Do You Oil Rinse.....

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How often do u do it in correlation with how often u wash/co-wash your hair?

I hadn't done an oil rinse in a long time because when my hair was relaxed it couldn't take very much product/oils without it building up and drying my hair out. I just BC'd about 3 weeks ago and did an oil rinse on my hair the other day and my hair loooooved it. I would like to start doing these regularly but I'm wondering how much is too much???

I co-wash daily, poo once a week and DC twice a week. I would like to start oil-rinsing on my DC days (2XWeek)

So please answer the poll and post how often you wash/co-wash your hair and how often do u oil-rinse? If you are ayurvedic please post how often u oil-rinse as well. to TIA
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Oil rinsing is applying essential oils to the scalp and hair and then as the name states you rinse them out. Most apply the oil and then cover their head with a shower cap for a few hours (as with a conditioner) or wrap with a satin scarf and leave on over-night before rinsing. A lot of people use essential oils as a pre-poo. Oil-rinsing leaves the hair soft and manageable. I'm sure someone else can explain better than I can but that's my two-sense on oil-rinsing
i would love to try this
i put coconut oil in my hair mixed with conditioner before i shampooed my hair. it didnt give me a stripped feeling.

next time i just put a lot of oil coconut almond avocado and olive oil tonight and ill see how it will be the next day:yep:

will this work? should i shampoo after?
There are oils such as jojoba and shikakai that cleanse the scalp, if you use those in your mix you may not need to poo. When I did my OR I rinsed my hair under the showerhead with very warm water for about 15-20 mins. This is enough to cleanse my scalp from excess oils and prevents build-up.
I do it daily... (I use coconut, castor, and evoo)

I co-wash DAILY ( I dilute my conditioners with water 1:10 ratio)

I rotate between ACV and Ayurvedic Herb Rinses DAILY.
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I don't think that you have to leave the oil in for a few hours. I oil rinse everytime I co-wash (once or twice a week) because my hair just isn't the same without it. I rinse my hair, apply a mix of rosemary infused oils, comb it through my hair, rinse with hot water (as hot as I can stand), and then co-wash.

I am texturized but I treat my hair like it is natural.
I oil rinse sometimes in the winter if I'm being too lazy to deep condition. I've used vatika, which was perfect, and avocado which was too heavy.
I tend to hate oil rinses b/c it leaves me feeling all greasy, but lately I've been incorporating it into my regime. I also co-wash 2x/day and have been doing my oil rinses at night before going to bed. I also add my oils (coconut/evoo/castor oil) to my condish to lessen the greasy feel. And my hair is definitely more manageable and doesn't tangle as easily when I do do oil rinses.
I've been doing them only on the day when I do an ayurvedic rinse. They seem to help the powder tonic not dry my hair out, which is good. I got this from Candy C. She also mentioned that she's noticed more shedding when doing them, but no breakage. I noticed that when I did my first oil rinse I did it hte day before using the tonic and my hair had begun to shed like crazy. I was not a fan of that at all. So I just decided to do them an hour or two before I did the rinse and that seemed to work better. Anybody else have a problem with shedding doing this? Do you know why it may cause the hair to shed more? Thanks for the info...
Thank you ladies that have posted already..keep em comin! I'm curious to know why oil-rinses would cause shedding also. Candy_C was using her oil-rinses as a growth aid and I read in another thread (One of the MTthreads) that an increased growth rate causes the hair to shed more because the older strands are reaching their terminal length quicker. I do not know if that is the actual reason but it seemed to make sense to me.
I don't know if this fits your definition of an oil rinse but I'm primarily Ayurvedic and I pre-poo with either Vatika or Ramtirth Brahmi Oil before I wash with my herbal powders. I don't use shampoo.
Oil rinsing is applying essential oils to the scalp and hair and then as the name states you rinse them out. Most apply the oil and then cover their head with a shower cap for a few hours (as with a conditioner) or wrap with a satin scarf and leave on over-night before rinsing. A lot of people use essential oils as a pre-poo. Oil-rinsing leaves the hair soft and manageable. I'm sure someone else can explain better than I can but that's my two-sense on oil-rinsing

I don't use essential oils, I use carrier oils like jojoba and I just put on, massage it through and then rinse. I try to do it everytime I DC.
I don't do oil rinses Sareca style. If you consider what I'm about to say an oil rinse then great. But what I did this past weekend worked well for me. I pre-pooed with coconut oil and untangled in the shower and then washed and then DC'ed. The coconut oil helped me detangle very very well...