Need Cowash Help (Please!)


Instagram: adaybyjay
Okay so there are times when I just want to quickly clean my hair b/c I don't have time to detangle, poo, DC, etc. I'm relaxed and tangle a lot. What's a good cowash technique that is simple, not time consuming and combats tangles?
LOL co washing can't be hard it super simple, fast and easy.
Step 1- Get in shower
Step 2- Put lots of conditioner on hair
Step 3- Detangle with fingers or wide tooth comb
Step 4- Rinse some or all of conditioner out.
You know for a second there I doubted myself and thought that sounds too easy, maybe I have been doing it wrong all these years. LOL but nope it really is simple :)
yup that's pretty much it girl. I suggest you use your fingers

You know for a second there I doubted myself and thought that sounds too easy, maybe I have been doing it wrong all these years. LOL but nope it really is simple :)

(((hugs))) thanks ladies. I've CW before but my hair got all tangled and what not BUT I didn't detangle in the shower. I detangled when I got out the shower so perhaps the shower detangling was the much needed step I missed.

Do you all pretty much bun thereafter or style in another way?
Have you tried a detangling conditioner? I use the sally's gvp - paul mitchell detangler.
No, I haven't. I have all sorts of conditioners but none for detangling. I'll try the gvp brand as I plan to swing by sally's tomorrow anyway. I've tried V05MM, Aussie Moist and tonight I was planning to try MNT Deep Moisturizing Conditoner.
I love some cheapy conditioners like tresseme and aussie with loads of cones when I co-wash. I wear a wash and go and part and detangle in the shower, then I drip dry. Try to use the pressure of the water to get the tangles out and use loads of the conditioner. Personally, I have a huge wide tooth shower comb and I just grab a section and work my way from tip to root. Buy the cheap stuff so you can use the whole bottle if you want! You can also prepoo with oil even if its just for a few minutes under a showercap while you do your other shower stuff if the tangles need the extra umpfff.
(((hugs))) thanks ladies. I've CW before but my hair got all tangled and what not BUT I didn't detangle in the shower. I detangled when I got out the shower so perhaps the shower detangling was the much needed step I missed.

Do you all pretty much bun thereafter or style in another way?
i do not detangle each and every time i cowash, but this is because i cowash every day or two, and that would be a lot of manipulation. if you do feel the need to detangle, do it in the shower, most definitely.

i noticed that you said your hair tangles easily....have you ever tried oil rinsing? they make my hair soooo easy to finger comb, even after DAYS of not detangling. then there's the shine....OMG! i rarely lose a strand if i oil rinse first, which is amazing for my fine hair. if not, here are the steps:
*rinse hair
*add oils, let sit for however long you please (i have done 5 minutes, i have done 45 minutes)
*rinse with HOT water
*cowash to absorb excess oil
*detangle HERE, with conditioner still in your hair
*rinse with cool water to seal cuticle

any style you normally do after washing and DCing can be done on freshly cowashed hair. i have been wet bunning lately, but this is only because i am in the summer wet bun challenge. (i do this on damp hair, soaking up most of the water with a t-shirt.) you can airdry and style as usual -- WNGs, braids for a braidout, twists for a twistout, etc -- or you can rollerset, blowdry, etc.
I love some cheapy conditioners like tresseme and aussie with loads of cones when I co-wash. I wear a wash and go and part and detangle in the shower, then I drip dry. Try to use the pressure of the water to get the tangles out and use loads of the conditioner. Personally, I have a huge wide tooth shower comb and I just grab a section and work my way from tip to root. Buy the cheap stuff so you can use the whole bottle if you want! You can also prepoo with oil even if its just for a few minutes under a showercap while you do your other shower stuff if the tangles need the extra umpfff.
after another failed CW session :perplexed, guess i'll stick with my tried and true routine. apply evoo to dry hair, finger detangle, wash in sections to keep hair detangled, Roux PC, tshirt dry, apply leave-ins/seal.

i rarely lose a strand if i oil rinse first, which is amazing for my fine hair.
apparently i didn't something wrong with oil rinsing as i lost about a quarter size hair ball's worth of hair. i think some was breakage and some shedding. these hairs was lost while trying to detangling in the shower. when i got out of the shower, all the hair lost was 100% shedding.