Naturals who blowdry: How much shedding do you have?


Well-Known Member
Although I alternate between braiding and flat ironing even when I'm getting braids I blow dry at least a little bit and I love the dryer I'm using because I can alternate between medium heat/cool and still get the job done but no matter how I detangle (like with my fingers) I still get hair all over my bathroom lol. It comes out in little bushes of curly hair and winds up all over the place. Is this normal? Does this ever happen to you? Thanks!
I usually get enough to create my own line of ethnic Afro chia pets or in the very least create 2/4 weaves only there's not a market for 4B human hair. :grin: I am just surprised that I'm not bald but what is normal shedding varies from person to person.
Although I alternate between braiding and flat ironing even when I'm getting braids I blow dry at least a little bit and I love the dryer I'm using because I can alternate between medium heat/cool and still get the job done but no matter how I detangle (like with my fingers) I still get hair all over my bathroom lol. It comes out in little bushes of curly hair and winds up all over the place. Is this normal? Does this ever happen to you? Thanks!

In that case you need more than your fingers. Don't try to combine steps with the blow dryer you just lose more hair than you need to that way.