Naturals who have high lights.......


New Member
I am 2 years into my transition and the last time I had highlights was 2 years ago as well. I never had problems with highlights when I was relaxed but I am wondering if an naturals can chime in with their experience with highlights while natural.

My hair is dark brown and I have always gotten about 3 different shades of highlights which included a light blond, bronze, and some type of copper. My original plan was to wait until I became 100% natural until I got highlights again. That may be a ways off since I don't plan to BC anytime soon; I have 12 inches natural hair and 10 inches of relaxed hair, so about half and half.

I know that I will have to up the moisture on the hair with highlights, (even more than when I was relaxed), but what are some other things I should be doing differently or more of as a natural with highlights?

I think my transition will probably go on for at least another year and a half and I just can't wait that long to get highlights again - they are calling my name in a few months!

Any advice will be appreciated.


P.S. There is a member here that is natural and has them. Her hair is really pretty. Her name is right on the tip of my tongue but I am having a brain fart and can't think of it. She is a Delta.
I've had them at least three times since I've been natural. I have pics somewhere in my album. I got them done at Aveda twice-so I would highly reccommend them.
When are you planning on BC'n?

Probably around January 17, 2010 (or around thereof). That will be 3 years. If not then, I will go for another 6 months. That should be enough time for the rest of my natural hair to replace the remainder of the relaxed ends.

I've had them at least three times since I've been natural. I have pics somewhere in my album. I got them done at Aveda twice-so I would highly reccommend them.

I went to your album but got so caught up in looking at your beautiful wedding pictures that I couldn't find any of the highlighted pics. Which year are they?

Were you ever highlighted as a relaxed head? If so, how much difference is the care for a natural head?

Again, your wedding pictures are absolutely gorgeous and I enjoyed reading the captions on the pictures too!


I too am natural and contemplating getting highlights this spring BUT I am terrified to :perplexed

Right now I henna and that's about it. I am thinking about going to Aveda to get highlights. Never been there before and I'm not sure they can do it, but I want to go to a good salon before I attempt this.

I know this doesn't help your cause LOL but I wanted to chime in :grin:
I had highlights many years ago and the chemical acted as if a relaxer--it straightened my hair, so I haven't gotten any since. Maybe I'll look into henna, because I've been wanting to try something different.
I color all the time when I was relaxed, I colored as a natural for the first time 2.5 weeks ago. My hair was fine, took the color fast at the roots and well everywhere else, but I made a dumb decision to color again because I'm a greedy person and I wanted tips and not just one streak, and I blistered my ends, having to cut the 1" of new growth I got after BC'in off......sooo I don't say no to it, just don't do what I should be fine. My hair is Dark Dark Brown and my streak in the front of my hair is gold and its doing fine. Especially since I take better care of my hair now that I've been on LHCF.


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I had them about a year ago but I got them all cut out gradually. They made my ends crispy (I'm guessing that led to some breakage) which caused me to trim more often and the highlights looked frizzy compared to the rest of my hair. No amount of DCing helped I didn't have any problems with dryness to touch or my texture loosening though.

ETA: OP, you're talking about CurleeDST. I had my highlights done at the same salon she did and the same method was used. But I only had one color since it was my first time ever having my hair dyed. I didn't want to go all out.
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I too am natural and contemplating getting highlights this spring BUT I am terrified to :perplexed

Right now I henna and that's about it. I am thinking about going to Aveda to get highlights. Never been there before and I'm not sure they can do it, but I want to go to a good salon before I attempt this.

I know this doesn't help your cause LOL but I wanted to chime in :grin:

Thanks for chiming in. I have henna'd before and I was hoping for a little tinge of color but got absolutely nothing. That was way too much work for no return on my investment (no color return, that is:grin:)

My brother is a professional stylist and does a great job with color but I was trying to anticipate how much more dryness I would be in for. I am definitely going to do it but just wanted to get some thoughts from some natural heads. If you have good hair practices already, I don't think you will have a problem.....(wow, I think I just gave myself some good advice that I was looking for!)
I had them about a year ago but I got them all cut out gradually. They made my ends crispy (I'm guessing that led to some breakage) which caused me to trim more often and the highlights looked frizzy compared to the rest of my hair. No amount of DCing helped I didn't have any problems with dryness to touch or my texture loosening though.

ETA: OP, you're talking about CurleeDST. I had my highlights done at the same salon she did and the same method was used. But I only had one color since it was my first time ever having my hair dyed. I didn't want to go all out.

Glamazon, (I keep wanting to call you Bmorefly!), it is CurlDST I was talking about! Thanks for reminding me. I remember your highlights now. Do you have some pics in your fotki?

So you're saying it didn't loosen your texture? Is it common that it does that (loosen the texture) for some people? I'm glad to know that your hair wasn't dry but I'm a little concerned about the frizziness. Also scared that the constant deep conditioning didn't help.

Thanks for your input!

I am natural and always have some type of color in my hair. For the last 1 1/2 years I have only gotten it right in the front in a horseshoe shape. This has allowed me to get a true assessment of the effect color has on my hair. I have found this section of my hair to be:

1. Dryer
2. Much more difficult to style.
3. Need of a trim at least 2x as much.
4. Does not break or shed though because I am serious about deep conditioning.

Overall it is not bad, when my stylist does it I can't tell the difference at all, but when I flat iron and curl it myself I notice the ends.

This is a sacrifice I am willing to take though.
A better picture of the horseshoe: It is no more than about 3 inches wide and long.
