Naturals who use a hooded dryer? Come In!


Well-Known Member
Hi. More questions for the veterans! I don't have a blow dryer with a diffuser nor do I think I'll invest in one because I've never been good with that type of blow dryer so when I need to dry my wash-h-go's in a hurry I sit under the hooded dryer for about 30 - 45 min.

I know some people who diffuse every day or every time they WNG. Can you do this with a hooded dryer? (time it would take, aside) Will this method eventually dry your hair out too much or expose it to too much heat?

What setting do you use (low/med/high)?

Ions on or off (if you have them)?

How often?

Right now it's a non-issue because I'm not working and can stay inside all day while I completely air dry, drippin' all over the place! But conceivably when I go back to work, I need to find something that will allow me to leave the house in the middle of winter without ice forming on my scalp :lol:

Any feedback would be helpful. TIA