need motivation protective styles heat 1x per month ladies share your success stories


New Member
hi ladies i am approx. 2 inches from brastrap due to a chemical setback last yr i rollerset and flatiron my roots once a week and lose so much hair from the manipulation. however once its complete i dont lose any if i oil my ends. well i know the best thing is to just bun and maybe use heat once a mth but i need to hear and see it from the members here so please share your success stories ladies i am tired of growing out my hair
Look at it this way: Once you reach your goal length, you can do whatever you want.

I've never had an issue with wearing protective styles when I'm not working because they're easier for me, and I don't like my hair getting caught on my purse. So I found advantages to protective styling to mentally shift my perspective on it.

Now, I'm about 2 or 3 inches past brastrap, and I wear my hair out whenever I feel like it which is about once or twice a week. The other days it's in a pony or a bun because it's just easier for me. However, there are ladies here (Lauren450 & Sylver2 come to mind) who have BEAUTIFUL hair and wear theirs out almost daily. So, no protective styling doesn't have to equal damage.

The heat is a different story. When you survey the ladies here with amazing hair about their top hair care tips, low heat & low manipulation will certainly be on the top of the list.

Have you considered alternating the weeks you use heat? Sometimes I get in a mood for a month or two where I want semi-straight hair so if I decide to flat iron, I'll flat iron week 1, braidout week 2, flat iron week 3, bantu knot out week 4 or some variation of this. That way, I can enjoy a straight style for half the month and not be stressing about excessive heat. However, again, there are ladies here who use heat weekly and have beautiful manes. I think they're in the minority though.

Why do you lose so much hair from rollersetting and flat ironing? I lose almost no hair when I rollerset & flat iron the roots. Is there a moisture/protein issue?

Also, how often are you deep conditioning? I deep condition once or twice each week so I feel that that gives me a pass to wear my hair out when I want and/or use heat on occasion. However, if for some reason I slack on DCing, then I use NO heat and my hair stays in a protective style until my next wash.

Sorry to type you to death. :lol: HTH

thanks for your resonse... i deep condition every 3 days now i was at brastrap length last yr on most of my bras and i had a bad exp with a stylist that bleached my hair to do a color correction on my texlaxed hair .. yes i am blessed i have hair still.. so my hair is very fragile but i have always had hair all on the floor .... i think i use too much protein
It depends on the person, but if you are hitting a plateau with using direct heat on your roots only once a week try taking out the heat not necessarily going all into protective styling. I guess to give you some inspiration I went from bra strap to where I am now with only using direct heat all over 1nce every 2 months. If I had done it say once a week I am sure my ends wouldn’t have been able to retain the length. But during this process I was not protective styling.