Need help with stinky hair!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies... I have a dilemma.
What can I do (obviously aside from washing/co-washing daily) for hair that smells of cigarette smoke? I myself don't smoke, but work in a night club 3-4 times per week. I cannot STAND the way my hair smells after leaving that place... smells worse than an ashtray (hope i'm not offending any smokers). Is there anything I can do or put on my hair to get rid of that smell? Washing several times a week is just too much manipulation. Any suggestions? :feedback:
I think there are some hair perfume sprays that might be able to mask the smell, but I've never used them.

I smoke and before I started co-washing/washing frequently, I tied my hair up in a bonnet while I was at home smoking and pulled my hair into a ponytail when I was out. Maybe you could wear a bun to work with your ends tucked in so the smoke only gets to some of your hair.
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When I worked in a bar where they smoked I wrapped my hair up and wore a wig. I couldn't take the smell seeping through my hair. Then I would put the wig in my bathroom while I showered. The steam took the smoke smell out without me having to keep washing the wig.
That really sucks... find a new job! I'd be more worried about my lungs than my hair, but maybe some ted gibson hair sheets might do the trick. A perfume will only add another smell on top of the smoke smell. :-( I hope something works for you... the wig idea sounds good.
I don't know if they still make it but Bath & Body Works had this stuff some years back called Freshen Up Hair that took all those funky smells out of your hair between washes.
I don't know much about this stuff, but you could try it. But I would not put it on my hair. I'd wear a wig and use it for the wig:
Then I guess you could spray the wig with something like Clean after getting rid of the smoke.

I hope you can get another job. I can't stand the smell of cigarette/cigar smoke so I feel for you who has to work around it. I bet you go through bottles of Febreze spray and Febreze Laundry as if there's no tomorrow.
Aquolina Pink Hair Perfume. It's a sweet smell, very yummy. I started a thread about it a few months ago, and one member commented on her co-worker who smoked, but would spray it on her hair afterwards, and you couldn't smell the smoke on her hair, just the sweetness from the hair perfume.
That really sucks... find a new job! I'd be more worried about my lungs than my hair, but maybe some ted gibson hair sheets might do the trick. A perfume will only add another smell on top of the smoke smell. :-( I hope something works for you... the wig idea sounds good.

True! It's best to go with a wig.
Why don't you blowdry your hair on cool setting, for some reason, it works for me and gets the smell out.
Thank all of you ladies for your suggestions! I've tried the wig thing, but it's SO not me. I will definitely be trying the other suggestions out. :yep:
When I worked in a bar where they smoked I wrapped my hair up and wore a wig. I couldn't take the smell seeping through my hair. Then I would put the wig in my bathroom while I showered. The steam took the smoke smell out without me having to keep washing the wig.

This is a GREAT idea. :grin::grin::grin:

ITA with the user who made the comment about being more concerned about your lungs...although, it is a recession gotta do what you gotta do.
This is a GREAT idea. :grin::grin::grin:

ITA with the user who made the comment about being more concerned about your lungs...although, it is a recession gotta do what you gotta do.

(sigh)... I get mad every time I go in to work. I have TWO degrees, but here I am working at a night club due to being laid off. But hey... I want to continue to eat and live indoors! :ohwell: