Naturals who flat iron and workout


New Member
Hi do you keep your hair from reverting if you work out...what products do you use. Thanks
Sorry I can't answer your question. I know being a fitness professional who teaches hard classes, my hair wouldn't stay straight. At the end of my step class, I'm soaked so my hairstyle wouldn't survive. If you do a weight workout with machines your hair might not revert but anything else, I don't know. You might have to work your straight styles around your workout. For example, exercise Monday - Thursday and on Friday straighten it and wear it straight for 3 days and let it revert on Monday.
Only my roots reverted when I worked out but the rest stayed straight. I wished I could help and hopefully someone chimes in with an answer.
Thanks Ladies.
i was thinking about using the PM Super Skinny Line and seeing how that works. Also using WGO to soften hair....we'll see and i'll let you know.
I've been working the Census most of this summer. Summer in North Carolina has been hellishly hot and humid. Lots and lots of walking through fields, lots in really dense woods, around large properties, etc. and just for the pure convenience, my hair's been straightened whenever I go out on runs.

Did I mention how hot it's been here this summer? Like so hot that you break a sweat just opening your door to step outside, hot.

I've not experienced any reversion unless of course you count getting soaked in heavy rains and T-storms which is what happened to me yesterday :ohwell:

I normally wear my straightened hair in 2 long ponytails down my back.

What I did to protect my hairline was make 2 skinny flat twists leading into the ponytails. I used 1/2 thick elastic band to band the ponys and either braided or twisted the loose hair and secure with another, smaller elastic.

The twists in front kept the hair line from sweating out (it's usually the first to go poof) and the ponys kept the rest of the hair tight against the scalp and stretched out so the heavy sweat wouldn't cause reversion.

I don't see why that couldn't work for those working out too.

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I've been transitioning for a year and my hair is short (see my avi) and mostly natural. I don't even try to maintain my straight style. I wear my hair straight on the weekends and wear wigs to work during the week . Its just not going to happen, I do pretty high intensity workouts and I sweat very hard.

My stylists keeps telling me it will be easier to maintain as my hair gets longer but I seriously doubt it, I sweat reeaaaly hard.
I haven't really found a solution, but working around flat ironing may help. If I'm newly straightened I'll just do a short cardio warm up, weights, and abs. When I run, I wear a thick sweatband. Sometimes, it's so not a cute look, but it keeps the front of my hair flat.
I co-wash b/c I sweat a lot and I can't let the sweat sit on my hair, so I usually don't even try to keep my hair straightish (especially in the summer!). I'm thinking about allowing light heat training next spring, just for the sake of conveinence and flexibility! Also, I'm in Charleston, SC and the humidity is something serious!
I hope you find a solution that works for you :)
I put my hair in a ponytail bun & try to keep something wrapped around the edges. However, if I want to keep it straight, I tend to do a lower intensity workout. My edges are still damp, so I will put some gel on them & tie a scarf on my head to set it & let them dry a bit. If I want to do an intense workout, I face the fact that I will be sweating in my head & my hair at the roots will revert. I drench my head in the shower afterwards instead of trying to salvage the straight look.:ohwell: