Naturals whose hair LOVES protein - How do you know?


New Member
I'm starting to suspect that my hair loves protein more than I thought. I do a protein treatment 1x monthly after I chelate with ORS + 2 egg yolks, and afterwards, my curls are defined, my hair feels heavy and full, my shedding and breakage are no-to-extremely low. That's the only time I use protein, but I'm thinking of veeeerrrry slowly incorporating more protein to see how my hair likes it.

I bought Main N Tail Shampoo and Conditioner since I know those are considered light proteins. I used the shampoo last night and then did the ORS, rinsed this morning, applied my leave-in, and I literally had 5 shed hairs in my hands after I worked my leave-in in.

I'm going to experiment with using the Main N Tail Conditioner in my cowashing and see how that goes, and of course, always follow up with my leave-in which is moisture (Aussie Moist+avj+castor oil) to make sure I'm keeping my M/P balance in check.

What do ya'll think of that? Any tips? How did you know your hair loved protein, and how do you incorporate it? (Sorry for all the questions, but I feel like I just made a new discovery for my hair so I'm excited!:grin:)
I'm starting to wonder this about my hair also. The only thing I wonder about is the weather. Its getting cold & I don't want the protein to do more harm than good.
My hair appears to be very sensitive to a moisture-protein balance. Any time I use too much moisture my hair starts to feel mushy, like overcooked spaghetti. I actually use some form of protein every day :look:, because I use a spritz every day that has the Aphogee leave-in conditioner in it. I use that daily, do a protein conditioner once every 3 weeks from October-April and every other week from April-October. I alternate between something mild like AO GPB, something more moderate like Mega-tek or Nexxus Emergencee, and once a quarter I do an Aphogee 2-step treatment. When I wear my hair in twists, which is most of the time, after I wash and DC, I'll spray the Aphogee leave-in on them prior to twisting or re-moisturizing.

I know this sounds like blasphemy for some, but it really has helped keep my breakage down and my hair has thrived doing it :yep:. Good luck to you, HTH some!
If your hair reacts positively to your protein treatments adding more could be a good or bad thing :look:. Your hair may be reacting so well because your moisture and protein is perfectly in balance. You can try to add more but do so very carefully and if you see any negative changes in your hair go back to your regular routine.

I do a monthly protein deep conditioning treatment as well (UBH Protein Conditioner). Since I use Eco Styler Gel, which has protein in it, bi-weekly to style, I have to make sure I use a moisturizing deep conditioner twice a month or I'll have serious protein overload which is not fun :nono:.

You know your hair loves protein when it is elastic, soft yet firm and little to no breakage. If your hair gets too hard and breaks easily you must get back in balance with a moisturizing deep conditioner. Hope this is helpful.
I offer a regular menu of oils, protein, conditioner and water. I guess that my hair absorbs what it needs because it is growing.
I'm starting to wonder this about my hair also. The only thing I wonder about is the weather. Its getting cold & I don't want the protein to do more harm than good.

Oh, wow, I didn't even know there was a connection between protein and cold weather. Off to research...

I actually use some form of protein every day :look:, because I use a spritz every day that has the Aphogee leave-in conditioner in it. I use that daily, do a protein conditioner once every 3 weeks from October-April and every other week from April-October.

That's exactly why I'm glad I learned not to subscribe to the "natural handbook!" Because as you said, that's "blasphemy" to some folk! I'm glad you found what really works for you!
And more weather-related protein use? What is really going on? How have I been missing this?

Your hair may be reacting so well because your moisture and protein is perfectly in balance.

As obvious as this statement is, I didn't even think of it. I will proceed with caution!

Thank you Ladies so much. I really appreciate it!
My hair is fine and it loves protein. I know because my curls pop, it's much stronger and happier after I do my aphogee 2-step treatments.
I know my hair loves protein, for one reason I am a frequent heat user. Two, I have used protein conditioners (mild) for a couple of years or more now. And three, I tried the aphogee (smelly, harsh protein), and my hair looked amazing after straightening (shiny, healthy), and it felt alot stronger.

Since then I use protein based conditioners and moisture based ones every week, because I straighten every week. After going natural, for me it got worse before it got better. I had really thin hair. Now my hair is thicker (I have added henna to my routine again too-recently). But all the little broken hairs that I had after transitioning have evened up nicely, and I have plenty more fullness and volume to my hair.

So I will continue to use protein (with caution on the harsher ones-of course), because I have not noticed any overload of protein, or moisture for that matter. I seem to have reached a nice, safe balance.
Oh, wow, I didn't even know there was a connection between protein and cold weather. And more weather-related protein use? What is really going on? How have I been missing this?

I surely can't speak for everybody, but in the summer I co-wash mid-week, it's far more humid, and my hair is naturally more moisturized, so I need to use protein more to balance that out. In the winter, without the humidity and the dry air that is everywhere, I don't have to worry about that as much as therefore use it less often, and increase the moisture to combat the dryness. I also don't co-wash in the winter because it takes so much longer to dry and I don't like wet head :nono:. I have in the past kept up my every-other week schedule, with no ill effects, but my hair appreciates the boost in moisture during the winter months for those reasons :yep:.
I've been adding Apoghee 2 min in my conditioners for co-washing. I stopped getting broken hairs in the sink in when I combed. But lately I've been out of the game because I cut all my hair off but I'm getting back on the wagon with what little hair I have and I plan to begin using the Apoghee again like this.
When I don't use a light/medium protein daily/weekly, my hair falls out even more than usual.

When I don't use a light/medium protein daily/weekly, my hair is extra dry.

When I use moisturizers that don't have protein in them, my hair doesn't retain moisture.

When I use my shampoo which is made of several proteins, my hair instantly softens.
I surely can't speak for everybody, but in the summer I co-wash mid-week, it's far more humid, and my hair is naturally more moisturized, so I need to use protein more to balance that out. In the winter, without the humidity and the dry air that is everywhere, I don't have to worry about that as much as therefore use it less often, and increase the moisture to combat the dryness. I also don't co-wash in the winter because it takes so much longer to dry and I don't like wet head :nono:. I have in the past kept up my every-other week schedule, with no ill effects, but my hair appreciates the boost in moisture during the winter months for those reasons :yep:.


Oh, that makes perfect sense! Thanks for explaining!
When I don't use a light/medium protein daily/weekly, my hair falls out even more than usual.

When I don't use a light/medium protein daily/weekly, my hair is extra dry.

When I use moisturizers that don't have protein in them, my hair doesn't retain moisture.

When I use my shampoo which is made of several proteins, my hair instantly softens.

That is so interesting lushcoils

Today I moisturized my hair with my AM mix and I didn't seal, and I notice that 11 hours later now my hair is still feeling moisturized even though today was a dry day and I was out in the wind! The protein I did last night must be contributing to that! I'll be sure to take more note of that.