Need Clarification please!


New Member
So I have read all of the rave reviews :D over receiving a "dominican blow out" at a salon and have not been able to find any dominican salons here in Tampa.

Anyway my family and I will be making a trip to New York City this summer and I really want to check out a DS while on vacation.

I was talking with my mother in law and she said it's not called a "blow out" it's called a doobie. Now I'm wondering are they the same thing? And if not what is the difference? She then asked if I was going to have them leave it pinned up and she suggested that I did that to make it last longer. :confused:
MsKendra, I understand your confusion. I'm from NY and I'd never heard the term "blow out" until I joined this board. There was a thread a while back that defined the terms, but I'll try to explain it in case you can't find it by doing a search.

A doobie is a roller wrap. After the rollers are removed and the hair is wrapped, large bobby pins are used to hold the hair in place. Some people leave the salon with the pins in and remove them later. (To me this is tantamount to walking around in public with rollers in your hair but hey, different strokes:look: ). A doobie may or may not include blow drying after the rollers are removed although in most cases I think they forgo it as the wrap will get the hair pretty straight.

A blow out involves getting your hair blow dried after its been wet set on rollers. The blowdrying relaxes the curl and results in a sleek, rather than curly, effect. A lot of the ladies here get just the roots blown, which means that the whole length of the hair isn't blow dried. This results in smooth roots and curly hair. Depending on the look you're going for, a blow out may be maintained by wrapping.

Personally, I've never seen them blow just the roots in NY - women go for the full blow out or they just get it wrapped after the rollers. I didn't have just my roots blown until I went to a dominican salo in MD.

luvSLave said:
Personally, I've never seen them blow just the roots in NY - women go for the full blow out or they just get it wrapped after the rollers. I didn't have just my roots blown until I went to a dominican salo in MD.


When I get a relaxer I get my roots blown out...(exactly what I did in my avatar picture) and I go to ds in is very popular there to get this style.

usually I just let them take out the rollers and put in a doobie(wrapped around the head and secured with pins). At mirror image in NY they blow dry the roots on clients all the time. It looks really cute b/c they leave the curl on the end and it looks like very loose curls (like in my pic). I NEVER get my entire hair blowdried staight...too much heat.

If you will be going somewhere after getting your hair done you may want to get roots blown so you can leave with a style.
lkg4healthyhair said:
When I get a relaxer I get my roots blown out...(exactly what I did in my avatar picture) and I go to ds in is very popular there to get this style.

usually I just let them take out the rollers and put in a doobie(wrapped around the head and secured with pins). At mirror image in NY they blow dry the roots on clients all the time. It looks really cute b/c they leave the curl on the end and it looks like very loose curls (like in my pic). I NEVER get my entire hair blowdried staight...too much heat.

If you will be going somewhere after getting your hair done you may want to get roots blown so you can leave with a style.
My hair has grown so much since I stopped going to Mirror Image and other DS. Mirror Image is one of the best DS I have been to in manhattan but those blowouts and the round brush thinned my hair out something fierce. A word of caution about DS -- they can tear out your hair because of the way that they comb. Gently combing with bone combs and using less heat on my hair have helped a lot.
TY luvSLave!!

you really helped me and I guess its just a matter of what look you are trying to achieve.

Were you satisfied with your blowout?

thanks for your insight..I wouldn't make the blow outs a regular thing..just wanted to try it since I will be in NY and all. I live in Tampa and do not know of any dominican hair salons here.
MsKendra said:
Were you satisfied with your blowout?
I like wearing my hair curly so for me having the roots blown is perfect:love: . I agree with tryn about the heat so I get it done sparingly. I have to be at least 6 weeks post relaxer and have somewhere special to go or REALLY want to wear my hair down. I don't think it'll hurt to have it done once though, especially with lkg's salon reccommendation. Hope you enjoy it!
luvSLave said:
I like wearing my hair curly so for me having the roots blown is perfect:love: . I agree with tryn about the heat so I get it done sparingly. I have to be at least 6 weeks post relaxer and have somewhere special to go or REALLY want to wear my hair down. I don't think it'll hurt to have it done once though, especially with lkg's salon reccommendation. Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for all your help!!
MsKendra, blow outs are great. I wish I could achieve the same bounce at home but I can't. My family moved to Tampa and I found a salon for my mom. Unfortunately, I lost the name but if you do a search in the salon/vendors board you should be able to find it (unless it was lost when we moved to the new board structure some months back). Try it just once.

You won't regret it. I don't go more than once every few months as the heat is really extreme and while I love the results I can't afford to have that much heat on my head in one sitting.