NATURALS Who Flat-Iron HELP!!! Got my new Maxiglide MP (holla at me)


Well-Known Member
:grin: I got a new Maxiglide MP (thanks for telling me about the sale on HSN - can't remember the poster's name). Enty-who I'm going to view the video soon and I want to try to flat iron my hair this weekend, just to learn how to do it so I can dust easily and prep for a professional trim. Please tell me who has the best tutorials or just tell me how to or provide links. I have read so many threads and watched so many videos that I'm slightly confused - too many options I suppose (and yes I understand that not every product or method works for everyone). NOTE: I'm kinda schizo when it comes to my hair, always plotting and planning what to do next, for example I'm going out to buy more perm rods today but I'm planning on flat ironing my hair! :spinning:

I have mostly 4a type, with some 3c and 4xyz, shoulder length hair. I would prefer to skip the blowdrying if possible (less heat). This is what I plan to do but please correct me if I'm wrong or if you have better suggestions:
  1. Apply Cherry Lola Treatment (as a pre poo) - rinse after 30 mins
  2. Shampoo in sections with a moisturizing poo - rinse
  3. Co-wash with something - detangle and rinse
  4. DC with Giovanni's Smooth as Silk or Sitrinillah (sp?) natural stuff overnight - rinse
  5. Apply Leave-In (KimmayTube's recipe) or should I not?
  6. Loosely braid in 8 sections (to stretch)
  7. Take down a section at a time and apply
    Silk Elements Heat Protectant or should I use Sabino Moisture Protectant or both or neither?
  8. Use Maxi-glide and use a fine toothed comb to chase (go before the heat)
Now where does the serum come in? If I have to blowdry what steps should I take? I tried the tension method before and it did not work well for me (oh the pain). Thanks in advance for your input.
I use the Maxiglide MP and I love it. I usually rollerset before straightening. You should avoid having too many procuts in your before you straigthen (unless you have thick coarse strands).
I would skip the leave in since it has so many oils in it, and just use my deep treatment for my moisture. I suggest banding on blowing your hair out on cool and just blasting it with high heat to knock the kinks out and just comb Chase it with the flat iron. When I use the garnier serum, I add it to my hair while blow drying with high heat, and then flat iron. I don't really use heat protection, but if I do...its before I blow dry...
I use the Maxiglide MP and I love it. I usually rollerset before straightening. You should avoid having too many procuts in your before you straigthen (unless you have thick coarse strands).
I do not have thick hair :nono: its fine IMO. So what should I put on to rollerset - I like this idea better (forgot about it) - and which rollers should I use? I am good with the perm rods but would it then be too curly? Also, do you use the plate with the teeth or without?

I'm sorry I don't use a Maxiglide, but I am very interested in seeing your results!
I will - but I may have to try it a few times first. If it looks a mess i won't bother posting the results.

I would skip the leave in since it has so many oils in it, and just use my deep treatment for my moisture. I suggest banding on blowing your hair out on cool and just blasting it with high heat to knock the kinks out and just comb Chase it with the flat iron. When I use the garnier serum, I add it to my hair while blow drying with high heat, and then flat iron. I don't really use heat protection, but if I do...its before I blow dry...
I tried banding before and I guess it worked but I know I lost hair trying to take the bands off. I tried blow drying with cool air and it was a nappy painful mess:sad:. Blasting with high heat sounds scary to me - did I forget to mention that I'm afraid of heat damage?:nono:
Couldn't you rollerset with the leave-in, then apply the HP before you flat iron? That's what I would do but I'm lazy and I'd just blowdry with my LI, lol...
I may try your method but would that be too much oil in my hair? Besides I don't know how to blow dry my hair yet. The big problem is I don't put heat on my hair so this will be the first time since I got a trim in April. Thanks
dunno if it has been stated or not, but I would steer clear of that leave-in when straightening. for best results, you want your hair to be as conditioned as possible during your DC and minimal - no products after you rinse your DC. only thing i would add is the heat protectant if I were in your shoes.
I agree with others about leaving out the leave-in :) Sounds like you've got a helluva lotta steps goin on tho.
I'd also suggest you just let your hair dry in braids, and maxiglide with the teeth, small sections of the airdried hair instead of blowdrying.

I'm so happy you got a maxi! you're going to love it.

FYI - i use the maxi on clean dc'd hair with coconut oil in it only. i know it sounds wreckless but it works amazingly well for me with no damage.
OK - I'm almost done grinning now. Can't believe I'm communicating with you two. I have deep admiration for you both. WOW! WestNDN I am now a braid/twist n' curl fanatic because of you. I also feel brave enough to try to copy a few of your styles (I normally would not part my hair and then let anyone in the public see it). Whimsy - I'm about to subscribe to your YouTube channel. YAY!

dunno if it has been stated or not, but I would steer clear of that leave-in when straightening. for best results, you want your hair to be as conditioned as possible during your DC and minimal - no products after you rinse your DC. only thing i would add is the heat protectant if I were in your shoes.
What do you think of the Silk elements? Wait - don't you have a flat ironing video? I'll look at yours again.

I agree with others about leaving out the leave-in :) Sounds like you've got a helluva lotta steps goin on tho.
I'd also suggest you just let your hair dry in braids, and maxiglide with the teeth, small sections of the airdried hair instead of blowdrying.

I'm so happy you got a maxi! you're going to love it.

FYI - i use the maxi on clean dc'd hair with coconut oil in it only. i know it sounds wreckless but it works amazingly well for me with no damage.

Too many steps huh - you're speaking my language. Whimsy I think your texture is different than mine - using the CO is a lil scary to me. HOw much do you use - enough to lightly cover all your hair or each section before you flat iron? Going to your YouTube channel.
OK - today's the big day :pray:. I think this will be my routine:
  • Cherry Lola Treatment as a pre poo (this is a must - makes my hair much easier to deal with - its softer and easier to detangle)
  • Shampoo with Ojon poo (leave hair feeling kinda stripped)
  • Deep condition with Silk Elements Moisture Treatment overnight (one that WestNDN swears by)
  • Add a liquid leave in (Giovanni VitaPro Fusion Lv-In Hair Treatment - no oils I think)
  • braid or twist in about 8 sections and air dry (was gonna blow dry but maybe next time since I don't have a Hot Sock as suggested by PinkSkates - and - I'm too lazy to rollerset esp since I don't know how with anything other than tiny perm rods)
  • Use Sabino Moisture Block as my serum to flat iron (or some other serum in my stash)

Ok: against my better judgement I went out and bought some stuff you all have been using in the videos and posts and boy am I confused. I think they all do the same thing. I already have the Silk Elements Heat Protection Spray but I went out and bought:
  • mini Nioxin Bliss Thermal Protector
  • Aveda Brilliant Damage Control
  • mini CHI Iron Guard
Sooooo - when should I use one of these and which should I use and which should I take back? I think WestNDN used the Aveda to detangle but I think the Giovanni will serve the same purpose. The doggone print is so small on the bottles I get a headache trying to compare ingredients. I'm mad cuz I didn't realize/remember that BlackMasterPc used IC Fantasia (sp?) till I got back home - much less expensive. Keep in mind I don't expect to straighten more than once a quarter (for a trim) unless I get the hang of it and it helps to promote healthy hair - so I don't even need all these products. I also already had the EVCO but I'm afraid to try that this first time Whimsy.

Decisions, decisions - help me I feel like I"m :spinning: becoming a little too fixated on my hair.

Do you still think this is too much?
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I'm trying to straighten mine too, but I was trying to not use the highest heat setting...but my iron is currently on 380 and it's only so so. I might give up, I'm scared to *** up my hair. :(
I'm trying to straighten mine too, but I was trying to not use the highest heat setting...but my iron is currently on 380 and it's only so so. I might give up, I'm scared to *** up my hair. :(

EllePix - what regimen did you use prior to? Are you using a Maxiglide to straighten?

UPDATE: Just finished with the CLT and shampoo. I may have to blowdry my hair because I want to leave the DC in overnight (I usually sit under the dryer with heat) as WestNDN sugg. Thinking of improvising and putting a sock over my blowdryer to diffuse the heat. Hmmm!
I just DC'ed yesterday, so I just cowashed today - I didn't want to wash and use the flat iron on freshly clean hair, only because I am a scaredy cat and I read somewhere that washing on "dirtier" hair results in less damage. I blowdried with my Karen's Body Beauty Hair Milk then ironed. I meant to do a Cherry Lola before but I totally forgot until I had already blowdried my hair. I used the Croc 2 Infrared. :( Flat iron fail, lol. Actually, it wasn't looking too bad (borderline good), but after I would finish a section, by the time I got halfway through the next section it was already reverting...smh. I just wrapped my hair so maybe it will calm down a bit overnight.
I just DC'ed yesterday, so I just cowashed today - I didn't want to wash and use the flat iron on freshly clean hair, only because I am a scaredy cat and I read somewhere that washing on "dirtier" hair results in less damage. I blowdried with my Karen's Body Beauty Hair Milk then ironed. I meant to do a Cherry Lola before but I totally forgot until I had already blowdried my hair. I used the Croc 2 Infrared. :( Flat iron fail, lol. Actually, it wasn't looking too bad (borderline good), but after I would finish a section, by the time I got halfway through the next section it was already reverting...smh. I just wrapped my hair so maybe it will calm down a bit overnight.

Now it seems that everyone who has been giving me advice suggest flatironing on clean hair with as few products as possible for that swang! Reverting huh - could it be because of the hair milk?

I need to tell you that I really wanted the Croc 2 infrared - I mean I really wanted that one but bought the Maxiglide cuz they had such a great deal at HSN. Can't wait to try it out tomorrow. The only problem is ... If this doesn't work out I'm not trying it again for another 3 months prob cuz I am afraid of putting a lot of heat on my hair. If I change my mind it will still be another 6 wks or so before I can try it again. Soooo - I'm praying that it works out well.
Now it seems that everyone who has been giving me advice suggest flatironing on clean hair with as few products as possible for that swang! Reverting huh - could it be because of the hair milk?

I need to tell you that I really wanted the Croc 2 infrared - I mean I really wanted that one but bought the Maxiglide cuz they had such a great deal at HSN. Can't wait to try it out tomorrow. The only problem is ... If this doesn't work out I'm not trying it again for another 3 months prob cuz I am afraid of putting a lot of heat on my hair. If I change my mind it will still be another 6 wks or so before I can try it again. Soooo - I'm praying that it works out well.

You're probably right about the swang, but honestly I am more concerned with avoiding heat damage - like, I'm seriously scared, if my curls didn't revert I'd be SO UPSET. I used the hair milk then blowdried, so it shouldn't have been that (used it on wet hair). The Croc 2 is pretty good - but honestly, I probably didn't utilize it like I should have b/c I refused to use high heat. My cut off was 410 because I read at 419 (on Natural Haven) your hair follicles and the bonds in your hair start to melt, and I have very resilient hair that doesn't want to be anything but itself (that includes relaxers, color, etc - I once left my relaxer on for over an hr by mistake and my hair was just fine), so I'm sure I would have been better off using 450 for appearance. The way the Croc fits in your hand is awesome though...but honestly, I loved my blow out way more than my straight hair. My fro was looking ah-mazing!

Good luck though, I hear the maxi glide is awesome! I was going to get one but I wanted a 1".
  • I DC one side of my hair with Banana Brulee Deep condish (right)
  • I DC the other with the Silk Elements Moisture Treatment (left)
  • I left both in overnight then sat under the dryer for 30 mins this morn before rinsing
  • the SE side felt wonderful and had lots of slip was very easy to finger detangle and detangle with my Ouidad comb
  • the BB side felt somewhat rough, not so easy to detangle with either and left a lot of shed hair in the shower and felt as if it was coated :perplexed (it had oils in it too)
  • I two strand twisted my hair and put clips (somebody did that -great idea) in it to stretch it and allow it to airdry using only Aveda's Brilliant Damage Control (thanks Pinkskates)
  • my hair feels wonderful especially the SE (lft) side
  • I am going to my zuumba class at noon so I don't want to flat iron yet - also- I'm going in for a KeraSmooth Keratin consult so I want the stylist to see my natural texture
  • can't believe my hair is so soft especially without my beloved lv-in (I never let my hair airdry and when it dries b4 I want it to it does not feel good) could it be the Aveda?
UPDATE - I'm done and not pleased with the results. I guess it looks like some of the videos I've seen but I was hoping for a silky straight kinda look. I used the Maxiglide MP (NOT LOVING IT) and my old Wigo. Not happy with either. I think it has something to do with not flatironing and poor technique. It is straighter of course but with texture. I still can't comb through it with a fine tooth comb and my fingers are getting snagged too.

I want to send the Maxiglide back - I saw lots of hair in the teeth and I didn't like the idea of combing through my dry natural hair. I'll post pictures later. Now I have to figure out how ot style it without throwing a curling iron (MORE HEAT) on my hair.
i sure hope you get it, ill be watching this post, as i had the same problems with my sedu about 3 months back. I was able to straighten, but my ends were all snagalicious and after straightenings, the comb would not go through.
I wash and DC and use Sabino Moisture Block, I have a maxiglide and I use the teeth. I love it! It is the only iron I have used that really straightens my hair. I fully revert in a few days, but it is fun while it lasts.
Oops meant to say - did not blowdry. I used the Sabino Moisture Block adding it to each section. Maybe too much huh? 4got to mention that I used the Maxi with the teeth too each used blast of steam and it was not a good look besides I had all sorts of breakage.