Need Bun Advice ASAP!


New Member
I have baby fine hair, and I want to start wearing my hair up since it is getting colder. I have used the foam hair accessory in the past which works just fine, and it makes my hair look fuller, but I don't want to wear my hair like that everyday. I was thinking about buying a small "phonytail" and pinning it up--just for a different look. Would this work? If so, any advice on how to do this? What type of phonytail should I buy?
Oh, and for those that use the foam accessory, how do you keep your ends moisturized?
I'm with Queen! We baby fine-ers need more bun options. A skinny bun just wont do!
And how do you keep your ends from getting frizzy? Wont that cause split ends?
i've just started wetting my ends at night and applying Lustrasilks Aloe Vera conditioner to just the frizzy ends and putting Wonder 8 Oil on after rinsing and twisting it into a lil bun and putting on my scrunchie. Hope it'll work. HELP!!!
I am going to wash my hair at the Dominicans today so last night i did a conditioner wash with Lustrasilk Creme Cond, I did a protein treatment with Aubrey's GPB, then did a last wash with LUST. My hair was detangled well and then I added some Rosemary oil, Hot 6 oil and a little Lust as leave in and put up in a bun. these oil gives it the ultimate sheen and keeps ur hair moisturized. Then I braid the ends and wrap it around like a bun. That's how i'm wearing it right now until i get my hair done later.
Ahh - the ever awful anorexic bun....

I used to complain about this non-stop. B5 helped as a longer term solution, but I have used the phonytail and fashioned it into a bun for a very sleek and spohisticated look. I like it a alot. Just make sure there isn't too much hair. I refer more to volume than to length when I say that. Get one of the shorter ones and try to see if you can get one that has not so MUCH hair...It can be HEAVY too - so if you are finding that give it a rest for a day.

I find if your hair is long enough fine haireds look nice just throwing our hair up there into a loose, casual updo. Usually when the hair isn't as confined it looks fuller by just allowing the natural volume a lot of us have shine through. So - take your hair and twirl it into a very loose traditional bun but secure it loosely - so it kinda begins to "fall out" a little - not the ends but the base....(I hope that makes sense) - it kinda looks like you were home and you just threw your hair up and dashed out - a natural uncontrived sort of beauty. I wasn't able to do this AND tuck the ends in tho until my hair got to a certain length.

If you do wet buns - the ONLY thing I have noticed helping me (cuz when it's wet it looks even MORE puny - don't you find?) is BIG scrunchies. You know the ones you see in the store and go "why????" - those are for us darlings....


They make the whole contraption at the back look more full. They work well for going around the phonytail too - which tends to have a rather large base - particularly when you turn it into a bun.

I hope this helps my fine haired girlies...
I have pretty thick hair and I have recently started using a phony pony to keep my hair out of the air. I got a short synthetic one to start experimenting. You probably need to have them reduce the volume and start of with a short length,(10 inches i think). I use the baggie method underneath with oil instead of activator. ALSO, try a cutoff pantyhose instead of elastic. That is truly the first no-snag holder that I have met.
Some coated bobby pins and your good to grow!
You are too funny!
I will give your suggestions a try. I hate puny looking buns!
I think I will head over to the supply store and look at a few phonytails. I wonder if I can find a "skinny" one, instead of one that is very full. Also, I may have an problem with matching one up to my hair since I have chunky, golden highlights. Is there one particular brand of hair that is good to use?
Checkout Adrienne's web page. She created a step-by-step on how to do a bun and how to attach a drawstring. This is the method I follow.

Tracy said:
Ahh - the ever awful anorexic bun....

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I love any thread that let's us fine haired ladies rant. I can completely relate. I'm trying to do the bun thing more often w/o having it look awful. I made a bun 'form' last night out of an orphan trouser sock. I made it small enough so that when I make my bun, it doesn't have that unnatural big biscuit look going. Sometimes I do a loose messy bun from a fallen roller set and that looks great too.

Last winter I was lazy about my bun and wore my hair gelled back and a little tight ball. I'll admit it was ugly. One day I wore my hair down to work, and my project manager said "wow, your hair grew!" which, he hadn't known me long enough to say that. Then he proceeded to say "usually its all glued to your head, off your neck"
I didn't make a huge stink about it but I was completely offended. But it made me realize that I should try a little harder to look nice, at least sometimes...

edited to add: I keep my ends moisturized with a tiny dab of melted shea butter.
Hey Kaela! I'm glad to hear I'm not the ONLY one with fine hair issues.

I wonder if we could use those phony hair attachments that looks like hair already shaped in a bun? Do you remember those? I guess they still sell them, I will look for them when I head over to the supply store later.
Anyone know the hair "attachments" I'm talking about? Anyone use these???
QOM, (by the way - ur very sweet and I don't like typing your username
I feel like I'm insulting you!

I know the ones you're talking about. Those look nice too. They just ALL look the same so there's no chance on passing it off as possibly being you.

Anyone that sees one of those braided buns knows she's an addition....
They're very - like LV bags you know? You see the things EVERYWHERE!
If you don't mind tho - I don't either.
Last winter I was lazy about my bun and wore my hair gelled back and a little tight ball. I'll admit it was ugly. One day I wore my hair down to work, and my project manager said "wow, your hair grew!" which, he hadn't known me long enough to say that. Then he proceeded to say "usually its all glued to your head, off your neck"
I didn't make a huge stink about it but I was completely offended. But it made me realize that I should try a little harder to look nice, at least sometimes...

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See - you're a sweetheart. We woulda been THUMPIN'!
queenofmean68 said:

I wonder if we could use those phony hair attachments that looks like hair already shaped in a bun? Do you remember those?

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I tried (for about 2 minutes) to wear one of those. I got it from EspeciallyYours. It probably would have looked fine, but I just couldn't get over it, because it was bigger than anything my hair could have done on its own. I had also bought a phony pony but it was way bigger than I imagined. I ended up mailing them back to the store. I don't think I ever got a refund.....
I think its a good option, but I'm already hyper self conscious...I just feel like people would look at me and say "hey, whats that?"
I just feel like people would look at me and say "hey, whats that?"

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I FEEL you girl. They look beautiful on other people - I've seen women right here on this board on whom they look lovely. And I do wear them....

But I always end up feeling like I have a small puppy on my head and everyone can see it but me.
puppy or squirrel, choose your critter

...I agree, some women look so awesome in them because they can be flattering and realistic, I'm truly envious because it'd save me a lot of time trying to style. I think maybe my hair color is what gives it away because its impossible to match at this point

maybe the one I got was too cheap, who knows...
Tracy said:
I just feel like people would look at me and say "hey, whats that?"

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I FEEL you girl. They look beautiful on other people - I've seen women right here on this board on whom they look lovely. And I do wear them....

But I always end up feeling like I have a small puppy on my head and everyone can see it but me.

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I wonder if they custom make them anywhere so it looks exactly the way we want it to. Or maybe we can easily make our own real-looking phonytails and buns.

Girl, I'm not insulted with the initials! I went to the supply store today and you're right! THEY ALL LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME! And on top of that I couldn't find one to match my hair color. The little, old Korean lady (bless her heart) tried to get me to buy one and then buy gold hair spray just to make it match. NOT! I looked for a phonytail but dayumit! The gold was too gold and the brown didn't match my brown! .....sigh.....what's a woman to do? I just wasn't blessed with a head of thick hair! Which makes me ask the question----who has baby fine, bra-strap length hair???? (my hair goal!)


How come I never noticed this thread before! I finally figured out for myself that a big ole scrunchy is what I need to get a decent "quick" bun.

Tracy - where do you find your big scrunchies? I have one that I got at Claire's but I can't find any others.
Kaela said:
Last winter I was lazy about my bun and wore my hair gelled back and a little tight ball. I'll admit it was ugly. One day I wore my hair down to work, and my project manager said "wow, your hair grew!" which, he hadn't known me long enough to say that. Then he proceeded to say "usually its all glued to your head, off your neck" <img src="" alt="" /> I didn't make a huge stink about it but I was completely offended. But it made me realize that I should try a little harder to look nice, at least sometimes...


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Lol, this is too funny because Im probably that girl right now
. And I really dont care. Well, I try not to anyways
. I need to see this bun challenge thing work or not work. And I anticipated looking boring for one year, in hopes that I will have the length I want the next year
Tracy said:
Ahh - the ever awful anorexic bun....

If you do wet buns - the ONLY thing I have noticed helping me (cuz when it's wet it looks even MORE puny - don't you find?) is BIG scrunchies. You know the ones you see in the store and go "why????" - those are for us darlings....


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that's what I do now...those big satin scrunchies sho' do help make my anorexic bun look full!