Need Prayer / Encouragement


Well-Known Member
There are some changes going on in my place of employment which I am excited about they have phased out the department in which i work in and i will be moved to serve another part of the staff, im excited because i feel like I'm becoming complacent and am not being challenged like I would like. Anyway I currently assist this woman(let's call her PH who I do not work well with she gets on my nerves so badly. She is not consistent in her work (ex. never here when she says she going to be ) She is very unorganized and I'm always running behind on the work I'm supposed to do because she has dropped the ball on something that is a high priority. Well when i move there will still be some things that I will still have to work with her on but since we have not had a formal conversation about how exactly my role will change. I am nervous about what lies ahead I know that this move is apart of God's plan for me but I need some words a verse or something that i can use to remember whom I work for and not get caught up in the worrying of her thinking I'm going to be doing her job like I have been or that I'm going to havebe picking up the slack when she decides she doesn't want to come to work. I going to talk to the executive director today so that i know exactly what duties i will have and what specific duties will i need to work with PH on, then i wil set a meeting to talk to her about what the new deal will be. Please pray for me ladies!