Naturals who use Dominican Products?


New Member
Hey everyone,
I'm transitioning and wanted to know, do any of you natural ladies use Dominican products?? I used to use lots of them, but I ran out and don't know if I should re-order or not. I did a search but nothing popped up.

Any raves or suggestions??
I've been a natural off and on, and I have used Salerm 21 to detangle. It has protein, so it probably won't work for everyone, but whenever I messed up on trying a new product or technique, the Salerm was there for me!
I used Salerm for a while.

Whats interesting - as i transitioned to natural (and now that I'm 100% natural) I notice my hair doesn't need all these super thick concentrated products - my hair absorbs products so much faster and easier than before.

And as a result, some of the dominican stuff started making my hair hard.
I'm transitioning, so hopefully I can help you out. I use praital silk worm rinse and I LOVE it. I use it for my con washes; my hair quickly detangles with this stuff and it isn't too thick (no large amount of residue left). It is a staple of mine (I just bought a gallon from Anky since there are no dominican BSS that I know of here in Houston :lol: )!
I used to use them a lot but I noticed that really they didn't do as much for my hair as something like Aubrey or some other natural conditioners.

HOWEVER I had some Toque Emergencia here, a huge jar and I just didn't want to throw it away but it's really thick and seems to coat my hair instead of condition it. So the other night I took it and diluted it with some water to thin it out to a thicker liquid consistency and left that on my hair overnight.

The slip was amazing! I went into the shower, detangled in a few minutes (a record for my hair) rinsed and got out the shower. I was so I'm keeping the Emergencia but that is the only one I'm using now.
i use their coconut oil(Aceite de Coco Tropical) by Charty every day and night on my hair
I use Lafier Honey and Almond(Mel Y Almendras rinse)rinse right before my regular moisturizing conditioner when my hair feels like it needs extra moisture
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