Naturals: what are you doing at night?

Right now I am wearing satin bonnet..Once it gets longer I plan on sleeping on a satin pillowcase. When my hair was natural and long, I would sleep in a bonnet and it would be a matted mess in the morning. This time I am going to do it different.
I'm usually wearing braidouts or twistouts, so at night I but about 5 big twists in my hair, every-other-night I'll use some moisturizer while doing this, and then cover with a satin bonnet. Keeps my braidouts/twistouts stretched and moisturized.
we call those plaits here... do you call your plaits cornrows? i love that... thats so cool, how we blacks use words however we want... we're so cool...
yes that was so OT :grin:

Lol, I thought so too but If you look closely they are cornrowed from the other side and end where we see it.
not dry it just doesn't moisturize... its like strictly shiny lol... its like.. frontin... like your hair should be so supple and moist after but its really exactly how it was before, except now shiny lol
and i clarify every time i poo now, so it comes out cool...
my girlfriend uses it every time we go out she's like a 3b with a bonelax and it doesn't weigh her down or anything... she looks salon fresh lol

OK :rofl: that's what mine does, too! It makes it shiny but that's it, but I can't use it everyday, and only a coupla times during the week or it starts to feel dry even if I add jojoba oil at night to try and counteract. prolly the cones...I usually try to use it later in the week, like closer to wash day after my hair has gotten a 'lil stale:blush: :lachen:

Will the pineapple work with twists & WNG? I find that no matter what I do my hair flattens out at night. My twists flatten, my WNGs flatten, my twist outs flatten every time I wear a bonnet or not. Even the curls on the ends of my twist flatten but I can't rewet them or else they frizz.

Thanks..FM for this thread. I'm getting so frustrated with my hair only lasting like 1 day maybe 2 at most before looking completely flattened and unsalvagable.

Thanks ladies for all the tips and ideas to keep styles and most importantly stop SSK.

I dunno. If I do twists, i just lay them down flat against my head and they are flat in the am, but it's ok bc they are twists. When I first BC'd, I couldn't re-wet my ends either, bc 1) they had scab hair/some relaxed ends left and 2) it would frizz.

So, I cut the remaning scab hair/relaxed ends off and now when I rewet, I only dampen/mist the ends while still in twists, do very first thing in the am, (like before I brush my teeth) and apply pure shea butter to the damp ends of the twists and re-curl/smooth the ends. I try to get a smooth coil on the end of the twist with the shea butter. Then I let air dry until I am going where ever for that day (usually like 30m-1hr) and then untwist or either pin the twists up and go.

This did 2 things for me, it helped me have a more defined style (when i took them down, or even pinned up, it just looked neater) and it also made my ends feel better and not as dry during the day. I've been doing this for about a week, so I'm hoping that over time, this will help my ends stay moisturized, so I can retain some growth :yep:
i rub in carols daughter hair milk,then i wear a satin scarf. thats it. i deep condition overnight once a week.


Anybody else DC overnight? DC on dry or damp hair overnight? I could see how it could work on both :yep: I might try both ways bc I am lazy about doing my DCs...
Will the pineapple work with twists & WNG? I find that no matter what I do my hair flattens out at night. My twists flatten, my WNGs flatten, my twist outs flatten every time I wear a bonnet or not. Even the curls on the ends of my twist flatten but I can't rewet them or else they frizz.

Thanks..FM for this thread. I'm getting so frustrated with my hair only lasting like 1 day maybe 2 at most before looking completely flattened and unsalvagable.

Thanks ladies for all the tips and ideas to keep styles and most importantly stop SSK.

Try it, it should work with both :yep:

I think it works because as you are sleeping you're not mashing down any curls. And especially the ends will retain their curl.

I clip my hair upwards loosely, then top it off with my bonnet.
Try it, it should work with both :yep:

I think it works because as you are sleeping you're not mashing down any curls. And especially the ends will retain their curl.

I clip my hair upwards loosely, then top it off with my bonnet.

I'ma hafeta try this :yep: THANKS!
I usually put my hair in pincurls at night. I don't put any oil or leave-in in my hair before I go to bed. It makes my hair way too greasy.
bumping question....

I DC on dry hair overnight sometimes. I tend to do that almost every time I deep condition, as I do not use heat for that treatment. I just apply the DC (I separate my hair into four sections using bands), wear a shower cap and a scarf. Sometimes, I'll put my satin bonnet on under the scarf if I can find it since I tend to throw it around :lol:. Anyway, it leaves my hair very soft. I don't think I've DC'd on wet hair before.
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I DC on dry hair overnight sometimes. I tend to do that almost every time I deep condition, as I do not use heat for that treatment. I just apply the DC (I separate my hair into four sections using bands), wear a shower cap and a scarf. Sometimes, I'll put my satin bonnet on under the scarf if I can find it since I tend to throw it around :lol:. Anyway, it leaves my hair very soft. I don't think I've DC'd on wet hair before.

THANKS! That's exactly the answer I was looking for to get me to try it! :grin: I might even do it tonight...
natural: some leave in conditioner, oil or butter, 4 braids, silk/satin bonet
straight: little bit of oil, 2-4 loose buns, bonet up
Are tangles an issue for you in the morning? How do you style in the morning? (and how is it styled now?)

Ok, what's a mini-apple (or a pineapple for that matter?) :rofl:

SO's a keeper :yep: what do you do in the morning to refresh?

Tangles in the am? Also, OT: how do you like the 24/7? What does it do for you? soften? add moisture? shine? just curious :grin:

Oh, sorry I didn't make it back here sooner. No, tangles haven't been an issue for me at all. I'm wearing my hair cornrowed underneath a wig, but I take them down every 2 weeks and even when I just wear wash-n-gos I don't get any tangles. Now, that could be because my hair isn't long. I'm growing out my TWA, which is now more like a medium sized afro.

Anybody else DC overnight? DC on dry or damp hair overnight? I could see how it could work on both :yep: I might try both ways bc I am lazy about doing my DCs...

I've never DC'd on dry hair. I am a frequent overnight damp hair DCer or I'll start to DC then take off the cap and let it air dry, go to sleep and rinse in the morning. I find this works in retaining moisture and still DCing.
If my hair is out... then one big bun or puff at the top of my head. I have satin sheets and satin pillow cases and a satin pillow.... but I usually throw on a bonnet or head scarf.