Naturals who BCED


Well-Known Member
How long did it take for you to be able to wear your hair in a pony puff? I have a little over 11 months of growth but I still can't do it. I can get it pulled back but it's just a tiny puff ball up there. Hence the phony puff I wear from time to time. How many months of growth did it take for your hair to be a decent sized pony puff? Also how long did you transition (if you did) before chopping. I transitioned for 5.5 months. That should give you guys an idea of how much hair I have.
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The first time I did the chop ,it took about 6 months to get a nice puff. I just chopped again about 2 months ago. I hope it doesn't take long this time. I'm not liking this in-between stage becasue there are no styling options. I figure by June I should have enough length to do something with it.
i was able to get a high pony puff with 9-10 inches of hair, so that was after about 2 years of growth for me. at 7 inches i could only do two separated puffs -- a crown one for the top of my head, and a low one, for the back. needless to say this style i didn't wear out of the house :lol: but i was still curious. hth
goldeelox how long did you transition before bcing? I'm at the in between stage now and I'm tired of all these weaves. I'm taking one down now and I just cut a big chunk of my hair in the very front by accident. I'm extra pissed. :mad: I'm tired of all this weave foolishness. I need to figure out something else to do with my hair...
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Why don't you try micros? I made the mistake of texturizing my hair right after a had a year of transistioning behind me. So, now i have to start from scratch... I am just going to wear micros off and on for a year, or until i get at least Corinne Bailey Rae's length of new growth. Unless you use growth aids like mtg to speed up the proccess.. you'll be transitioning or wearing the puff for a while. A really good place to go where you can get definite answers to your question, and a bunch of diffrent style options for TWA is
Sry, LHCF for posting another board.:perplexed
bravenewgirl87 said:
Why don't you try micros? I made the mistake of texturizing my hair right after a had a year of transistioning behind me. So, now i have to start from scratch... I am just going to wear micros off and on for a year, or until i get at least Corinne Bailey Rae's length of new growth. Unless you use growth aids like mtg to speed up the proccess.. you'll be transitioning or wearing the puff for a while. A really good place to go where you can get definite answers to your question, and a bunch of diffrent style options for TWA is
Sry, LHCF for posting another board.:perplexed

Bravenewgirl, I'm fully natural. I chopped 6 months ago. My hair isn't really a TWA anymore. It's at a weird inbetween stage. I'm not interested in wearing a TWA out at all. Don't like how it looks on me. And Nappturality wasn't much help as far as styling goes. I frequent there as much as I do this board. I just have a different SN there. I actually joined there before I even found this board in 05.

I'm trying to stick to my challenges. I wanted to get it braided but you know my dilemma with that from my other thread. lol Haven't found a braider yet. Hopefully I can find one within the next two weeks. It was a piece of the hair I had left out for blending. I still have the cornrows in that were under the weave. I was going to sew more hair on bc the hair I had in looked a hot mess after only 2 weeks. But now I'm tempted to take all of it out. I miss my hair. :(

Goldeelox - Oh okay. Thanks... Maybe I'm just going to have to give it another 6 months or so. Are there any other ladies out there who would care to share their experience?
bmoreflyygirl said:
Kiwi how long did you transition before chopping? How much hair did you have after you chopped?

I transitioned for 5 months, and after I chopped I had between 1-2 inches of hair.
Kiwi said:
I transitioned for 5 months, and after I chopped I had between 1-2 inches of hair.

Okay thanks... I'm gonna go try it in a min. I finally got all the cornrows out. I think I might have to stretch my hair to do it. :ohwell:
Hey Bmorefly, I got an unplanned BC about 3 weeks ago when I visited a stylist for the first time in many years and discovered first hand what SHS are all about. :lol:

Anyway, I think I know the pony puff you are asking about. But to me, wearing a band even on a TWA so that you have just the hair in the back forming an afro and the hair at the front is held down by a band qualifies as a puff. So as long as you have as much as an inch of hair, you can wear a puff.

Here are two puff that I have created w/ my newly short hair:


To create a puff where you pull your hair all the way back and hold it together w/ a small ouchless depends on how big your head is and how big a puff you want. Using a phony puff mightn't be a bad idea too, coz you can keep your ends protected if you wrapped them in Saran wrap. Just don't be crazy like me who got a puff so big when I had hair that could make a pony on its own, that I had to keep reassuring myself that no gorilla was following me. :lol:
I could do a high pony puff (crown of my head) 5 months after my BC and a low pony puff 10 months after my BC. I transitioned for 11 months and had about 5 inches of hair when I bc'd.
Nonie - Yeah, I get what you're saying but it's just not the same. :( I've been doing that since I BCED 6 months ago. I want a ponytail that looks like my phony puff. Just obviously not as big. :ohwell: GROW HAIR GROW!! Dammit it seems like it's taking too long. :look: I'm anxious to get out of these weaves and things and wear my own hair but it's not long enough for my liking yet. I keep saying 6 more months and I'm never quite there. I guess I gotta wait 6 more...

Chocolate - How long have you been natural? Your hair looks pretty long. Off to stalk your fotki. :sekret:
Ayeshia said:
hmmm I forget...less than a year though. check out my old album
pw is hair. It has all of my growth documented form bald as hell to huge hair :lol:

:lol: You did have a lot of hair after a year. To all the ladies who have responded so far thanks for your input. You're giving me styles to look forward too. :)
yeah then I cut it again :( ...and then I cut it again :ohwell:

but it all depends on how you transition. I bc'd after three months of transitioning...big mistake that I will never do again :nono: well I was like nonie, i didnt know I was gonna bc i just did it out of the blue. BUT it grew out pretty fast :yep: I had extensions for awhile afterwards and kinky twists for about three months.
Ayeshia said:
yeah then I cut it again :( ...and then I cut it again :ohwell:

but it all depends on how you transition. I bc'd after three months of transitioning...big mistake that I will never do again :nono: well I was like nonie, i didnt know I was gonna bc i just did it out of the blue. BUT it grew out pretty fast :yep: I had extensions for awhile afterwards and kinky twists for about three months.

Yeah I was like that too. And I was in shock. Went and got a weave the next day. I had already had the appt scheduled anyway. And had never officially declared I was transitioning. I just hadn't had a perm in a while. I was wearing wavy/curly weaves and my hair blended better without a fresh relaxer. One day I was like hmm I wonder what it would look like if I cut a few pieces off in the back. Before I knew it all my hair was on the floor. :eek: I was like ahh well I don't wear my hair out anyway. Nobody would ever know I chopped it all off.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Nonie - Yeah, I get what you're saying but it's just not the same. :( I've been doing that since I BCED 6 months ago. I want a ponytail that looks like my phony puff. Just obviously not as big. :ohwell: GROW HAIR GROW!! Dammit it seems like it's taking too long. :look: I'm anxious to get out of these weaves and things and wear my own hair but it's not long enough for my liking yet. I keep saying 6 more months and I'm never quite there. I guess I gotta wait 6 more...

Chocolate - How long have you been natural? Your hair looks pretty long. Off to stalk your fotki. :sekret:

I've been natural for 20 months now.
Hang in there Bmoreflyygirl! I don't have any advice as I too am in the in between stage and I am feeling much of the frustration you are feeling but you know what? You may be tired of those weaves and phony ponies and such but girl you always look so cute. Going natural really forces you to learn to be patient, and I know it is so hard. Good luck girlie you'll be wearing the puff before you know it!
hopeful said:
Hang in there Bmoreflyygirl! I don't have any advice as I too am in the in between stage and I am feeling much of the frustration you are feeling but you know what? You may be tired of those weaves and phony ponies and such but girl you always look so cute. Going natural really forces you to learn to be patient, and I know it is so hard. Good luck girlie you'll be wearing the puff before you know it!

Aww thanks hopeful! That's just what I needed. :kiss:
To get a decent puff and not just a bush held back with a headband? Hmm, probably 2 + years.

bmoreflyygirl said:
How long did it take for you to be able to wear your hair in a pony puff? I have a little over 11 months of growth but I still can't do it. I can get it pulled back but it's just a tiny puff ball up there. Hence the phony puff I wear from time to time. How many months of growth did it take for your hair to be a decent sized pony puff? Also how long did you transition (if you did) before chopping. I transitioned for 5.5 months. That should give you guys an idea of how much hair I have.
Kiwi said:
I was wearing a ponf puff almost a year after my BC

I have hair similar to Kiwi's... My hair is a few centimeters past collarbone it. It took me about 10months to a year to get a cute ponypuff. .