DC and Maryland let me know. There are BSS everywhere around me near home and work.
Try on Central Ave in capital heights MD, 2 doors down from Staples. If you are in NE DC try Judys on Rhode Island Ave (near RI Ave metro station). Also Gigi Beauty supply on New Hamp Ave in Silver Spring (Langley Park) MD. All 3 places have everything you need.... Except MTG. You gotta go to a horse spot for that :D I know there is an equestrian store in Upper Marlboro but I dont know if they sell MTG but I will be checking on it whenever my original bottle runs out...
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