Naturals: What kind of hair butters do you use? How do you use it?


Active Member
Hi ladies,

Thanks to the advice of SummerSolstice, I ordered and just received my butter blends. She suggested Avacado butter, which I ordered, but I also got several other blends including Tangarine, Grape Seed Oil, and Mango butters :lick:.

I was wondering what kind are you using and how/when do you apply? I wear my hair straight fairly often but i'm looking to branch out this summer! Can't wait to hear from you guys!
I seal with my own blend of butters that I melt together:

Coco, shea, mango

I use grapeseed oil in my home made leave in too.

I general have wng, and any "out" styles

Eta: also use the butters as a night face cream. Its really evening my skin tone
I use mango, advocado, cupuacu. I make my own butter mix by melting them down and adding small amounts of macadamia and castor oil, fragrance, and a perservative. I sometimes add in some alma and bhringhai (sp?) oils.

I use it to seal my hair and to help my twist outs/braid outs hold. My curls are usually shiny and defined.
Of all the butters I've used, I really like Bask Sevenfold Butter. Typically most butters are too heavy for my hair, but the blend of butters Bask makes is just right!

The shine you see is from the butter.
Oh that looks great WestNDNbeauty! Just lovely. I was worried about it being really heavy on my hair too but last night, I put my usual coconut oil on my hair and then added just a bit of avacado butter only to the ends of my hair before wrapping it....Voila!!! It was perfect this morning! Still bouncy and my ends were nice and smooth :yay::yay:
Qhemet Biologics @Napata

Check out the super long thread on it in the vendor's forum. A lot of members here love it.

I enjoy using mine on my wet hair (after washing) for a nice punch of moisture.
DarkJoy I heard that the grapeseed oil was really good. I used to use it alone as a skin moisturzier. I can't wait to try it on my hair! Thanks.

Health&hair28 I am working on creating my own blends....I need more hours in the day!
I use to make my own, but due to the cost of the raw materials, it's cheaper to find a hair company who haves all the ingredients you need/want. I like Qhemet Biologics and been using them for 2 to 3 yrs now.
I like Jane Carter's Nourish and Shine. It has several different butters mixed in and gives great shine and softness. I just hate the price for the small amount you get!
I currently have a mixture of broccoli and shea butter with several oils. It leaves my hair and skin really soft. I plan to experiment with more butters in the near future.
Missjae09 said:
I currently have a mixture of broccoli and shea butter with several oils. It leaves my hair and skin really soft. I plan to experiment with more butters in the near future.

Beautiful hair ladies! Thanks for the comments. I am currently loving the avacado butter but I can't wait to try the others. I'm going on vacation in 2 weeks and I'm going to try all types of things, including my first head of twists!
My two main butters as of lately are Avocado and Monoi, I seal with both. I add a little monoi to my DC whenever I want to give my DC that extra boost.
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