Naturals Who Regularly Exercise: What Hair Styles Do You Wear?


Well-Known Member
For the past 2 weeks, I've kept up a consistent exercise regimen (consisting mainly of The Firm workout series plus some other aerobic-intensive exercise 4-6x per week). I feel great, my energy level has skyrocketed, and I've lost weight, but there is one hair.

It is EXTREMELY cold in Rochester and I exercise in the morning before class, but my hair feels gross and dry. In this weather, I normally wash every 5-7 days, but its not cutting it anymore. My exercise schedule is working out every 3 days in a row followed by a rest day. I'm thinking about washing/DC on my rest day, but I'm at a loss on what styles would be most effective. Straightening/rollersetting is NOT an option-my head sweats to badly for either one. I'm getting tired of having to wear my wigs and my braids/twists/cornrows unravel with frequent washing :ohwell:

So, what styles are most effective in maintaining both your body and hair?
I have a pretty intense daily yoga practise & wear my hair in braids, twists, & buns mostly. In warmer weather I will rinse or cowash almost daily but for most of this winter i've followed a Wash, DC, Braid (twist whatev) on the weekends regimen. My hair is usually thirsty by Wednesday & ready for a rinse or cowash. I wear my hair out if I feel like it on Fri Sat & start the whole process over.

I've saved my roller sets and bantu knots & knot outs for special occasions.

Additionally the content of your sweat will change with consistent work day you'll find that the "smell" is really not so bad :) Unless i've been eating something unfavourable my sweat doesn't bother me so much...& I really haven't cared to ask others LOL!
i keep my hair in twists and wash on friday. i haven't been doing intense workouts, but i workout 3 times a week. before in the summer, i was cowashing every day.
I work out Monday through Friday 50 minutes a day. I wear my hair in the bun in my avatar and CO wash daily and wash on Saturday. I only use heat two or three times a year.
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I exercise after work in the evening so it doesn't matter what hairstyle I wore because I co-wash in the shower after my workout. This would be an issue for me if I used heat on my hair often, but wanting to co-wash my hair after workouts actually motivates me to not use heat on my hair (among other reasons).
I wear braids or twists. My twist will last 2 weeks with washing every 1-2 days and my braids last a month.
not natural, but texlax transitioner...

I sweat a lot in my scalp, so generally I try to cowash in the evening, then pin up in a twist/or a few braids and dry overnight. In the morning fluff/unravel a bit, then pin a sort of updo.
I wet my hair daily so it doesn't matter I guess. I don't do straight looks because of this and my exercise routine. If I didn't wet it daily I'd probably sport flat twists and up do's.
For the past 2 weeks, I've kept up a consistent exercise regimen (consisting mainly of The Firm workout series plus some other aerobic-intensive exercise 4-6x per week). I feel great, my energy level has skyrocketed, and I've lost weight, but there is one hair.

It is EXTREMELY cold in Rochester and I exercise in the morning before class, but my hair feels gross and dry. In this weather, I normally wash every 5-7 days, but its not cutting it anymore. My exercise schedule is working out every 3 days in a row followed by a rest day. I'm thinking about washing/DC on my rest day, but I'm at a loss on what styles would be most effective. Straightening/rollersetting is NOT an option-my head sweats to badly for either one. I'm getting tired of having to wear my wigs and my braids/twists/cornrows unravel with frequent washing :ohwell:

So, what styles are most effective in maintaining both your body and hair?

Girl, no answers here but I am in the exact same boat-- been doing the FIRM for years, stopped, and started again recently. I am having to co-wash after nearly every workout :(. Twists or twistouts look great for a day for me and then that's it.

Least we're gettin' fine, though:ohwell: