Need a Solution...


Well-Known Member
Ive been without a relaxer since may since then ive been wearing individual braids right now perplexed on rather i want to go natural or rather im just trying to stretch out my relaxer and grow out my hair.. I just got my cornrows done on Saturday...they are okay...but i wldnt go back to the girl that did them...she started the cornrows off by braiding my own hair and its not like i have so much hair to do this...but i never saw anyone do cornrows like this before and then she would add the weave in...and then she was saying how she cldnt grasp onto my hair...but none the less they got done and looked okay...i thought i would at least be able to keep them in for 2 to 2 1/2 weeks...but they are already starting to look ragedy...i mean sometimes they look okay because im doing the Robin Woods method and Den1 modified method of doing the co washing with a stocking cap everyday and washing once a week...i planned to keep getting cornrows done with them being light weight and easy for me to not have to worry about sweating when im working out as tempted to get a relaxer and put in my hair to see if this would make my cornrows last the length of time for the 2 weeks..ladies please give me some suggestions on what i should do???
You do what you want to do, when you are ready :) I sounds as if you are toying w/ the idea of going natural. If you are, I would suggest to continue w/ your protective styles, making sure to keep you hair VERY moisturized! The line of demarcation(where natural meets perm) is very fragile,and will break off. At some point you will have to decide to perm, or cut off the perm, to keep from coming into serious issues. If you keep on the road you are on, when you take out the braids, you can see how to work w/ the 2 textures together. If it proves to be too much, and you want to perm again, do it then. It will be okay :). If you do decided to come over to the natural side, girl we would love to help you through your journey:). But for right now, IMHO it just doesn't sound like your ready to make any speedy decision, so just take you time,and see how it works out doing just what you are doing now :)
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