Hello everyone...
one of my family members has been experiencing over processed hair... it is currently almost SL and I would say she is a 4a. she is ready to transition out of her relaxer but not BC until there is a substantial amount of virgin growth. She is a professional and she needs me to do hairstyles that would be good for work and are low maintenance. She is also over 50 so certain things that I do might be a bit too "young and flirty" for work...
I was thinking buns and roller wraps, but I need to know what some good products would be for maintaining that new growth. I was looking around at the old threads but I wanted some specific answers from other transitioning relaxed ladies. I usually use mousse for wet sets but I know that is drying and could cause breakage, so I was wondering what other things I could use.
i don't know about wet sets really, but for bunning i use garnier sleek and shine conditioner and unrefined shea butter. if i need a little extra light hold, i use 100% pure aloe vera gel
I agree.

Have you talked with her about co-washing? Also, elasta QP, kera care and creme of nature has a great detangling shampoo

What about detangling tools such as detangling sprays, wide toothed combs, Denman, etc?

Also, deep conditioning treatments (ORS, ADR, AOHSR, etc). This will be imperitive.

there are a lot of blogs such as that will help. I can say that has helped me as they have a whole forum dedicated to transitining and hair types. tell her to hang around the 4A board too.
what i've already done is bought some unrefined shea butter, some shea leave- in, I natural so I know what my angry thick hair needs, i don't know about having 2 textures though... i don't want her to break off too much just in case she reniggs and wants to get a perm after is grown past SL cuz I have a feeling it will grow pretty fast... she perms once a month right now and before the perms theres alot of new growth
Hello, I've just finished a 16 month transition. I probably could have went longer because I didn't have a problem with breakage, but I really couldn't take the two textures anymore.

I attribute the minimal breakage to almost daily cowashing and wet bunning in the beginning of my transition. I always deep conditioned and I still do at least once a week regardless of if I am in braids or any other style I may be in at the time. I have a few entries in my blog detailing things I did during my transtion (link in siggy). Aside from wet buns I pretty much kept my hair in braids and because my hair was so long I opted for lace braids (aka tree braids) which are really micro braids that give the appearance of a weave. I think this style is very corporate because unless they're really paying attention no one knows its braids. However one good tip for keeping your hair healthy while in braids is to always moisturize. If you feel your hair is a little on the dry side spritz it with some water trust me it works. Your hair will love you for it because it will continue to grow and it wont break off.

Then every few months I would do a protein treatment just to keep my hair strong and healthy. Or when I was cowashing daily I would alternate between a moisturizing and protein based conditioner. I hope this helps.
I did a 12 month transition. Bunning and bantu knots helped me a lot at the end, as did cowashing and DCing. Hawaiian Silky would be an excellent moisturizer, as well as AV gel for the edges.

So she is going from relaxing every 4 weeks to quitting cold turkey?
I have been transitioning for 2.5 years ( transition is coming to an end pretty soon I fear:ohwell:)

What was really easy for me in the beginning is co-washing and bunning. I loved my sleek buns! She can use conditioner as a leave-in or one of the many leave ins (Giovanni Direct Leave In is my favorite). I sealed with coconut oil. The coconut oil will lay the hair down, is not hard and will give a great shine. (It will also be very soft once it dries) After pulling the hair back, tie it down with a scarf so the NG will lay down nicely.

Tell her to make sure she is deep conditioning occasionally as well. To ease me through my transition, I would cut a few inches every few months (as a few inches grow, cut a few inches off - the hair continues to look the same length and is still easier to work with)

Hope that helps!
