Need New Ideas for PS


Well-Known Member
Hello all my lovelies:

November is half done, and I am starting to think about my next style. The plan was to put kinky twists back in in December, but I realized 1. I am getting tired of them and need a break, 2. I really don't feel like sitting for 12 hours to get them done, and 3 there are only so many different shades I can wear without looking too rididculous.

I am currently wearing wigs, but I really don't like them and always feel that it is too obviously a wig, and I don't feel like I take care of my hair as much as when I have braids (i.e. the daily braid spray, coating the braids with moisturizer, ect).

So I am looking for an alternative to braids for the next month or so, that will cause minimal damage to my own hair. 1. How long do you guys wear your wig caps for? 2. do you usually put some sort of treatment in before the installation? I can't do a bun yet, nor am I comfortable wearing my hair out, I BCed by myself, and will have to have it professionally shaped one day. How about cornrows with extensions? any experiece with them? I would hate to have a set back just because I am bored.

But please help me! I do not have alot of natural padding, so sitting for 12 hours hurts more than my head:lol:. Just looking for ideas, if all else fails I will just deal with it, and get the Kinky twists.
So I am looking for an alternative to braids for the next month or so, that will cause minimal damage to my own hair.
I think some of people who wear wigs on here wear WEAVES as an alternate sometimes. You can still get access to your hair, although you may have to dilute most of your products.

1. How long do you guys wear your wig caps for?
I just started with this wig business lol, but I dont wear wig caps.

2. do you usually put some sort of treatment in before the installation?
I think it's suggested to do a hardcore treatment (ex: aphogee two step) every 6-8 maybe sooner or longer depends on your hair and also moisture/protein balance before the install. You also need to DC a lot, especially if you're in singles take some time off after take down to moisturize and baby your hair. Since you BC'ed recently, I believe your hair needs more moisture so DC would help

I can't do a bun yet, nor am I comfortable wearing my hair out, I BCed by myself, and will have to have it professionally shaped one day. How about cornrows with extensions? any experiece with them? I would hate to have a set back just because I am bored.
I think conrows can be a good idea, but you must take care of your hair by (co)washing, moisturizing, and DC'in on a regular basis. Maybe you can try a full head weave and see how you like it. You can also do crochet braids which doesn't take as long as individuals to install.

Also have you tried the thick box braids with synthetic hair, they don't take too long to install? HTH

I'll bump for you so hopefully you'll get more advice.
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Thank you sooo much for your response. All of these are great options.

So I am looking for an alternative to braids for the next month or so, that will cause minimal damage to my own hair.
I think some of people who wear wigs on here wear WEAVES as an alternate sometimes. You can still get access to your hair, although you may have to dilute most of your products.

1. How long do you guys wear your wig caps for?
I just started with this wig business lol, but I dont wear wig caps.

2. do you usually put some sort of treatment in before the installation?
I think it's suggested to do a hardcore treatment (ex: aphogee two step) every 6-8 maybe sooner or longer depends on your hair and also moisture/protein balance before the install. You also need to DC a lot, especially if you're in singles take some time off after take down to moisturize and baby your hair. Since you BC'ed recently, I believe your hair needs more moisture so DC would help

I can't do a bun yet, nor am I comfortable wearing my hair out, I BCed by myself, and will have to have it professionally shaped one day. How about cornrows with extensions? any experiece with them? I would hate to have a set back just because I am bored.
I think conrows can be a good idea, but you must take care of your hair by (co)washing, moisturizing, and DC'in on a regular basis. Maybe you can try a full head weave and see how you like it. You can also do crochet braids which doesn't take as long as individuals to install.

Also have you tried the thick box braids with synthetic hair, they don't take too long to install? HTH

I'll bump for you so hopefully you'll get more advice.
How long is your hair exactly OP? Could you get cornrows done on your own hair? For a PS I cornrow my hair up into a ponytail, roll the ends up into a little bun covered with a sandwich baggie and then wear over it a fake puff that looks very similar to my hair. You could wear a different ponytail too. Once the cornrows get to fuzzy (normally after 2-3 weeks) you can wear a wig over them, headwrap, or some cute hats. I usually do this in the last week or two.