Need Help--- Thinning Hair


New Member
Hey I have been trying to grow my hair out and my hair is growing (slowly) however, it is getting thinner. I have tried using Doo Gro products to try and help increase thickness but it is not showing any improvement and I have been using it for about 3 months. I have also use EVOO but can anyone give me any more ideas about products that I can use to get thickness? Thanks :)
Folicure (it can be found at Sally's) works wonders for making hair apear to be thicker, it may even make the hair thicker. Vitamins, beans and fish helps also. I don't know what your diets like but when I made these a staple in my diet, the new growth is like a forrest. Also stretching relaxers as long as you can. Treating the older hair gently like old lace.
dlewis said:
Folicure (it can be found at Sally's) works wonders for making hair apear to be thicker, it may even make the hair thicker. Vitamins, beans and fish helps also. I don't know what your diets like but when I made these a staple in my diet, the new growth is like a forrest. Also stretching relaxers as long as you can. Treating the older hair gently like old lace.

Stretching relaxers helped me tremendously.
I found that Stretching made my hair break off more... I would suggest the protective styles and minimal manipulation...
I agree with the henna and castor oil. I've used both and henna worked great for making my hair thicker...not so sure about the castor oil but other ladies seem to have had great success with it.

Stretching can also help but you have to be very cautious to not stretch your relaxer for too long. I made the mistake of stretching too long and my hair is thinner rather than thicker.
AlexB7 said:
I agree with the henna and castor oil. I've used both and henna worked great for making my hair thicker...not so sure about the castor oil but other ladies seem to have had great success with it.

Stretching can also help but you have to be very cautious to not stretch your relaxer for too long. I made the mistake of stretching too long and my hair is thinner rather than thicker.

I agree...........
where do you get the castor oil from? do you use daily? your hair is beautiful what are your secrets?
AlexB7 said:
Stretching can also help but you have to be very cautious to not stretch your relaxer for too long. I made the mistake of stretching too long and my hair is thinner rather than thicker.

Me too:perplexed 13 weeks was waaaaay too long for my hair.
Supplements, protective styling, rolling my hair up at night (hard to sleep on but combing out tangles in the morning probably adds to the thinning) and low manipulation helps me.
Castor oil
coconut oil
essential oils
taking vitamins
drinking a lot of water
less wrapping of the hair
magnetic rollers instead of velcro, foam rollers
Satin bonets instead of hair wraps
less blow drying with attachable combs
During detangling make sure you comb from ends to the top.

Streching can help but if your hair is fine like mine I wouldnt stretch it too long. Maybe stretch it up to 8 weeks. I went above that once and my hair was just hard to manage because of the two different textures and it just was hard to comb out. When the newgrowth kicks in make sure you deep condition your hair every week, use a leave in and moisturize your hair during the week.
These things make my hair shed

Not enough iron in my blood (menstrating age ? chk out ur iron levels...I never would have guessed)

Going to bed to late or not getting enough sleep (hair starts to fall out with the bulb at the end )

Stress (too much)

Not eating right (if i make a diet off of junk food an no vegs or fruits ? And I do do that. My hair will show out .)

Aphogee the heavy kind. You MUST use a couple of moist conditioners afterwards and apply an oil or moisterizing leave in when you dry, but it will thicken it.

Stretching or milder relaxers. If you stretch, you MUST find out how to do so to eleviate breakage (oil scalp or keep it bunned up or put a protein on it, whatever your hair needs during that time to NOT break and to detangle ) .... THEN make sure you only stretch to the point B4 breakage....I know I can only stretch or go an extra week or two...and during that time, I dont wash it b/c water makes my hair tangle and I apply oils to keep it moisterized
Hope that helps.
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I agree with the low-manipulation, stretching or transitioning, etc. But, Check your iron levels! :yep:

I often have low blood iron, but since I started taking supplements, my hair has filled out amazingly and my hair growth accelerated. I used to be very thin on the crown, receding edges, and even had a bald spot! ...Until I upped my iron intake.

But, be careful! Too much iron can be toxic because iron is stored (it's not a mineral that needs to be renewed in high amounts daily, live vit. C). If you already take a multi-vitamin with iron daily, it may be enough.

But, check with your doctor. If you are anemic, she may suggest a higher dose (My doctor prescribed 28-56 mg/day for me. The average woman only needs about 18 mg/day)

Good luck! :)