Need a Christmas stretching buddy

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
I'm inspired and motivated to stretch my relaxer until the beginning of December (i.e. Dec. 2-16). I would, however, love to have a stretching buddy to keep me on track on the days I'm frustrated and questioning my lengthy stretch. My last relaxer was on July 22, but the length of the stretch isn't important in having a buddy...just the fact that you're stretching towards a specific date.

So...I know this stretch is ultra long, but does anyone care to pinky swear to stretch with me? :lol:
I can perhaps stretch with you after I texturize on Friday. After I texturize on Friday, I'll probably be stretching til the 30th or 31st of December though. Would that count?
Absolutely! No need to be anal with details, just keep each other encouraged! I'm thinking of converting to a texturized style anyway, so I can ask you questions, lol!

Happy growing! :grin:
I would love to be a stretch buddy {I had been toying with this idea} BUT I am already a little over 3 months now, so if I would commit this would be the longest stretch I ever did. My birthday is in November , so if I could make until then I be home free. That would be a little over 7 months. Ill cross my fingers and hope Santa would bring me 4 inches :santa:
Good deal Babyray! I'm 4 weeks post relaxer so I'm *really* gonna need help staying focused once October rolls around... :whyme:
I'm sure Santa will be very good to you...that's a long stretch girl! This will be my longest stretch too so we'll be strong for each other!! :lol:
I will stretch with you. I plan to start texturizing late Dec or early Jan if possbile anyway.

My last relaxer was June 11th so I am well on my way....
I will join you in the stretching. I am planning to stretch until around the end of December. I will be wearing weaves until I get there. I am attempting to take a break from thinking about my hair all the time and the weave helps. I won't be doing any trims either.

I am hoping to be touching the top of brastrap when I finally relax.

Happy Stretching to you!!
I would love to join. I am presently thinking of going natural, because my hair is breaking and I plan on cutting about 3 inches this month.

What does everyone plan on doing to maintain their hair? Currently I'm wearing a braid out, but it seems I have to re-braid nightly and that 's just too much.
Shawnee66 said:
I would love to join. I am presently thinking of going natural, because my hair is breaking and I plan on cutting about 3 inches this month.

What does everyone plan on doing to maintain their hair? Currently I'm wearing a braid out, but it seems I have to re-braid nightly and that 's just too much.

I plan on wearing in a bun or wash and go (after CW'ing). This way is working for me so far so good.
Shawnee66 said:
I would love to join. I am presently thinking of going natural, because my hair is breaking and I plan on cutting about 3 inches this month.

What does everyone plan on doing to maintain their hair? Currently I'm wearing a braid out, but it seems I have to re-braid nightly and that 's just too much.

My styles aren't anything special :lol: I wash once a week and either air dry or dry under the hooded dryer. For styles, I plat my hair in six braids, pin them up, and sleep like that overnight. In the morning, I unbraid the plats and pin up the waves in a messy updo. Or, I just pin curl my hair at night and pin up the curls in the morning, or I'll wear a bun. My last relaxer was in the beginning of May. My mom and my male friend keep telling me I need a touch up:) I don't think my hair looks that bad...but hey :D

Not sure if I'm going to get another relaxer or not...but I'll stretch for a while until I make up my mind.
I am interested in stretching too. The longest I have ever gone is 12weeks so this will really be something. I hope to go until late November or early December. My last relaxer was late July so I am about 4weeks post. I really hope I can make it.
Yaaaaaaaaaay! I knew somebody would wanna streeeeetch... :yay:

Lkg4healthyhair: I'm glad you decided to join...I think this will be interesting for all involved...

BalletBun: You can do it gurl! You gotta hair faith! :lol: You're a MEGA stretcher so I know you've got the answers to the burning stretch questions, lol.

DSD: Glad to see you jumpin on the bandwagon. I'm sure things will be much easier w/ the weave. I think sometimes when I "forget" about my hair, I have the most growth...excellent idea, lady!

Shawnee: Welcome to the Christmas Stretch Club :lol: I'm co-signing with the other ladies as far as stretching styles are concerned. I'm very close to perfecting the roller set so that & Giovanni Direct will get me through the hard times, I think :look: I'll probably do buns, and I've invested in some beautiful satin scarves to sport with hoop earrings during the doesn't get more protective than that! :grin:

Diamond: Keep us posted on your decision...your mom and male friend don't understand the at least they're honest enough to tell you if you're lookin like who done it and what for...there's silver lining to every cloud... :look:

Miz Complexity: FEBRUARY??? :eek: Another monster stretcher! You guys are my sheroes! One day I'ma get there...with perserverance and dedication...hats off to you, and welcome to the stretch, veteran! :notworthy

Lkaysgirl: It sounds like you and I are in an almost identitcal situation...we're both 4 weeks post and we're both a little concerned about this super longest stretch was 13 weeks, and I *really* thought I was doin somethin...but I'm feelin brave and motivated :::starts singin Rocky theme song::: :lachen:

Good luck to everyone and I'm excited that you all decided to join!!!!
I think Santa will be very good to us for this good hair behavior! lol :grin:
Hey, I am in. I had already decided to do my next touch up around the end of the yeaar. In fact, I had Dec 21, as my date but then you know how it is. we tend to want to look smashing around Christmas.
Strawsets are a good way to stretch! :up:

I'm 9 weeks post and I'm going to 12-14 weeks. I've gone longer, but got a lot of breakage. I'll be starting my Christmas stretch next month.

The strawsets last a week for me. I just get up, moisturize, fluff it and go.
YAY!!! :D

Growingitlong: Girl, you hit the nail on the head about looking fly at Christmas...I'm all excited b/c I've retained *major* length this year, and I know I will be swinging and tossing all of my success! :lol:
Welcome to the Christmas stretch club!

CandiceC: Straw sets are a brilliant idea! I had sworn them off after it took 6 hours to shampoo/style my last straw set. My hair takes forever and 50 years to set and another millenium to dry, but I just may do this since it would be easy to maintain. I like anything that I can do on Sunday and keep until Saturday! :D I'll notify you about induction into the Christmas Stretch Club! :lol:
I'm already at 13 weeks and am going to try to get to 20. I don't know if I would be able to make it all the way until Christmas though. Good luck to you ladies though! I'll be checking this thread periodically to see how everyone's doing. :)
I am in! I just relaxed yesterday after stretching for 12 weeks! I am a little disappointed because the relaxer did not take very well and I was really looking forward to having nice, straight hair :( . I used Mizani for fine/color treated hair and I will try the medium strength next time. I did have a lot of growth so I trimmed about 1/2 in. I was a little sad about relaxing because my new hair growth was so soft and pretty after my honey conditioners and it felt a little "sinful" to put chemicals on it but I did want it staight to do a little trim. During my last stretch I wore my hair in six bantu knots at night and it was curly in the morning. Didn't have to worry about humidity or anything :D.

Well, I will be stretching until Christmas, maybe longer with you guys, hope to have mid-back length hair by then! :yep:
I plan stretching until janurary 2005. My last relaxer was in tha last week of June.
I'M IN!!! :D right now i'm just 2 weeks post, and I hope to go to 16-17 weeks post, in December 17 or something like that... i'm excited, my longest stretch ever.
And i'm trying to maximize my growth by then. Starting tomorrow, i'm going to try to exercise 3 times a week; i already have band practice 2 hours a day/ 5 days a week. And i'm going to eat healthier, which i've been doing for a long time now, basically. Hoping to get about 2.5 to 3" by the time I relax.

i have no idea how i'm going to stretch that long and how i'm going to keep my new growth manageable but the fact that i'm in this challenge gives me hope.

oh question::: before you touch-up after such a long time, what do you do to make sure your hair isn't tangled and that whoever's going to relax your new growth can part your hair???

that's been my downfall the past 2 times i relaxed. I lost A LOT of hair. I'm thinking about going to the salon about 3-4 days before i relax and have my hair roller-set so it's smooth and the new growth is very noticeable so that my hair won't be hard to manage WHILE i'm relaxing. Is this good?
Well im already at 5 months...plan on relaxing in October....but i wish yah the best of luck...i dont think i could do this again...ill stick with my 12 weeks :)
Hey Divine Inspiration!

Is it too late to join? I was going to relax again around the middle of November, but December will be just as good...i am 4 weeks post...
Count me in. I'm not planning to touch up before Jan - 6 months. I'm considering a transition. 26 weeks is the longest I've gone, we'll see what January brings!!
Hi Divine Inspiration!

Is it too late to join this challenge? My last touch up was June 17th. Please bump the original post so that I'll know what I need to do. I hope I can make it to December. I need tips on how to manage the new growth through this process. Thanks so much for your help!