Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your hair?

What is the most challenging/ least cooperative part of your hair?

  • Edges/ Perimeter/ Halo

    Votes: 24 14.1%
  • Kitchen/ Back/ Nape

    Votes: 28 16.5%
  • Front/ Hairline

    Votes: 27 15.9%
  • Crown/ Middle

    Votes: 101 59.4%
  • No difference in the areas- All equally well-behaving.

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • All behaves the same- like a prodigal child!

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • Other?

    Votes: 4 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Just below the crown in the back.....whatever that area is more dry and frizzy than any other part of my hair
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My temples and the last 2 - 3 inches in the back.

Temples - you say boo and they start thinning.

Back now that my hair is getting longer the back is like a 4z wild child and it is not taking the longest time to grow. Everything else is growing like crazy but I swear that back is a close relative of Eeyore, very slow, very deliberate and on its own time clock.

Also the top of my head seems to shed more than the rest. Just notice that this week as I was redoing my twists. It grows the fastest but it sheds the most.

I think my hair has multiple personalities and I am not invited to the party! :ohwell:

But I won't complain. It is healthy and it is growing even if the speed is different in different parts of my head.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My crown. I just want to bend it over my knee and spank it like a bad bad donkey. :spank:

I love how thick it is but it will not conform to heat whatsoever.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: You crack me up!!!!!!!

The Crown/ Middle is the most difficult part of my hair. It dries out sooooooo easily so i have to make sure to give it special attention

It seems like this is the majority of people's problem area! ANY THEORIES AS TO WHY, ANYONE??

My Crown is a Goon! That is the dryest, roughest,difficult part of my head, but as it grows out it is getting better but still have to have "special treatment"

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Again with the cracking up! :)
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

I voted Other.

My most challenging least cooperative part of my hair is the Top area (between Hairline and Crown). It's straighter than the rest of my natural hair so when I style my hair in a twistout or braidout, it sometimes gets all frizzy, dry, straight-ish, and longer than the rest of my hair. It doesn't hold curl very well either.

The next most challenging part of my hair would be the Crown. It shrinks more and feels rougher than other parts of my hair, and it also seems to be the area with the shortest length.
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Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Id' say my front/crown area. I dunno what's wrong with her. It's like a 2b or something. There is like no curl, wave, nothing doesn't have a fine texture (none of my strands are fine) but this area of my head just lays there. She doesn't like to hold a twist, braid out..nothing. It just lays there...
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

The front is looser than the rest and doesn't really curl. I also have a broken off patch below my ear on the left side. It's dry and rough compared to the rest. IDK what the problem is. I've had problems with it since I was relaxed.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

The front edges, hairline.

The front of my hair is a COMPLETELY different texture than the back. The front is wavy 2/b, 3/a and does not spiral, the back spirals wonderfully 3b,'s a natural pain in the behind... :ohwell:
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Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Definitely the crown of my head. It sticks out horizontally while the rest of my hair falls down to my shoulders. It's drier than the rest of my hair and sometimes it's the most difficult to detangle.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

ANYONE have any theories as to why the crown is so difficult???
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My guess is because it's the hardest spot to reach and probably does not receive as much moisture as the other areas of our head. At least, that was my problem, until I started doing EVERY THING in four sections so that my crown was also receiving product. Now it's less of a hassle.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

The crown. But, it is also partially my fault. For the longest time I treated the crown like it was the most highly textured and/or kinkiest. Truthfully, the curl pattern there is some of the loosest on my head and some of the dryness stems from the fact that when conditionting, washing or doing anyting to my hair I generally move from the edges inward which mean by the time I get to the middle my arms are tired which means: 1) I take less time with sectioning it and working the conditioner all the way through, 2) the conditioner stays on this part the least amount of time, 3) I probably use less product and 4) I am probably more rough/hurried with this section than I should be. Every time I do this part I have to remind myself to slow down and do a good job.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Thanks for all responses. I will start conditioning from the middle and not the sides....GREAT POINT! We'll see if that helps. :)
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

The front crown is a frizzy mess...Fortunately the longer its gotten the more manageable it is!

But its CA-RA-ZAY!
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My hairline!!!! I'ts the frizziest, coursest, most unruly part of my hair making WNGs almost impossible! :nono: I'd have to throw a whole bunch of gel and deman brush it to high heaven in order for it to blend into the rest of my hair that's 3C.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My theory as to why MY crown area is the most frizzy/unruly is that this is the area of my head that I would apply relaxer to first when getting a touch up.

Relaxer sat there the longest.

My problem area is in the same area,so I would say the right crown area. My problem area would grow,and fill in wonderfully in between relaxer stretches,and then as soon as the next relaxer came around,that area would begin to break and shed until I was right back where I started,but only in that one spot:perplexed

Now that I'm natural,I have deemed it "scab" hair. It is coming along great,but the rest of my hair has outgrown it already. Luckily,the section is very small,so it's virtually unnoticeable.

Anyhoo,that is my theory on the crown issue,but that's because I believe in scab hair,and eventually getting rid of or nursing it back to where it belongs.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

The section that would be covered by a yarmulke if I wore one. I guess the middle?
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

The section that would be covered by a yarmulke if I wore one. I guess the middle?
Great description - I'd been thinking of it as the monk's tonsure.

I wonder if the problems many of us have with that area (64%!!!) is the female equivalent of male pattern baldness?
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Easily the crown/middle, the back part of it specifically........just all around facepalm for me! It's the hardest to detangle, the most difficult when doing updos, and never feels as moisturized as the rest of my hair. Also, it's where my natural texture is and so it's curlier than the other surrounding layers/hairs which are just slight frizz with straight.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Thanks for all responses. I will start conditioning from the middle and not the sides....GREAT POINT! We'll see if that helps. :)

I'm really loving the style in your sig.....what does it look like from the front/sides? I know that's one of those EZ stretch combs, but I just am curious on how you've styled it in, lol. :grin:
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

my bangs :nono: weirdest texture ever!!!
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My crown is coarser and my front edges near my temple are frizzier. I don't really consider them more challenging or less cooperative because I just give them the same attention I give the rest of my hair, and if it remains more frizzy and less defined, then so be it. That's what it is.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My edges idk sometimes it grows,breaks than becomes frizzy (whatever)

My center top part in the back its in its own world (always looks dry to me)

Happy Hair Growing!
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Yeah I can definitely say that the crown of my head is just downright unruly and has a mmind of it's own. I literally have to fight with it when it's time to bun my hair. I dread whenever I feel like wearing it in a bun for the fight I have deal with:nono:.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My theory as to why MY crown area is the most frizzy/unruly is that this is the area of my head that I would apply relaxer to first when getting a touch up.

Relaxer sat there the longest.

My problem area is in the same area,so I would say the right crown area. My problem area would grow,and fill in wonderfully in between relaxer stretches,and then as soon as the next relaxer came around,that area would begin to break and shed until I was right back where I started,but only in that one spot:perplexed

Now that I'm natural,I have deemed it "scab" hair. It is coming along great,but the rest of my hair has outgrown it already. Luckily,the section is very small,so it's virtually unnoticeable.

Anyhoo,that is my theory on the crown issue,but that's because I believe in scab hair,and eventually getting rid of or nursing it back to where it belongs.

GREAT THEORY!!!!! Never even thought about it being scab hair! I will watch and see if it changes as my BC grows out. Thanks!

I'm really loving the style in your sig.....what does it look like from the front/sides? I know that's one of those EZ stretch combs, but I just am curious on how you've styled it in, lol. :grin:

Thanks! :D You can see pics of the sides and front in my BC album under my profile on this site. :)
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Although my crown / middle is coarse and more difficult to tame, it doesn't give me as much trouble as:

My edges - they grow and then break off ... and then grow and then break off.
My nape - it grows and then breaks off ... and then grows and then breaks off.

The hair in these two areas are the finest parts of my head. They're both VERY prone to breakage, which is a real challenge for me.
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Two very small tufts, one at each temple. No matter what I do, they stay frizzy and uncooperative. Grease, gel, oil, hairspray - nothing works. And the worse part? It's genetic! Every single woman in my family has the same tufts! Irregardless of hair texture. 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s - we all have them!
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

I don't know what's up with the back of my head. Breakage city! :nono:
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

My hairline!!!! I'ts the frizziest, coursest, most unruly part of my hair making WNGs almost impossible! :nono: I'd have to throw a whole bunch of gel and deman brush it to high heaven in order for it to blend into the rest of my hair that's 3C.

Exactly the same for me.

It is so delicate and coarse it breaks for no apparent reason. It doesn't blend well - even when relaxed - so i always wore the front fowards which protected it some what.

Now that i'm transitioning and pulling it back alot, my hairline looks awful but its too long to wear in my face now. Ecostyler and Elasta QP Glaze only smooth it out when tied down with a scarf but the curls rise up during the day.
Whats a girl to do? :rolleyes:
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

Edges/ Perimeter/ Halo?

Kitchen/ Back/ Nape?

Front/ Hairline?

Crown/ Middle?


No challenging parts?

All areas misbehave?

Also, any theories as to why certain areas are "less cooperative" in styling?

For me, it is my CROWN-- FRIZZ CITY!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: It is also the least defined area of my curls.

Behind my Right ear--like, towards the nape--just...*sighs*:ohwell:
AND--it's the SHORTEST part of my hair.:wallbash:
Re: Naturals: What is the most challenging/ frizzy/ least cooperative part of your ha

the crown...:nono: it's like someone gave me a hair transplant while I was sleeping! It doesnt match the rest of my head at all. It looks like a poodle and behaves like a pitbull.:mad: