Need help! MASSIVE breakage after roller set!!!


New Member
I had a rollerset today and I usually wrap it right after it's done. I got a RIDICULOUS amount of breakage while wrapping it! At first I was like:eek: and now I'm so upset!:cry3: :crying3: I think she used porosity control conditioner and some leave-in treatment for relaxed hair by fantasia ic in a brown bottle. She didn't deep condition and I think it may have had something to do with the way she washed it or the products she used. When washing, she rubbed and scrubbed my ends really hard (or what seemed like really hard to me) with her hands. My hair doesn't feel dry or hard, but there are tiny broken hairs EVERYWHERE! I had like a wad of tiny hairs that I collected and it was about the size of a gumball! What should I do? I haven't unwrapped it because I'm afraid of more breakage. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE MY HAIR!!!:(

ETA: the hairs that are breaking are thinner than my hair usually is!
OMG, man, try applying some moisturizer to your hands and apply it to your hair by circling around the wrap, unwrap it with your fingers, add more moisturizer, then finger wrap it back up to allow the moisture to absorb.

personally, i would wash and deep condition it all over again. maaaan, i think it was something she used in your hair that your hair didn't like or need.
I am really sorry that happened sweetheart :( I wonder what the heck she did to it?! :confused: Do you have a strengthening leave-in or moisturizer (one that is more creamy instead of watery, so it won't mess up your style)? Maybe you could rub some around your wrap, and brush it gently to spread it though, Then tie it up in a silk scarf and let it soak in for a while. This might help. If your not concerned about the style at this point, you, could rub a protein conditioner around your wrap, then begin gently pulling it down section by section and applying more conditioner. Continue until it is all down and saturated, then put on a plastic cap and let that stay on for a while - with or without heat, whichever you prefer. Afterwards, you could very lightly shampoo, and do a moisturizing deep conditioner with your favorite oil mixed in. This might help. Don't worry, it will be okay. Just try to get some strength and moisture to it :) I hope this helps.
She scrubbed and rubbed your ends? Oh man. :(

I would deep condition like crazy, that's really the only thing I can think of to do at this point. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I don't want to take it down now but I kind of finger combed it down, put a lot of NTM leave-in and Kemi Oyl on it and finger combed it up again. I put a mesh wrap and satin bonnet on it loosely. I'm going to deep condition tomorrow. Do you think the ORS pak would be okay? Is the protein in that okay?
Do you have any Nexxus Emergencee? That may help with the breakage.

A deep conditioner would also probably help, though i'm amazed the PC didn't.

The fact that she didn't treat your hair so nice sounds to be the culprit, so I'd try emergencee followed by a deep conditioner (ORS pak is fine).

I don't use hardcore protien so I can't really recommend any from personal experience (sorry)

I'd moisturize it very well and use some type of reconstructor. JOICO and Nexxus make good reconstructors. Motions CPR is also good.
I have Nexxus Keraphix, so I'll try that first and deep condition tomorrow. Looks like I won't be wearing my hair down and flowing to meet my SO's family on Saturday! I'm bunning the entire week we're in Maryland. I'm sure my hair doesn't need that cold weather along with the damage! BTW, I don't use hard core protein either, but if it's necessary, I'll deep condition/cowash and use the Emergencee.
Awww I am so sorry that happened to you. I would also deep condition and add a lil protein in the mix. I hope everything turns out okay.