need hair advice please


New Member
Yesterday, my daughter started sswimming lessons. After washing and conditioning her hair last night, I noticed that it was VERY dry and brittle. Her hair is I guess some 3 and 4a/b. I put a gang of moisture products in her hair some pink stuff, s-curl, olive oil creme, and only Jesus knows what else. I was in a state of desperation. Yes, I'm sure I went over kill but her hair has never felt like that before (straight brillo).

Anywho, she has two weeks of lessons left, what products should I use to prevent sun and chlorine damage before and after her getting the water. Also, I was thinking it was more due to the sun than the water since her head was never really submerged.
Does she have a swimming cap? Although they are not fool proof protecting the hair they do provide some protection. Whenever I go swimming, I just put conditioner (that is supposed to be rinsed out) in my hair, I make sure to get it all covered with conditioner and I never have a problem with my hair afterwards.
cincybrownsugar said:
Does she have a swimming cap? Although they are not fool proof protecting the hair they do provide some protection. Whenever I go swimming, I just put conditioner (that is supposed to be rinsed out) in my hair, I make sure to get it all covered with conditioner and I never have a problem with my hair afterwards.

I was gonna tell you to do the same thing. It worked wonders for me while on the beach in the sea salt water.
Try using a clarifying shampoo first to strip out all the chlorine then going through your normal shampoo/conditioner routine might help.
Ion makes a swimmers shampoo and conditioner and suave used to make a sun and sport shampoo and conditoner years ago but I dont know if they still have it. If her hair is exposed you may want to try a leave in or suntan lotion even.
Get a swim cap. You can find lots of cute ones that she might like. Also Comb in a creme conditioner like a cholesterol before she goes swimming, you won't have to use much that way it helps close the cuticle to outside chemicals and gives her a nice prepoo treatment during her lessons;)
I've learned to wet my daughter's hair first and then a wash out conditioner is applied. It makes sense that if her hair is saturated with water when she enters the pool her hair won't be able to soak up nearly as much chlorine.

Do a search here using keyword swimming or swim you'll find a ton of great info!:grin:
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alexstin said:
I've learned to wet my daughter's hair first and then a wash out conditioner is applied. It makes sense that if her hair is saturated with water when she enters the pool her hair won't be able to soak up nearly as much chorine.

Do a search here using keyword swimming or swim you'll find a ton of great info!:grin:

I agree with everything she said. I had to get advice for my hair during the summer as well, because I swim very often. Wet her hair, put conditioner in it, put on a swim cap, and shampoo with a clarifying shampoo.