Need help in Lyon, France!!!


New Member
The hair scene out here is frightening. Anytime I spot a black woman and think about asking about her hair (where she gets it done, etc), I hesitate the closer I get to her. What makes me hesitate is a chewed up wig leaning to the side, an install that looks like it was done with barbed-wire and hay, or even braids that look like burnt snakes hanging off 5 inches worth of new growth.
With that said, does anyone know of a reputable stylist/salon I can check out for a sew in as I'm currently transitioning? I've tried searching online to no avail.
Please help!!!:sad:
I have no advice but I am sincerely interested in what you find out. I am currently in China but will be in France next year for a year and I heard that "products" are limited. My sorority sisters who where in Lyon and stayed for a couple of weeks said most of the Black women there are Africans and generally all you can get in terms of hairstyling are braids. Although, she said there were one or two African girls who were getting good at installs.

Hey, I feel for you! I have no definitive answer but I was in Lyon this summer visiting friends (they're white though, and likely no help in this situation) and I really liked it.

Would you be able to get to Paris to get your hair done? I came across this blog post with Paris salons for Black hair:

Good luck! I totally envy you, living in France, btw. :look: Slightly off topic, how did you end up living there?
Thanks for your responses and the link! I actually came across that blog earlier in the year and thought I bookmarked it but didn't. So, thank you. I'll keep you all posted. I'm not exaggerating when I say every head of hair looks awful...*sigh*

OT: DH's job relocated us!
I studied in Paris more than 10 years ago! My suggestion would be to go there and to go to the African or Arab section to get your hair done. I actually went to the African section and they said it was better for my hair type so go to the Arabs. I was like "Hmmm," but the Arab ladies did a great job. If you can't get to Paris, try an Arab salon if Lyon has a high Arab population.
If you can't a good weavologist :) , perhaps you can consider cornrowing your hair and rocking wigs. You can rock the same wig for weeks or months at a time, just like you would a weave. AND your hair will still be protected while it's growing underneath.
What makes me hesitate is a chewed up wig leaning to the side, an install that looks like it was done with barbed-wire and hay, or even braids that look like burnt snakes hanging off 5 inches worth of new growth.
Please help!!!:sad:

LMAO!!!:lachen: I literally chocked when i read this :lachen:Sorry, can't help you though. If you can't get a good weave, how about trying braids, but bring in lots and lots of pictures as well as buy the hair you want online and any tools you'll need. rattail comb, moisturizer, etc.
I have no recommendations but wow!!! DH and I were in Paris in 2004 and the weaves were so bad that even he commented (and he knew next to nothing about hair back then). I can completely picture what you are seeing. I came back home and told my stylist at the time to move over there since she'd make a killing doing sew in weaves.

I would have expected a few stylists to have moved over there by now to step up the weave game.

The hair scene out here is frightening. Anytime I spot a black woman and think about asking about her hair (where she gets it done, etc), I hesitate the closer I get to her. What makes me hesitate is a chewed up wig leaning to the side, an install that looks like it was done with barbed-wire and hay, or even braids that look like burnt snakes hanging off 5 inches worth of new growth.
With that said, does anyone know of a reputable stylist/salon I can check out for a sew in as I'm currently transitioning? I've tried searching online to no avail.
Please help!!!:sad:

everybody has given good advice. i think i would go with wigs with your hair cornrowed underneath. it would be great if you could get someone to ship you products. check to see if ships to france as well. i wish you the best of luck, how long will you and your hubby be living there?
Thank you guys so much for your responses!!
I'm thinking about taking a trip to paris to check out one of the salons listed in the link above. this is nuts! Braids crossed my mind but my hairline is soooo fragile. Gentle cornrows and wigs will probably be my last resort *strokes chin while thinking* Time to start wig shopping!
I've ordered from Anita Grant and Qhemet last month. They're mainly for my daughter but of course, I have to dip as well. We'll be out here for 1 year.
a chewed up wig leaning to the side, an install that looks like it was done with barbed-wire and hay, or even braids that look like burnt snakes hanging off 5 inches worth of new growth.

I'm sorry but ^^^^^^ right thurr made me :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Sounds scary OP, sorry I know your concern/request is a real one, but that description is too funny!
Good luck girl.

Totally off topic: Send some pictures our way. We like to live vicariously through others on here! :)
LOL!!!! That's terrible! Funny descriptions though.

But I defo agree with one of the comments, cornrow your own hair and rock a wig or half wig.

I think self reliance and doing your own hair in this sort of situation when you're not sure if anyone could do it for you, is vital! Good luck, practice makes perfect.