
New Member
Guys i just got a touch up (just for me is what i use) last thurs after a two month stretch. it looked fine and i definelty saw growth and thickness. so today i pre pooed with real mayo and evoo for an hour. then i shampooed once with infusium and deep conditioned for an hour with hollywood beauty olive cholestorl, i airdried in a bun and its a lot softer than when i airdried with it hanging down. the only problem is the roots in some areas are curly. not tightly kinkly like when i'm in dire need of a perm, but loose curls like if i naturally have curly hair. i'm thinking about going over the roots with a curling iron but i don't have any heat protectants, some cremes, oils (which i read is a no-no), and some moisturizing mists. what to do girls?:confused:
It would seem that you can make sure you keep conditioning and then touch up in another few weeks.

Are you using something new that caused you hair to revert?
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no. nothing new at all which is why i was so shocked. i need help! its day 2 after the wash and its looking like i didn't even get a touch up. should i blow dry next time?
If the curly roots don't mess up your style, I wouldn't worry. Just wait until next touchup to go over them again. How are you wearing your hair?