Need help!!... I want to streak my hair again


Active Member
So Im 7 weeks post, and I really dont look like I need a realxer. But for my bday I want to touch up my streaks, and do a little more streaks to my head. I know your supposed to relax at least 2 weeks before you streak your hair. What should I do????... Should I tell my hair stylist to relax my hair two weeks before, even though there might not be too much new growth? what do you think???:drunk::drunk::drunk:
you are supposed to relax a color not color a relaxer if i'm not mistaken....wait longer to relax and then color your hair.

bumping for confirmation of the advice i just gave...................................
I totally agree with you. But I wanna know if a get a relaxer 10 wks post even if the new growth is at a minimum should I do it??? So I can get the coloring for my bday ?
A word of caution for those who rush relaxing/coloring too soon. You can over process your hair by doing so. Patience can save your strands. Just a kind warning.:wave: