Need Help setback disaster


I dont post much but am always lurking. I have fine, thin 4a hair that is relaxed and I am 8 weeks post. I had a setback from stretching and not moisturising enough. so I have some breakage in the back area of my head. :nono: I am debating on whether I should just dc and put in a weave for 4-6 weeks to give my hair a rest or relax and wait 2 weeks and then put in the weave. I am afraid of breakage. especially since i just got the breakage under control. I have had great growth from weaves in the past. ideas please I am pretty desperate. thank you in advance
I have fine 4 A/B hair and I don't stretch, it's too damaging for my hair. I don't do sew-in's anymore for the same reason, and I had a real gentle stylist. For your situation, I'm no expert, but I would suggest maybe waiting on the weave, cuz your hair might be in a real delicate situation right now. What are you using to DC? Any protein?

Oh, and I see you, NYC! ;)
In the past I suffered a set back from stretching while wearing a weave and not moisturizing . It was not good, I tried stretching for 11 weeks and I had breakage along the sides and nape of my hair. My problem is that i was not moisturizing nearly enough I was just oiling my hair with that moegro mixture. Now I only stretch 10 weeks max and I make sure that I moisturize daily, and have little to not manipulation.
I have fine 4 A/B hair and I don't stretch, it's too damaging for my hair. I don't do sew-in's anymore for the same reason, and I had a real gentle stylist. For your situation, I'm no expert, but I would suggest maybe waiting on the weave, cuz your hair might be in a real delicate situation right now. What are you using to DC? Any protein?

Oh, and I see you, NYC! ;)

I use aphogee 2min reconstructor and for moisture I use dpr11. I usually dc every 3 days with alter ego garlic,jason thick to thin conditioner, or one of my dominican conditioners as well as the ors mayo. my problem is my hair feels pretty strong but the new growth is like :blush:. I am trying to find the right balance or maybe a half wig to decrease manipulation?
What do you use to moisturize on a daily basis? I wouldn't relax just wait another 2 weeks if you can. You can do some low manipulation styles if you really want to give your hair a rest.