Navigating the heart regarding Man


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!

So I have only been in 1 relationship when I was 19, and it didn't go well. I was lukewarm and held the guy as my idol. I looked to him and others for attention, affection, and affirmation. That was years ago and since I have grown my relationship with God and put Him as my One and Only.....I recently started going to this Biblestudy group and there is this guy there who is interested in me.He is a recent convert and on fire for God, I only had one phone call with him and it was nice. He is funny and all about God and we prayed to end the phone conversation, he prayed for me specifically which I really appreciated...I don't know what to do, like I don't have any feelings for him yet and I like it that way honestly. But I want to make sure that I vent him well. What type of questions should I ask him? What to look out for?
Oh I forgot to add that, I have always told myself that I didn't want to marry or have children but this year God has really asked me if that is want I truly want, so after much thoughts/prayers I admitted to God that I actually wouldn't mind getting married and having children when He felt was a good time. Now since my last relationship when I was 19 I have had a silent time of no dating/ guys barely even approached me it was like I had a sign that shouted "stay away" when I admit to God my desire this guy comes Im def not saying that he is my future husband but that now I am getting approached by someone after all these years. And this guy, based on our interactions isn't bad
One prayer:

Lord, take over. I dedicate my heart to you regarding this man and all of my life. Help me to flow with you and if he be the one, allow us both to flow in your loving grace and harmony with you and with one another. Let there be no error, just you, guiding me and him.

In Jesus' Name I thank you. Amen and Amen.

The most beautiful gift in the world that God gives us is the love between a man and a woman. Let God use you to give Him glory in the purpose One Man and One Woman coming together as one.
Random thoughts about your name: Haddasah

Queen Esther, Myrtle Tree, Joy, Morning Star... :Rose:
Shimmie thank you so much, I know that I am going to have to do a lot more praying about him and myself now and in the days to come

I wish and pray for you all of God's best. :yep:

Just know that God doesn't mind 'sharing' you with the man sent to you by Him. :love3: He will always be there in the midst of you.