Naturals & Transitioners...


New Member
do you find that you take care of your natural/transitioning hair better than you took care of your relaxed hair?? I do!

*I put a bit of Kemi-Oyl daily, because of the weather here.
*I never oiled my relaxer hair...and it needed more.

*I don't use heat daily as a natural.
*I did with relaxed hair, because I kept it short. (I never liked my relaxed ends so I kept cutting them)

*I found products that work best for my natural hair, and I use them all the time.
*When I was relaxed I tried new products every month and the old products joined the rest of the products in my product graveyard...or the trash.

I can finally say that I love my hair!!
After following a healthy regimen.... I'd have to say that I'm taking care of my natural hair *about the same* that I took care of my relaxed hair.

I :love: my relaxed hair, & I totally miss the length... but I absolutely :love: my natural hair even more.... I'm sure that eventually I'll have length again :cool:
Really Peachtree? I never love my relaxed hair. I see relaxed ladies on the forum with long beautiful hair, and know that that could have never been my hair. Relaxed hair made my hair look lifeless. I don't have that problem anymore.
tru_mind said:
Really Peachtree? I never love my relaxed hair. I see relaxed ladies on the forum with long beautiful hair, and know that that could have never been my hair. Relaxed hair made my hair look lifeless. I don't have that problem anymore.

Ditto! IMO, my relaxed hair was limp & lifeless...maybe if I'd known about the techniques some relaxed ladies used here, things could've been different. But i chose to go natural instead, and I love it! My hair has so much life and volume...i wouldn't go back to relaxing for nuttin'!

Now I'm just tryna grow out this hair of mine...and I find that I do take better care of my natural hair. I found the right products that work for me, and know the right techniques to maintain my hair and I'm lovin' it!

I wore a cute "Halle" cut, and I loved the look! I would spike it (think ANTM Eva) and wear it really wild. The problem is that I relaxed monthly (why? I didn't have a lot of hair?) and overlapped the perm. I also used heat EVERYDAY.

Now that I'm natural, I keep it relatively simple. CO wash, dust ends when they feel thin, no more grease, and I use more natural products (i.e. castor oil, olive oil, shea butter). My hair grows slowly, but it IS growing. And I love how soft it feels, and how versatile it is.

I think that I could probably take good care of relaxed hair now, but it's too much work IMO.