Need Help - Linange Relaxer Causing Breakage and Dryness


New Member
I am hoping that someone can help me. I tried the Alter Ego Linange relaxer for the first time about 7 weeks ago. It has been non-stop breakage since. I never had a breakage issue before. I have tried Aphogee 2-step once and Emergencee 3 times. I am still getting breakage each time I comb my hair even with a wide tooth comb. The ends of my hair, which were not relaxed also became very dry and began to crack and pop when I comb. Has anyone had a similar experience with this product? And does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? I am thinking about getting a touch up this week and re-relaxing the hair that was relaxed with the Linange the last time. I tried the Linange because of the great reviews and the claims of moisture. Prior to the Linange, I used a Motions relaxer and it was okay but nothing great. I am thinking about trying Mizani Butter Blend. Due to the breakage, my hair has become a lot thinner since I used the Linange. Please help.
When did you relax with it? Also, if this is recent and you used all of that protein, that is probably why your hair is breaking even more! Too much protein is worst than not enough. Also, its all about technique and the state of your hair before relaxing. If your hair is not in a healthy state you have to hold out on relaxing or any chemical. And always, always cover the previously relaxer parts. Also, if you know you have a sensitive scalp or thinning hair; Base the scalp.

Mizani BB is nice. I just touched up with it 2 weeks ago. I used their honey shield with it to put on my previously relaxed hair. Hair feels great. Although it feels great with reg ol' Motions; I notice its so much more shiny and resiliant with the Mizani.

Good luck. Use only moisture products, no protein
Thanks Dommo for your response. I relaxed about 7-8 weeks ago. The breakage started immediately after relaxing and you could actually hear the snap, crackle and pop. I had never experienced this before. My hair was in pretty good shape before the relaxer. I tried the Aphogee 2 step about 2 weeks after the relaxer. That was my first time ever using the Aphogee. When that didn't stop the breakage, I used the emergencee once every 10 ten or so days. There is a slight texture difference with the hair that was relaxed with the Linange, but only a slight difference. The rest of my hair is a tad bit straighter though not bone straight since I only used mild relaxers. The Linange also made my hair extra dry. I used it because I wanted the moisture that others got from it. I also self-relaxed for the first time in a long time so maybe that was a bad idea.

I usually wait longer for touch ups but I think that I will go ahead and touch up this week with the Mizani BB. Hopefully it will get my hair back to normal and end the breakage. I will have a professional do it this time.
When did you relax with it? Also, if this is recent and you used all of that protein, that is probably why your hair is breaking even more! Too much protein is worst than not enough. Also, its all about technique and the state of your hair before relaxing. If your hair is not in a healthy state you have to hold out on relaxing or any chemical. And always, always cover the previously relaxer parts. Also, if you know you have a sensitive scalp or thinning hair; Base the scalp.

Mizani BB is nice. I just touched up with it 2 weeks ago. I used their honey shield with it to put on my previously relaxed hair. Hair feels great. Although it feels great with reg ol' Motions; I notice its so much more shiny and resiliant with the Mizani.

Good luck. Use only moisture products, no protein

I totally agree with Dommo - relaxers are very drying and it is imperative that you also dc your hair with moisturizing conditioners

Sorry to hear about this OP. Like previous posters, I would suggest using moisture to equal all the protein you've been using and I would wait for a few more weeks and baby the hair before relaxing.

I was planning on using Linange Shea Butter for my next relaxer, but I'm not so sure now:sad:.

Any other similar experiences????
Thanks ladies for the advice. I will try increasing the moisture. I used Nexus humectress and NTM DC after each protein treatment. I also use NTM or Salerm Leave in, and/or QP Mango Butter every day. I cowash sometimes with an Ojon moisturizing daily conditioner but not often enough.

I want to wait longer to relax again but I can't deal with the breakage and feel that I must do something. I went from never any breakage before the Linange to breakage just about each time I comb so it is bothering me a bit. I am just not use to breakage at all. I am hoping a corrective relaxer that will make all of my hair one texture will solve the problem. I haven't read any bad reviews so far regarding the Linange so it is probably something that I did wrong when applying (maybe the olive oil I mixed in it) or my hair type - which is a fine 4a/4b I think. I don't know but I am praying for God to lead me to a solution that works.
Linange is a pretty good relaxer product. I no longer use it but it alone will not dry your hair out.
Linange is a pretty good relaxer product. I no longer use it but it alone will not dry your hair out.

I use to use this relaxer as well (No problems). I concur with the other posters, up your Moisturizing Co-Washes and DC'ers.:yep:

IK it's been 7-8 weeks, but I would re-neutralize & possibly clarify:blush:

Another Poster gave me a suggestion, after my last relaxer on 7/2, of using a neutralizing shampoo the first wash after *as a precaution*:yep:

My last 2 relaxers I started incorporating Nutrine Garlic Conditioner for about the first 4 weeks to Co-Wash with (just as a safety precaution to ward off any potential shedding -- that could occur OR I will DC with AE Garlic Conditioner).

And I like these additional steps.:grin: They give me piece of mind.

Elasta QP Mango also is a mild protein...........:ohwell:
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Was this on virgin hair? Did you overlap? Also, did you go from no-lye to sodium lye? I wouldn't have any relaxer re-applied on splitting, breaking and damaged hair. That's a no-no. You should definitely go to a salon and have them do deep conditioning treatments. LInange is a very strong relaxer.
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Did you neutralize with a neutralizing conditioner or shampoo? Before you try anything else I would back back up and start there. To make sure ALL of the relaxer has been washed out and neutralized. Imperative!!! Then proceed with the other treatments to restore protein and moisture to the hair. I am a and use Linage and have never had a problem with either occurance. But I also triple neutralize first with Jherri Redding Natural Protein Conditioner (a neutralizer), then Motions Conditioner (a neutralizer), then Motions Neutralizing Shampoo.
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The Linange relaxer is a very good relaxer, I agree with the others. I will say that I found it difficult to rinse out completely so the neutralizing step is crucial. I actually let the neutralizing shampoo sit in my hair for about 5-7 mins before rinsing.
are you sure you neutralized properly? i would wash my hair again with a neutralizing poo and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing. i also wouldn't put anymore chemicals in your hair until you figure out what's causing the breakage. and maybe you should clarify also.

like the other posters said, you should do plenty of moisturizing DCs. i don't DC with conditioners that have cones in them cause silicones can build up on your hair and block out the moisture.

Thanks ladies. This was a touch up after a 12 week stretch. I put a conditioner on the previously relaxed hair in hopes of protecting it. I have always used lye relaxers. I was using Motions with Oil/Mild. The Motions was okay but I wanted the moisture that Linange users rave about. I don't know if there is a major difference btwn the Motions and Linange formulas that would have caused the breakage.

I only neutralized with the Linange neutralizing conditioner and then followed up with a mild shampoo (as per the directions), not a neutralizing shampoo. That may be the problem. I am going to wash my hair right now with a neutralizing shampoo. Then I will DC with the AE Garlic conditioner which I only used once before. Hopefully this will help. Thanks again for all of the tips. I should have asked you guys for help earlier. I will let you know how this works.
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Thanks ladies. This was a touch up after a 12 week stretch. I put a conditioner on the previously relaxed hair in hopes of protecting it. I have always used lye relaxers. I was using Motions with Oil/Mild. The Motions was okay but I wanted the moisture that Linange users rave about. I don't know if there is a major difference btwn the Motions and Linange formulas that would have caused the breakage.

I only neutralized with the Linange neutralizing conditioner and then followed up with a mild shampoo (as per the directions), not a neutralizing shampoo. That may be the problem. I am going to wash my hair right now with a neutralizing shampoo. Hopefully this will help. Thanks again for the tip. I should have asked you guys for help earlier. I will let you know how this works.

When I used this Relaxer, I used the Neutralizing Conditioner they recommended AND......................I also used my Isoplus Color Alarm Neutralizing Shampoo.:yep:
OP, I was one of the reviewers of Linange, and It sounds to me like you didn't neutralize properly like the others said and your PH balance is off. It is not the Linange. You MUST leave the neutralizer on for 5-7 minutes and shampoo several times more after the first initial shampoo. Also, I used a product called 'French perm stabilizer plus' to stabilize the PH balance of the hair because the acidity of Linange is VERY high. This repairs your cuticles, closes it, and prevents/stops breakage. You can find this product at Sally's or on the internet.

This is how I relaxed/texlaxed. Maybe this will help:

Base scalp
Put Linange on most "resistant" hair first and worked around sections
Protein treatment for 5 minutes (To keep curl pattern. Not recommend if going for bone straight hair.)
Neutralized (Leave on for 5-7)
Rinse and repeat several times
French Perm Stabilizer plus (Leave on for a minute)
Deep Condition (Leave on 15-30 minutes)

..And then style as normal...

I must add that the relaxer my need to be mixed with a DC if it is too strong for you. It will still get your hair straight, but will keep it moist at the same time. I have done someone's hair bone straight with this relaxer mixed with DC before.

Maybe if you tell us all the steps you used we could better advice you. :) I hope your hair gets better, sweetie!
Thanks for all of the advice. I did wash my hair last night with a neutralizing shampoo followed by AE garlic conditioner and it does feel a bit better. I did have some breakage today but it does not seem to be as much. I think that I will try to DC my hair for a few more weeks, at least, before getting a touch up. I think the problem is that I did not properly neutralize (although I followed the instructions) and my hair is now overprocessed. I think that I will try the French perm stabilizer to see if I can return my hair to its normal ph level. (Can I use it 8 weeks post relaxer?) As you can see my hair is dry and thirsty so I will focus on moisture. I will try the La Plancha as soon as I can get it. These are pics of my hair now - 8 weeks post relaxer, air dried. I am not sure about continuing to use the Linange. Perhaps it is too strong and acidic for my hair. You guys are life savers. I really appreciate the guidance.

Steps I took when relaxing:
1) Based scalp with an oil sheen spray
2) Put DC on previously relaxed hair
3) Sectioned hair
4) Applied Linange on new growth (Linange was mixed with olive oil in hopes of making it mild)
5) Rinsed relaxer
6) Applied Linange neutralizing conditioner, let sit 5 minutes, rinsed - applied again and rinsed
7) Washed hair with Nexus Therappe shampoo
8) Applied Linange Restructuring mask - let sit for 30 minutes and rinsed
9) Let hair air dry (added Salerm 21 as leave in once hair was damp)

Immediately upon combing my hair once dry, it began to break and I heard the snap, crackle, pop when the comb reached the ends of my hair.

hair 3a- 7 15 10.jpg Hair 2 _ 7 15 10.jpg
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Also remember to moisturize after every protein conditioner. You are using too much protein. I have had protein overload and it caused much breakage. Only now I have adjusted by balancing protein and moisture. It works. Good luck! I have used Linange for a year and my hair has grown the longest in my lifetime so far. It's just above waist length. But due to all the breakage the ends are thin and I am working on them and clipping every relaxer now. I did not trim for 9 mths and realized my ends were getting ragged. Truthfully I was going to try Design Essential Lo Lye but keep thinking about how my hair has grown. I relax my hair myself and stopped going to the salon since 5/2009 because my hair was so dried out, shedding and damaged. My hair is doing much better. It takes time to see which products work.