Naturals, what do you use on your braidouts?


New Member
I'm very frustrated with how my braidouts have been turning out. I do cornrows. I've tried different sizes. I'm not comparing it to when my hair was relaxed but I still think it's possible to get a defined and shiny pattern goin' on. What do you use when you do your braidouts? Do you do it wet or dry? How do you braid? Regular braids or cornrows? How do you maintain? Can I see any pics? And what length is your hair?
i do dry braidouts oil my hair or spray with worlds of curls or the roots spray as needed and then oil my hair again just b4 i take the braids out. my hair is 6-8 in and you can see pics in my album. hope this helps
Whenever I want a really good braidout, I do cornrows...they just work better for me than single plaits. What I do is wash my hair, usually a condition wash. Then, I use a frizz serum, followed by braid spray, and then a mixture of oils (almond oil, EVOO, rose or lavender oil, and coconut oil). I mix this in and sometimes I may put a little IC hair polish. From there, I gently comb out my hair and section it in somewhat small sections. I then cornrow my hair. Now, depending on how I cornrow my hair, this will determine just how the braidout will look. I have found that if I do most going back, but 2 inches above the ears going down, this makes the end style have more a more lengthy look. If I want to give it a "sheen" once fully dried (which is the next day), I put on Elasta QP shine spray or another shine spray. What's important is trying not to frizz the hair too much once the braids are out. You should comb the hair at all. GENTLY loosen the hair once out of the braids. If you want it to look more full (which I prefer), only do the hair underneath don't do the hairs on top, they should maintain the formed wavy look. I have pics in my album if you want to see mine. I even, more recently, put in some comparison pics so you can see how it looked with the various lengths since I began going natural (16 months and counting). In the beginning pics, I did cut off a great deal of my relaxer but not all...just couldn't do the "big chop." One thing I haven't done but I may need to do in the future is roll the ends of my braids...I just can't stand sleeping in rollers.

HTH /images/graemlins/wave.gif
I twist/braid on damp hair. I use shea butter whipped with rosemary hair oil applied to the sections then I twist or braid. Very good, smooth definition. My hair stays soft for days. I twist with a section of hair thiat is about an inch square. My hair is not particularly that amount of hair works well for the look I want.

I really cannot wait until my hair is longer. My twist outs look more like an "electrified" fro. But the longer it gets the more it hangs.
I do dry braidouts using BnS Creamy Set, then I put perm rods on the ends... there are pics in my fotki album
Thanks so much guys! The tips and the pics have been very helpful and you all have beautiful hair. I think I am going to try the braid spray along with the Liv hairdress that Nay reccomended. Oh my goodness cybra! Your braidouts are gorgeous!! That is some serious inspiration right there /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Any other tips would be appreciated as well /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I do dry braidouts using BnS Creamy Set, then I put perm rods on the ends... there are pics in my fotki album

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Where is your album? Is it under your forum name?
Very pretty, Shebababy! Your braidout looks great /images/graemlins/smile.gif