Need advice for my lil sister...


My sister recently just got her touch up. Yesterday I saw her and she had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. I noticed that her hair is GONE around the top edges! You know how you can have that "V" at the top of your head? Well she has that, but nothing on the side of it. When I felt her edges, I can tell that hair was once there. She also said that she remeber her hair stinging in those places when she was getting the perm. I told her that was a big NO! and whenever her edges burnt it was time to wash it o-u-t! Please give me some advice so that I may be able to pass on to her and help her out. I mentioned Surge yesterday, but I told her to wait until today so that I can get some more info from you all. I hate to see her hair this way. It makes it look like a receding hairline! (She went to a lady that has being doing her hair for years) TIA!
Maybe she should try wearing bangs for a while until the her hair grows back. This will help with disguising the condition along with freeing her already weak edges from added tension and stress. Ponytails are not the way to go at this point. What did her hairdresser suggest? She should try ORS Fertilizing Temple Balm along with daily scalp massages. Also, be sure to tell her not to relax those areas during her next visit to the salon. They will take some time to fully recover and she doesn't want to hinder the process any longer. Good Luck . . .!
Maybe she should also see a derm too to check out the hair follicles in her hairline. I've been going to a derm because of my weak hairline mostly in the right side. I don't know why it was so thin because I never burn in that area. I took the corticosteroid shots for about 4 months and I was also put on a ointment. I havent relaxed my edges or nape for several months and its helping a lot.

I agree with Chellee, don't relax that area for a while. It may get a little bushy but at least you will give it a restand give it a chance to heal.
SherryLove said:
castor oil, vitamin e and surge 14...

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I agree. DigitalRain also gave a lot of good suggestions.
Did this just start happening or did you just notice from her wearing her hair in a ponytail?

I agree with DigitalRain. She should see a dermatologist.
Thank you all for the advice. Allandra- I don't know. I guess I just noticed it because she had her hair pulled back. However, I have seen her w/ a ponytail prior and I didn't remember noticing it before.
Please keep the suggestions coming! I plan to print this and give it to her. Maybe we can fiqure something out. Thanks again