Need Encouragement


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,
I have a situation at my job that's really got me twisted! It started like this: I've been at my job 10 yrs now so last yr I went to my new boss n asked for a promotion stating how long I've been there and how I contribute to the company yada yada u know the whole pitch. The annual budget was done already and I really just wanted the title so I could put it on my resume and leave. So to combat the famous saying " oh it's not in the budget" I even offered to work the position without a raise increase for that yr. They dragged their feet for a yr to get back to me with a answer with my COO saying to me every other month " oh I didn't forget". Then earlier this year they call me in her office to say oh we discussed it n we decided we need to restructure your dept. And it's just not in the budget so at this time we can't give you the promotion. Yet in the same sentence tells me but it's been in the works for some time now so we are promoting Rachel to manager! The new white girl who had been there for maybe 2 years in another dept. This was about Jan. so of course I was very upset. I prayed, fasted ask God to help me with my bitterness n hurt feelings. And of course I started looking off n on for a new job. Now fast forward to today. In the staff meeting she my boss announces that they are promoting the other new white girl whose been there just 1 yr to manager! U know I'm heated! Trying not to be angry n act outside of the charter of a Christian. Yet the flesh is real. I really feel this is a racist matter because im saying it can't be my work or else I wouldn't have lasted 10 yrs. n continue to get good reviews n raises every yr. I just did a shut in last week n layed this very issue before God. I keep telling myself "okay God this must mean you have better for me" but I'm so angry n hurt right now. I really want to comfort her n say exactly what I feel that this is racist n there's no excuse for it! But I'm trying my best to stand on his word that I should stand still and let God show himself mighty. Y'all please pray for me cause I do need my job. But what they did n doing just not right. Mind you my boss says she is a minster in her church. I can't ! A hot hot stinking mess! Please advise should I feel that this is racist ? I definetly don't want to walk around bitter and angry all day. I'm not upset with my co workers cause they want what we all want. So I ain't mad at u for getting yours.

I am so sorry that you are going through all this. I know that it seems very unfair (and it very well could be) but nothing just happens!

You said your prayed and fasted for God to deal with your feelings but maybe you should pray for wisdom on what to do. Proverbs 4:1-27. "Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you." (v.6) The ability to discern [the best choice] will determine the direction one's life will take.

God might want a career change for you. He might have something greater in store with you at that company. Only he knows. We should come to him humbly and ask him to show him HIS vision for our lives. (I'm actually fasting on this right now)

We have to listen to him. Cast our the voice of the flesh, of the devil , and of the world. Seek and find him. THANK HIM that you do have a job and that during this although you have not gotten a promotion you have also not taken a pay cut.

Today at bible study my pastor said "Christianity has its coronation in victorious suffering and patient submission to the will of God. Will you surrender to God's transforming work?" (Romans 112:2) I am not saying that this is God. I'm just suggesting you as HIM what is going on. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" Don't finch in your faith. Remember that God owns TIME! He knows the date, the day, hour and the precise minute when the agony will end. Sometimes God ask us to go to the very end of our limits, He asks us to sacrifice all we have in order to gain a much greater blessing!

I don't minster often (actually ever) but I saw no one else had responded so I thought I would take a try at it. Maybe more seasoned saints can help you more than I but until then I encourage you to meditate on the word of God. Proverbs 4, Psalm 46:10 and Luke 12:22-34!

some of my favorite videos: (PART 1) (Part 2) (LONG BUT VERY GOOD)

I really hope this helps and I am praying for you!
Try not to let your flesh (feelings) rule on this.... I'm glad you laid it at God's feet. I do see racism or preferential treatment at your job and I pray against any plans the enemy has to keep you in bondage to your emotions. Trick of the enemy to get us caught up in our emotions to either not hear God or do something He doesn't want us to do.
I encourage you to TRUST GOD on this.... you may not even need to be there and God may be making a way for you elsewhere. I don't know, but I do know God ALWAYS takes care of His Children. I've always regarded the Father as my employer, not the companies I happen to work for. HE is the boss... :lol:
I just did a shut in last week n layed this very issue before God.

Praying for you... because I do see it as a spiritual issue as well...there are ways to identify and defeat racism. Here's a good link:

Defeating Racism 101: Refuse to operate in its ways
by Living Word Fellowship on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 5:51am ·
Once you decide that it is a spiritual issue, and that God is never a proponent of hating or abusing other children of God, then you can hold yourself accountable to the principles of "loving your neighbor". This is a simple thing but I find many people either forget or refuse to reject these behaviors. You must make a conscious effort to NOT be racist or prejudiced or judgemental toward people who do not look, act, or talk like you. This is a universal challenge.
One of the ways we become deceived is that we think racism is some special class of hatred, which is somehow justified either because 1) they are not like me or 2) they mistreated me. Neither of these excuses will work with God. Somehow everyone wants to be a victim when it comes to addressing racism. Its as if we are happy and content being divided from one another. We take care of our own and as long as no one crosses the imaginary barrier we are fine...the fulfillment of "COEXIST" is very real in the area of racism in America.
Now, both sides need to see that ALL of us have been wounded in one way or the other. This is not a victimless crime EVER! What used to be open warfare is now apathy if we are not careful, and that simply allows misconception to seethe beneath the surface. Things have certainly improved and we are ALL to blame as well, but is also time to demonstrate God's power to reconcile in our nation.
That is where we must each personally decide to REFUSE to be "that guy" or "that gal"...the people we know who still harbor racist thoughts or attitudes, and do so quietly are now the target of our work. If that is you (and for most of us it is at some level), it is time to repent and purify our hearts. Don't do it based upon what you think about yourself, but what God says to you about it. Offer up a simple pray to God and ask "if there is anything impure in my heart or on my tongue with regard to my brothers and sisters, please purify me!" Now I have NEVER prayed that prayer and not had something happen to me...God knows there are thoughts I have and opportunities to hate that still come up in me today. Whether it is me or someone else inspiring it, they come up pretty regularly, and I must REFUSE to partake in it. The gospel is at its core about taking personal responsibility and removing the plank from my own eye FIRST!!!
Now we are ready to take the high road, we are ready to be the peacemakers and the reconcilers, because we are ready to say to God, "send me". We are ready to be held accountable for being active participants in the plan of God to unify the family of God. No longer willing to be pew-sitters, and bench warmers, we are not a force for good!!
Here are some practical ways that I refuse to be a racist or operate in the ways of hatred;
1) If I am abused I REFUSE to return evil for evil, I will not mistreat even when I am mistreated
2) I REFUSE to allow my thoughts or my tongue to disparage other groups of people
3) I REFUSE to participate in hateful attacks on other people because of who they are
4) I REFUSE to sit still when I see others being harassed or taunted for who they are
5) I pray that God would use me to REFUSE to participate in hateful mobs, I choose my friends wisely
6) I REFUSE to let your hatred or disdain for me, change my actions because I am accountable to God
7) I REFUSE to let fear twist my mind into thinking everything is about race, I learn to believe the best
I think if we become more purposeful about NOT being "that guy" then we can reign our own hearts in. That is the victory we can share when we can show other people by demonstration how this is done!!!!
smwrigh3 said:

I am so sorry that you are going through all this. I know that it seems very unfair (and it very well could be) but nothing just happens!

You said your prayed and fasted for God to deal with your feelings but maybe you should pray for wisdom on what to do. Proverbs 4:1-27. "Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you." (v.6) The ability to discern [the best choice] will determine the direction one's life will take.

God might want a career change for you. He might have something greater in store with you at that company. Only he knows. We should come to him humbly and ask him to show him HIS vision for our lives. (I'm actually fasting on this right now)

We have to listen to him. Cast our the voice of the flesh, of the devil , and of the world. Seek and find him. THANK HIM that you do have a job and that during this although you have not gotten a promotion you have also not taken a pay cut.

Today at bible study my pastor said "Christianity has its coronation in victorious suffering and patient submission to the will of God. Will you surrender to God's transforming work?" (Romans 112:2) I am not saying that this is God. I'm just suggesting you as HIM what is going on. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" Don't finch in your faith. Remember that God owns TIME! He knows the date, the day, hour and the precise minute when the agony will end. Sometimes God ask us to go to the very end of our limits, He asks us to sacrifice all we have in order to gain a much greater blessing!

I don't minster often (actually ever) but I saw no one else had responded so I thought I would take a try at it. Maybe more seasoned saints can help you more than I but until then I encourage you to meditate on the word of God. Proverbs 4, Psalm 46:10 and Luke 12:22-34!

some of my favorite videos: (PART 1) (Part 2) (LONG BUT VERY GOOD)

I really hope this helps and I am praying for you!

Thank soooo much! You really have helped me. And your words of wisdom are right on point with all that I've been praying about and is really confirmation to the answers I've been receiving n running from some what. I thank you for allowing The Holy Spirit to minister thru you. I also thank for just taking the time our to respond. May the blessings of the Lord follow you always

PS I'm ck out the videos today while at work on lunch.
Laela said:
Try not to let your flesh (feelings) rule on this.... I'm glad you laid it at God's feet. I do see racism or preferential treatment at your job and I pray against any plans the enemy has to keep you in bondage to your emotions. Trick of the enemy to get us caught up in our emotions to either not hear God or do something He doesn't want us to do.
I encourage you to TRUST GOD on this.... you may not even need to be there and God may be making a way for you elsewhere. I don't know, but I do know God ALWAYS takes care of His Children. I've always regarded the Father as my employer, not the companies I happen to work for. HE is the boss... :lol:

Praying for you... because I do see it as a spiritual issue as well...there are ways to identify and defeat racism. Here's a good link:

Defeating Racism 101: Refuse to operate in its ways
by Living Word Fellowship on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 5:51am ·
Once you decide that it is a spiritual issue, and that God is never a proponent of hating or abusing other children of God, then you can hold yourself accountable to the principles of "loving your neighbor". This is a simple thing but I find many people either forget or refuse to reject these behaviors. You must make a conscious effort to NOT be racist or prejudiced or judgemental toward people who do not look, act, or talk like you. This is a universal challenge.
One of the ways we become deceived is that we think racism is some special class of hatred, which is somehow justified either because 1) they are not like me or 2) they mistreated me. Neither of these excuses will work with God. Somehow everyone wants to be a victim when it comes to addressing racism. Its as if we are happy and content being divided from one another. We take care of our own and as long as no one crosses the imaginary barrier we are fine...the fulfillment of "COEXIST" is very real in the area of racism in America.
Now, both sides need to see that ALL of us have been wounded in one way or the other. This is not a victimless crime EVER! What used to be open warfare is now apathy if we are not careful, and that simply allows misconception to seethe beneath the surface. Things have certainly improved and we are ALL to blame as well, but is also time to demonstrate God's power to reconcile in our nation.
That is where we must each personally decide to REFUSE to be "that guy" or "that gal"...the people we know who still harbor racist thoughts or attitudes, and do so quietly are now the target of our work. If that is you (and for most of us it is at some level), it is time to repent and purify our hearts. Don't do it based upon what you think about yourself, but what God says to you about it. Offer up a simple pray to God and ask "if there is anything impure in my heart or on my tongue with regard to my brothers and sisters, please purify me!" Now I have NEVER prayed that prayer and not had something happen to me...God knows there are thoughts I have and opportunities to hate that still come up in me today. Whether it is me or someone else inspiring it, they come up pretty regularly, and I must REFUSE to partake in it. The gospel is at its core about taking personal responsibility and removing the plank from my own eye FIRST!!!
Now we are ready to take the high road, we are ready to be the peacemakers and the reconcilers, because we are ready to say to God, "send me". We are ready to be held accountable for being active participants in the plan of God to unify the family of God. No longer willing to be pew-sitters, and bench warmers, we are not a force for good!!
Here are some practical ways that I refuse to be a racist or operate in the ways of hatred;
1) If I am abused I REFUSE to return evil for evil, I will not mistreat even when I am mistreated
2) I REFUSE to allow my thoughts or my tongue to disparage other groups of people
3) I REFUSE to participate in hateful attacks on other people because of who they are
4) I REFUSE to sit still when I see others being harassed or taunted for who they are
5) I pray that God would use me to REFUSE to participate in hateful mobs, I choose my friends wisely
6) I REFUSE to let your hatred or disdain for me, change my actions because I am accountable to God
7) I REFUSE to let fear twist my mind into thinking everything is about race, I learn to believe the best
I think if we become more purposeful about NOT being "that guy" then we can reign our own hearts in. That is the victory we can share when we can show other people by demonstration how this is done!!!!

Thank you for your encouraging words. God Bless.