Naturals who have texlaxed- describe your experience!


I have been natural for about 3 years and I am considering texlaxing. I would love to hear from other natural ladies who have done this or considered doing this. What has been your experience? Has the health of your hair changed for better or worse? Any regrets?

I would like to make an informed decision and any and all input from others experienced with this would be appreciated.

I texlaxed back in April and I have no regrets. I transitioned for 18 months before doing the not so BC. I was natural for about 5 months when I texlaxed. I loved my natural hair but it just wasn't for me at the time. I was spending too much time doing my hair in the mornings, my hair was constantly wet (my natural hair needed water in order to look decent) and I'm not good at all with doing natural styles such as twists, twist outs, braid outs, etc (I don't have the patience :lol: ). Plus, I had my hair blown out shortly before I texlaxed and I totally fell in love with it. However, I knew that I didn't want bone straight hair permanently, so I opted to texlax. With my texlaxed hair, I can have a wash and set done and my hair will come out relaxer straight. It lasts until the next wash too. As soon as I wash it, the curls come right back. It really is like having the best of both worlds. My hair is so much easier and quicker to do in the mornings now and I couldn't be happier. :grin: As far as my hair's health, I really can't tell the difference. It's pretty healthy either way. My hair is well taken care of, whether it's natural or texlaxed. Good luck with your decision!
My definition for texlaxed is basically a relaxer that isn't bone straight.
And the difference imo between underprocessed and a texlaxer is, underprocessed is when you wanted bone straight but didnt get those results, where as a "texlaxer" is when you wanted your hair to be less processed.

I've been natural, and relaxed, and I see texlax as being closer to having relaxed hair. If I were natural, I would look into getting a texturizer before thinking of texlaxing. I think with a texturizer, you'll still have more curly definition, whereas with a texlaxer, it'll be more of a wavy hair pattern and you'll be very close to have essentially a relaxed head of hair.
Lucia said:
ANy dryness or growth problems? Or it's basically the same as nautral.

I haven't had issues with dryness or growth....Over the course of the past 10 yrs I actually went from relaxed to natural, and then back to relaxed, and now i'm texlaxing lol I haven't noticed any dryness issues.

I enjoy texlaxed hair mostly because of the thickness and slight texture to the hair. The difference in thickness/fullness of my hair is really noticeable between the relaxed and texlaxed portions. Also the diff between the new growth and texlax hair isnt as severe as bone straight relaxed and natural new growth which I also like.
Hi, I texlaxed after being natural for four years. I loved being natural. But my post partum mind decided that I needed to change something.

I really like having texlaxed hair - way better than when I was relaxed. My hair curls when its wet, but not curly enough to be texturized. My rollerset wraps are very pretty. And most of the time I wear bantu knot/twistouts that i also love.

I came to the conclusion that hair is hair and if I hated it, I can always go natural again. Hope that helps. Good luck!
What is texlaxed? I really don't understand. I recently texturized with Motions which reverts in my hair.:) I love it. I did it so my hair wouldn't have as much density. I couldn't tie it down tightly or where hats because of the big bush. My hair holds product much better and it isn't dryed out. I have been texturized before but my hair was less than 1 inch.
Lucia said:
ANy dryness or growth problems? Or it's basically the same as nautral.

It's basically the same as natural for me. No dryness or growth problems. The only time I had dryness problems was prior to me going natural. It might have been the relaxer I was using (Fabulaxer).
I'm going to be honest, I don't know the difference between texlaxed and texturized. I just know that my hair isn't bone straight. It has lots of curliness and thickness to it. I like saying texlaxed because in order to get my hair the way that I want it, a relaxer is used.
Thanks for all the replys. I am wearing braids now and will texlax in a few weeks and probably institute the crown and glory method for hair maintenance/ growth.

Thanks for all the input!
I didn't like my texlaxed hair. I had the hardest time making a decent hair style. I'd prefer my hair natural or texturized.
I had a bad experience in 2004 when i first texturized my natural hair, to cut a long story short, my hair ended up different textures with monstrous tangles and excessive dryness and i cut lots of my hair off, i really prefer straight relaxed hair, my hair retains moisture and is more manageable because its one texture, my hair is still has lots of body.
When I was natural, I pressed my hair each wash for the straight and shaky look. Then I flat ironed. Now I texlax every 3-4 months with Mizani No-Lye for Sensitive Scalp. I love my hair. It's easier to work with and my styling time went from 4 hours to 2 hours or less depending on what I'm doing to my hair. My hair is still thick and healthy, but it's easier to straighten since there is less curl pattern.

I leave the Mizani on for about 5 minutes and it takes 3-4 minutes to apply to my entire head. I only smooth my sides, apply to the nape last or every 6 months. My nape is sensitive and looks mostly natural. :)

Texlaxing is the thing that helped me retain length. I reached my goal of APL and I am about 1.5 inches away from BSL for the first time in my life. So yes, it worked out for me and I honestly have the best hair of my life.

(Although I am working on a breakage issue in the back only, but I believe that came from STRESS - not texlaxing. Anyways that's catching up with the rest of my hair and no one knows about it but me (lol)).
Subscribing. I went natural because of the burning and breakage. Maybe a texturizer with added oil could work. My hair could still be kinky but easier to manage. Something for me to think about.