

Well-Known Member
Is there anybody who is using Mr. Johns Techniques at the moment? I want to try it his way but I'm too afraid to press my hair every week. But i have been pressing every two weeks this is the third week I have been wearing my hair straight. but if I go longer than a week and a half to wash my hair I began to shed like crazy. Is anyone having success with this regimen? Has any pressers tried to just cleanse the scalp with seabreez or witch hazel and a cotton ball?

Could you post his technique? I'm not sure I'm familiar with it.
Thanks /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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Could you post his technique? I'm not sure I'm familiar with it.

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Hairfanatic gave a very detailed summary of his book in early Nov. Just do a search for "Mr. John". I was so intrigued I had to order the book. It came in the mail yesterday along with four pages of additional info. The book is about 50 pages long. If you wear your hair pressed, this is a good book to have. Some of the info is weird--I ain't giving up my satin scarf! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

He is opposed to relaxers, curls, wigs, weaves, hairpieces, afros, braids, dreadlocks, drying the hair naturally, hair coloring, breathing...
Just kidding! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

One of his tips I've used already--instead a plastic shower cap, wrap a think towel around your head while showering to absorb the moisture. It worked!!

I definately plan to use his pressing techniques one day.

Thanks again, hairfanatic!
I used to go to mr. john's and initially i went to get it pressed every week for 6 weeks and I got really good results. I was also afraid to wash every week but just like you when I got to a week and a half it started shedding. I spoke to mr john about it and he said shedding wouldn't happen if i went ahead and washed it every week like i was supposed to. I tried it and of course he was right. So i have noticed that washing more frequently not only helps with hair growth but shedding as well
OKay Thank you tippy75, that's encouraging so I guess I will go ahead and wash, press my hair every Saturday morning. How long did it take for you to notice that your hair was getting longer? My hair is growing a lot better since I started pressing.
Thank you so much SassyGirl and Sweetcocoa,

I have been so tied up with school this week that I have been missing a lot of the discussion. I'm glad you ladies found this information for CICI. /images/graemlins/grin.gif


I use Mr. John's method and have no problems at all. I will say that I had problems when I used a pressing comb because it broke my hair and made it split really bad. I switched to a Teflon Curling Iron by Revlon $12.95 and I have had no problems what so ever. You can also use a flat iron. The key to both the curling iron and flat iron is to get one that has a temperature setting 1-15 dials. That way you can control the heat and prevent damage. Also, I have started washing my hair every two weeks oppose to every week and have noticed a dramatic difference in breakage, etc. I may continue to wash every two weeks throughout the winter and change to once a week in the summer. My hair looks as if it is relaxed and I can't help but say that I am pleased with the results. I also use some of Wanakee's techniques as far as keeping the ends moisturized and I'm currently wearing my hair in two french twist oppose to down (only because it's been raining really bad).
I have wondered about this. Isn't it harsh on the hair to flatiron it every week? Mr.John says to do it 1x/week but what happens to the hair in time?
Hi Faith,

If you keep the temperature down on the flat iron and curling irons, nothing will happen over time. At least, nothing happened for me.

Also keep in mind that I use very small sections on my hair and low heat. I blow dry on cold air and use the KMS straightening balm or Dudleys and Nexxus Oil. The KMS really does help with the straightening more than the curling iron.

I am washing my hair every two weeks because I am trying to cut down on the amount of manipulation I put on my hair and the fact that I just don't have time to spend the hours pressing it.
Thanks hairfanatic. I have one more question for you. I'm thinking of adding the KMS balm on my hair then instead of blowdrying I would flatiron. Do you think it would straighten just as well or almost as well as if I had blowdried? I'm thinking maybe the ingredients in the balm help the hair to straighten when there's heat and some amount of tension on the hair strand, no matter the source.