Need my sisters to pray now!


New Member
Hubby got his board scores today. He did not pass. I knew before he did because I checked the mail and peeked before I went to work. I have had all afternoon to digest this. But he is so angry with God right now. He doesn't want to pray or go to church. He ahs HAD IT! He doesnt' want to do this anymore. I don't blame him. I have spent the afternoon in praer for him. I know God understands his anger. You have to understand thst this has been a long hard road and. We prayed for it and claimed it and truly believed it was a pass this time. We put all our faith and trust in God. Please pray that we keep it despite this major, major setback.

Gotta go now. Will keep you updated. Thank you.

Sorry for typos.
Prayer going up...

Word of encouragement: God is always on time...Tell your husband to please don't give up on God...He has something better in store for him...God sometimes take the little things from us to bless us with something bigger...
Rejoice! For your husband is right where God wants him. Trust what I'm saying. Did not more happen to Job? And Job said, "Yet will I trust Him."

Don't worry about anything that your husband shares that seems oppositional to God. I promise you, that your husband is going to fall on his face before God and love Him.

It's not about the board exam. Your husband's faith is being challenged and strengthened all at the same time. For we cannot put our trust in things. This you know with all of your heart, for you have a strong bond with the Lord and you know how God moves.

You trust God in proxy for now, for your husband. It's okay, you be proxy; for when your husband sees how you can yet still trust God, he will follow suit. I promise you that this is going to be the best thing that ever happened. It may not seem like that now. But trust me. More than me, trust God. For does He not say, "You will enjoy the fruit of your labor, for it is the gift of God. (Eccl 3 and 5) And in Hebrews 10 - "I've seen your works...and I will reward you."

Release the fear and do like Paul when there was a storm threatening their safety, "I believe God."

Your husband is not a failure as a man and neither are you as his wife...his helpmeet. Get ready to see the rest of this challenge become a gift and seal the two of you even closer as One and One with God.

So it is...
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Good2uuu - I will pray for your hubby. Even now Lord, I pray that you would cover him and his wife with your love, grace and strength - may they come through this stronger knowing that you cause all things to work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Thank you Lord in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I will continue to pray...

Good2uuu and ladies, please also pray for me. I am writing my board exams on the 25 and 26th of this month and am likewise trusting the Lord for his grace to help me pass. Gb all.
Thank you so much ladies! I needed this. Your support is a true Godsend. I have kept my faith through all of this. I know that this is a test. I will just continue to pray for and keep hubby before the Lord and have double faith, faith for both of us. Eventually he will pull it back together. Thank you so much for your prayers.

I will continue to pray for you all also.
Just trust that GOD always have a better plan for us. Sometimes we wonder why GOD but His way is better than ours and all we have to do is trust. He can't see it now but GOD has a blessing in store just for him and nobody will be able to take that away. I will also be praying with you. Q
And why didn't he pass? Where does God come into it at? Why blame God? Encourage your husband to study harder and pass the test!

*I hope this post doesn't offend anyone*
A prayer has been sent up for you and your husband. Continue to pray for him and lift him up before the Lord. He is working on something, I know it seems rough right now but continue to serve Him. I am a witness that He is always on time!!!
stunningmane said:
Good2uuu - I will pray for your hubby. Even now Lord, I pray that you would cover him and his wife with your love, grace and strength - may they come through this stronger knowing that you cause all things to work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Thank you Lord in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I will continue to pray...

Good2uuu and ladies, please also pray for me. I am writing my board exams on the 25 and 26th of this month and am likewise trusting the Lord for his grace to help me pass. Gb all.

Stunningmane: You have my prayers as well. I pray for your peaceful confidence in God to shine forth as the morning and that through His peace, all things will come to your rememberance.

For your trust is in God's memory, not yours and He will impart the wisdom and the answers into your spirit at the appointed time needed.

In Jesus' name...Amen and Amen.

Your Sister :) ... "Shimmie..."
stunningmane said:
Good2uuu - I will pray for your hubby. Even now Lord, I pray that you would cover him and his wife with your love, grace and strength - may they come through this stronger knowing that you cause all things to work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Thank you Lord in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
and AMEN!!!!
Blossssom said:
And why didn't he pass? Where does God come into it at? Why blame God? Encourage your husband to study harder and pass the test!

*I hope this post doesn't offend anyone*

I wish I knew why he didn't pass. At least he stayed the same and didn't regress. Maybe God doesn't want us to move to Fl during hurricane season. Maybe another state we ahve interest in is revising their requirements which might allow us to apply there. I don't know. I may never know.

I think it's more about figuring out how to study smarter as opposed to harder. I've been going over it in my head and am seeing where I think adjustments can be made. Also asking God to show him what he must do. I mean I asked the Lord to literally smack him over the head with what he needs to do so there is no mistaking that it is a message from above.

Thank you again for the prayers and support.

And Blossom, have u been running around offending folks lately? What's up with the disclaimer?
stunningmane said:
Good2uuu - I will pray for your hubby. Even now Lord, I pray that you would cover him and his wife with your love, grace and strength - may they come through this stronger knowing that you cause all things to work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Thank you Lord in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I will continue to pray...

Good2uuu and ladies, please also pray for me. I am writing my board exams on the 25 and 26th of this month and am likewise trusting the Lord for his grace to help me pass. Gb all.

Thank you. And you will be in my prayers as well.
Integrity said:
'We fall down and we get UP!!!' remember that.

by the way, board exams for what...medicine?

Yes. Step 3, the one he needs to pass in order to get licensed. the killer si that he does so well in clinics and in hospital stuff (he has passed all rotations with flying colors). I believe a lot of it has to do with anxiety and fear and lack of confidence in his knowledge. As far as exams are concerned, when he does practice exams that are untimed, he scores very high. I think there is a direct correlation between the time constraints and his anxiety. We gotta figure out how to tackle this.

Much prayer needed or this and a return of his faith, which is way shakey right now.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths."

Proverbs 3:5-6