Need prayer for my dad and myself.


Hi ladies, I just wanted to let you all know, that your prayers are much needed for my daddy. He was placed in a nursing facility a few months back due to his declining health. He caught a bout of pneumonia over the weekend and hospitalized for a few days, then returned back this time on hospice. Me and dad are very close, and it has come to a point now that he refuses to eat and that is not good. Morphine was started as of tonight and this is not setting to well with me. Everything is in the hands of God now as I have released everything to Him after leaving him tonight. Thankyou for your prayers in you guys!
:kiss: Fret not, Precious One. Fret not. For surely God has this and most of all, He has you and your dad.

Let God 'control what you fear to let go. You will have His peace and so will your precious Daddy. :love2:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :flowers: for you and Dad.