Naturals whose hair loves protein

Miss AJ

New Member
I've been adding more protein products into my regimen and my hair is doing better. I want to start using a protein leave-in on wash days (twice a week for me) and was wondering if any of you have used the Aphogee Keratin and Green Restructurizer on a regular basis and how did it affect your hair? I also have 2 bottles of Infusium 23 moisturologie leave-in and 2 bottles of Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship leave-in...would either of those be ok twice a week if the Aphogee is too much for me?

To get an idea of how much protein I'm using now, I tend to only use moisture/protein balanced DCs (ORS Hair Mayo and the Replenishing, Toque Magico Emergencia) unless I'm doing my Aphogee protein treatment, then I follow that up with Queen Helene Cholesterol. I have a protein shampoo (Optimum Anti-Breakage Stay Strong) but I don't use it very often...I try to do a protein week and a moisture week with my washing/conditioning products but I usually forget lol. If I keep using the AKGTR with good results I will either space out my protein treatments more (i was doing every 6 weeks but have upped to to every 4 because the breakage is ridiculous) or get rid of that step altogether.

ETA: I bolded my questions because I have a tendency to ramble so I wanted to make it easier for you all to see the purpose of this novel I have written lol
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That's such a toughie question, AJ, cuz the fact of the matter is, it could be too much; or it could be fine. And there's just no way to know until you try it.

What makes you think that the breakage requires more protein and not more moisture? Has your hair given you any signs to be sure?

For me, my hair love protein. I cowash daily alternating moisture, protein and clarifying conditioners and leave coconut oil and conditioner in my hair til the next cowash. I reconstruct with aphogee 2 minute a couple times a week when I'm on this schedule. I always follow reconstruct with a DC that I just leave in til my next cowash.

I like the aphogee green tea leave in but I tend to only use it when I'm about to straighten. But that's only because my hair is coated in conditioner at all other times so I don't have any cause for a spritz leave in, usually.
Right after I BCed I was using mostly moisturizing products and my hair would break if I even looked at it. I started off doing the Aphogee every 6 weeks and the breakage stopped, but would come back sooner than my next treatment, so I decided to use more protein in between and so far the breakage has slowed down a great deal and the broken areas in my hair are doing better. I don't wanna get too excited and end up on the too much protein end of the spectrum but I'm beginning to believe my hair loves protein. Styling damage and no protein messed up the napps once before.
i LOVE protein and its my friend!! :grin:

Lol, that's how I'm starting to feel. My hair felt so good after my protein treatment today and even though I don't use chemicals or heat anymore, I know first hand that damage can come from just styling. Daily manipulation makes my ends rough and split so I've committed myself to only combing on wash days aka twice a week and I don't do any combing when I re-twist/re-braid my out styles, and I'm moisturizing and sealing my ends twice a day now.
When I use Ovations or MegaTek I sleep with it slathered on my hair overnight atleast twice a month..I figured I'm not having protein issues since I use moisturizing conditioner the rest of the time. I do believe that my hair prefers protien over moisture but I am not in the experimenting mode since I'm seeing progress with my current regimen.
^^My regimens have always been sporadic lol so the experimenting doesn't bother my hair lol she should be used to it by now. I try to go for products with similar ingredients to the ones that work well for me when I experiment with new stuff though so that could be why it doesn't cause any problems.
** bumping **
I've got the Aphogee Green Tea but have only used it once - would love to know how others are incorporating it???
My hair LOVES protein!!! I also use the Aphogee Green tea/ 2 min and HENNA!!! even though technically it is not a protein just acts as one is GREAT for my hair. I use the green tea for rollersets or when my hair just needs a kick in the right direction. :)
Lol, that's how I'm starting to feel. My hair felt so good after my protein treatment today and even though I don't use chemicals or heat anymore, I know first hand that damage can come from just styling. Daily manipulation makes my ends rough and split so I've committed myself to only combing on wash days aka twice a week and I don't do any combing when I re-twist/re-braid my out styles, and I'm moisturizing and sealing my ends twice a day now.

Me too, did the komaza care protein strengthener and afterwards my curls were more defined and less frizzy. Also my ends didn't feel dry or crunchy like they normally do. I will now do this once a month.:yep:
I use protein (wheat protein) regularly. It is in both my conditioner and my moisturizer.
It could work out very well for your hair, but just to stay on the safe side try to use more moisture than protein.
I think the effect of protein on your hair depends both on the type of protein( animal proteins tend to be stronger than vegetable proteins) and of the size of the molecules. Big molecules will coat and moisturize the hair while smaller ones will penetrate the hair strands and strengthen them.
I have used Aphogee green tea and keratin daily without anything horrible happening.. however I tend to forget it and usually just remember on wash days.. I'm not truly sure if my hair just loves protein or it's because I keep my moisture game on deck that the balance doesn't get thrown off..(i'm a stickler for moisture :yep:)
My hair cant live without protein. i do aphogee all the time, i dont follow the instructions that say (every six weeks) and im still DC with protein every five days and im still using mega tek, no protein overload yet!!!!