
New Member
O.K. my baby (aka fiance) is losing his hair. I think it is herditary as his father has balded in the same spot. But he is only 23!! he has become so self-concious about himself, and I hate to see him like this. He even said that people actually pointed it out today. :sad: His barber told him to use doo-gro oil, but he feels like it is making his hair worst, not better. First it was thinning, now there is a shiny spot to see. Do you think he has alpoceia??? (I think I spelled that right)

I was thinking of trying MN on him, since I had great results from it.

Ladies PLEASE HELP ME! I need a solution and FAST:perplexed
It may be male pattern baldness. If that's the case than I don't think any of the topicals we apply will work for him.
Would he be open to taking vitamins? Saw palmetto and biotin would be good choices. Also, vatika oil filled in my dd's edges and made her hair and scalp so healthy. Lenzi's Request made my hair grow and filled in my edges. I haven't tried BT, but it gets nothing but rave reviews. He should also wear a du rag or something of the sort at night. HTH!
essential oil mixtures work...there was a study where men with baldness used it and it stopped the balding
He'll never 'embrace' baldness at 23. He'll feel too young to have to live with that without exhausting all his options. Baldness IS traumatic for men - it makes them feel insecure, less sexy, less masculine, older than they are, etc. He needs a lot of TLC from you right now. Reassure him that you love him (hair or no hair), but support him as he tries to exhaust his options in dealing with the issue...and he WILL try everything! Maybe the best way to start attacking the problem is for him to see a male dermatologist (preferably Black). Trust me, they've seen this issue a million times, and should be able to pinpoint the underlying contributing factors, and get him on a solution / regimen. Good luck!
Thanks ladies for all your support! I am trying to show him all the love in the world right or no hair...he is still my baby

I think he wants to see a dermatologist to find something prescribed for him. I have a feeling they are going to put Minodixil on him though (and dont you have to stay with that for life?) I will try to give him a few more options though....:ohwell: