Need help for Fine and Soft Hair


Well-Known Member
Calling all Fine and soft Hair heads... I need motivation

My hair is extremely fine and soft ( it feels like baby hair, it doesnt hold a style more then 1 day) .
I need help, I've been on here for 4 plus year, first natural then relaxed, then back to natural... anyway.. My hair is stuck between shoulder and armpit...

I keep my hair in tree braids redoing them every 5 weeks
I use heat ( tension method) to straighten my hair before tree braids
I use hard protein after take out braids
I use henna for the first time 6 weeks ago

and nothing is helping... I feel that my hair is too fine and soft therefore I cant retain length..
Cassia :grin:

Henna didnt do a thing for me either, but cassia took the cake

I just straightened my hair last night and my strands are definately thicker and strong
OP, why do you straighten your hair before tree braids? I have fine hair but it's only soft when well moisturized. I have never straightened my hair before braiding. I am just wondering if heat mightn't be thwarting your progress. There are people who can take heat frequently, but maybe it hurts your fine, soft hair. I know a lot of people who say progress when they gave up heat. If you airdried in plaits, I believe your hair would be stretched enough to be easy to braid. I also have never used the tension method when I straighten my hair. I don't see why you need to because you aren't straightening your hair to wear it out, so no need to use it to get your hair super straight. But really give it up altogether except for when you want to wear your hair out straight.

Maybe Cassia will help you. I haven't used it but Amoreofcurls' hair looks nice so she obviously knows what she's talking about.
I wash in 8-10 plaits and air dry and that does not do the trick when it comes to straightening my 4b/ Cnapp hair ..... I have been doing the tension method for 4 months and stuck at the same length for 1 1/2 year

I will try Cassia because henna just made my hair rough and I don't like the red color
I also have fine hair. I saw my length improve greatly pre LHCF when I stopped using direct heat. I think regular direct heat is too harsh for fine hair. Could you stretch your hair instead with airdried braids?

Do you ever see broken hairs? When? This is a good indicator of an issue. For example, if you see breakage when you comb, you may need to adjust your combing method.

I don't know much about tree braiding...hopefully those with fine hair who have experience with long term PS like this will chime in.
What are you moisturizing you hair with while in the braids? What are you using besides these products?
I wash in 8-10 plaits and air dry and that does not do the trick when it comes to straightening my 4b/ Cnapp hair ..... I have been doing the tension method for 4 months and stuck at the same length for 1 1/2 year

I will try Cassia because henna just made my hair rough and I don't like the red color

You're missing my point Nubiangoddess3: hair does not need to be straight if you're just going to braid it. I understand if you want it straight to wear it out; do tension if that's what works. But you do not need to straighten your hair to braid it. That's what I mean. That heat might be what's leading to breakage and hence non-retention.
@ kittymeow I dont comb my hair expect for detangling out of the shower with conditioner in my hair I dont see broken hair when I take my braids out I see white bulbs on the ends. and I dont know any other way to stretch my hair beside air braids and tension method

@ Nayna
while in braids I mosturzie with Aussia hair insurance leave in every other day, add Castor oil twice a week to my scalp

Out of braids I prepoo with coconut oil, wash with Jason sea kelp shampoo, protein treat with Aphogee 2 step, deep condition with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose or White camellia or oyin honey hemp

air dry in braids, then strighten, spary heat protectant Fantasia IC finsh by mosturzing with qhemet burdock root butter
I also have fine hair. I have had great success with JBCO. I use it consistently on my hair and can attest to the thickening I have had over the last 6 mos.

But the best thing I can recommend is PATIENCE. Which ever product you decide to use, be sure to give it a reasonable tryout as there are no quick fixes. I read someone said it took 22 months for them to see a difference in the thickness of their hair. That's dedication for you.
