
What was the deciding factor for you to transition to natural? A while back I decided that I was going to transition and I'm currently 10mos post. As of lately I've really been wanting to get a relaxer because I'd like to do more with my hair as far as roller sets and maintaining a style and I'd also like to get bangs. But I'm so torn because I'm actually really loving my natural hair. I love the pattern and I love how when i lay it down I get pretty waves. I also love that since staying away from relaxers that my hair has definely been healthier. However i'm still alittle on the fence. So what was it for you that really made your decision final? Why did you decide to go natural?
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What was the deciding factor for you to transition to natural. A while back I decided that I was going to transition and I'm currently 10mos post. As of lately I've really been wanting to get a relaxer because I'd like to do more with my hair as far as roller sets and maintaining a style and I'd also like to get bangs. But I'm so torn because I'm actually really loving my natural hair. I love the pattern and I love how when i lay it down I get pretty waves. I also love that since staying away from relaxers that my hair has definely been healthier. However i'm still alittle on the fence. So what was it for you that really made your decision final? Why did you decide to go natural?
if your feeling the urge to relax again then id do the bc, because sooner or later that natural hair and relaxed hair will get into it and eventually start to tangle or break( in most cases)
your doing good my first time transitioning was for 8 months it was smooth until that 8th month and i gave in and relaxed because at thta point it was so puffy at the top and i got tired of flat ironing my hair and it would only be straight for a day

and yesterday i said this relaxed hair isnt going to get me anywhere but hanging longer and my hair was collar bone length but so much shrinkage:perplexed so i bc'd and anyways i started braiding my hair so i dont have to put too much manipulation on my natural hair:yep:
I wish I was 10 mo. post! Im only a few weeks post. Two things were mainly the deciding factor:
1. I forbid any stylist to come near me ever again with a chemical.
2. I dont want to self-texlax anymore and keep making mistakes with leaving it on too long or not leaving it on long enough. (Relaxing bone straight was not going to happen either--too sensitive.) My hair was not looking how I wanted it too or looking uniform throughout my length. I just would rather have healthy, natural curly hair that is the same throughout.
if your feeling the urge to relax again then id do the bc, because sooner or later that natural hair and relaxed hair will get into it and eventually start to tangle or break( in most cases)
your doing good my first time transitioning was for 8 months it was smooth until that 8th month and i gave in and relaxed because at thta point it was so puffy at the top and i got tired of flat ironing my hair and it would only be straight for a day

and yesterday i said this relaxed hair isnt going to get me anywhere but hanging longer and my hair was collar bone length but so much shrinkage:perplexed so i bc'd and anyways i started braiding my hair so i dont have to put too much manipulation on my natural hair:yep:

That's a great idea. I just haven't gotten to the point where I have the courage to BC just yet. I'm so scurred. lol
Long version....

I had been relaxed, then I cut it short and decided to loc. Did that for 3+ yrs. Then I cut my hair and wore it natural, but loose for a while. I thought it would be better to relax than flat iron as often as I was doing. I found this site as a result of searching for info before I made my decision, then relaxed in Dec06. I lasted 10 mths (lol). I just really missed/miss the feel and versatility of my natural hair. For me my only issue is trying to transition longer before I bc. I want more length; but it is a weekly, sometimes daily decision not to bc.
I am currently 8 months post but I decided to become natural because I was looking at pics of me as a child and thought that my hair was so beautiful and I wanted it back that way. Plus I've always had a thing for big curly hair. Even when I was relaxed I would put my hair in braidouts so it would be puffy!! I can't wait to BC but right now I still think it's too short...
That's a great idea. I just haven't gotten to the point where I have the courage to BC just yet. I'm so scurred. lol

yea i understand i was planing to do it nov 13th but i said what the hell and just did it
ma new growth was so overpowering i couldn't even get my hair into long pony tail. it was just puffy:ohwell:

dont let fear get the best of you

also i said to myself yesterday if men dont like me with short hair they didnt really like me in the first place
I have always hated getting relaxers. I only got them out of habit. Came to this board, saw all of the beautiful naturals and realized that I didn't have to get them.

Since I almost never styled my hair while relaxed, I won't miss straight styles. I only wore it down for special occasions. After BCing,I also realize that I look so much better with my natural hair. Even though now its just a twa. I can't wait until it grows out.:spinning::grin:

I wish I would have found this board sooner.
The freedom. If I only wanted to wash and condition my hair for the rest of my life it would be fine and thrive! No relaxer trips, no added chemicals, no scalp irritation/burns, no fragile after relaxer hair care.
I have always hated getting relaxers. I only got them out of habit. Came to this board, saw all of the beautiful naturals and realized that I didn't have to get them.

Since I almost never styled my hair while relaxed, I won't miss straight styles. I only wore it down for special occasions. After BCing,I also realize that I look so much better with my natural hair. Even though now its just a twa. I can't wait until it grows out.:spinning::grin:

I wish I would have found this board sooner.

and i feel you too i was just tired of those darn relaxers
60+ just to get your hair relaxed plus a trim:wallbash:

i also wish i found the board earliar
I decided to return to natural because I was only texturized for about 6 months prior to my transition. I would have kept my text. but my scalp did not agree with it.
Putting chemicals on the scalp on a regular basis is not only bad for your hair, but is probably bad for your health. :hammer:

I don't know the long term damage I'm doing to my hair. I saw an article where a middle aged lady had a massive thinning patch on her crown from using relaxers over decades...and she was still getting her hair relaxed :nono:. I don't wanna have to deal with burns, hair damage, and/or temporary to permanent hair loss from chemicals in the future.:eek2:

My hair will be stronger when I stop putting chemical relaxers in my hair.:strong:

I want to have the option to wear my hair natural and I also want to be able to wear my hair straight...versatility! :wink2:

My hair has thinned out partially because of relaxers and I think my hair will thicken up considerably without the dreaded chemicals.

Natural is back in style. (But even if it wasn't I would still transition):afro:.
:thought:I'm gonna save money in the long run.

Quote: It takes less energy to embrace what you have than to fight against it :yep:.
Putting chemicals on the scalp on a regular basis is not only bad for your hair, but is probably bad for your health. :hammer:

I don't know the long term damage I'm doing to my hair. I saw an article where a middle aged lady had a massive thinning patch on her crown from using relaxers over decades...and she was still getting her hair relaxed :nono:. I don't wanna have to deal with burns, hair damage, and/or temporary to permanent hair loss from chemicals in the future.:eek2:

My hair will be stronger when I stop putting chemical relaxers in my hair.:strong:

I want to have the option to wear my hair natural and I also want to be able to wear my hair straight...versatility! :wink2:

My hair has thinned out partially because of relaxers and I think my hair will thicken up considerably without the dreaded chemicals.

Natural is back in style. (But even if it wasn't I would still transition):afro:.
:thought:I'm gonna save money in the long run.

Quote: It takes less energy to embrace what you have than to fight against it :yep:.

I agree with your entire post!
What was the deciding factor for you to transition to natural? A while back I decided that I was going to transition and I'm currently 10mos post. As of lately I've really been wanting to get a relaxer because I'd like to do more with my hair as far as roller sets and maintaining a style and I'd also like to get bangs. But I'm so torn because I'm actually really loving my natural hair. I love the pattern and I love how when i lay it down I get pretty waves. I also love that since staying away from relaxers that my hair has definely been healthier. However i'm still alittle on the fence. So what was it for you that really made your decision final? Why did you decide to go natural?

Why did I go natural??? My hair all over my Thick hair was thinning....long hair was getting shorter... Everything good...think the opposite. :lol:
I'm 12 months and decided to transition because there's no style I can do on relaxed hair that I can't do with natural hair. I also don't like the limpness of my relaxed hair especially because it's fine strand.

Before the hair boards and Fotki I didn't realize the versatility of natural hair. There's one particular Fotki that I visit (Domenique's) who has absolutely BEAUTIFUL natural hair and her texture is similar to my own.

I plan to rock straightened hair, pressed braid outs, box braids, cornrows, puffs, blow outs, twists, and pony tails. I know my hair can get straight with a flat iron if I feel the urge to have straight hair.
I decided to go natural because I realized that my new growth was fairly easy to manage and could easily blend with a little dominican blow drying. Also, I was tired of the way my relaxed hair looked. It was so thin and limp and just not cute! So, as of Dec. 2007- I have been transitioning but with a twist, which i will explain in a later thread or upon request.
Putting chemicals on the scalp on a regular basis is not only bad for your hair, but is probably bad for your health. :hammer:

I don't know the long term damage I'm doing to my hair. I saw an article where a middle aged lady had a massive thinning patch on her crown from using relaxers over decades...and she was still getting her hair relaxed :nono:. I don't wanna have to deal with burns, hair damage, and/or temporary to permanent hair loss from chemicals in the future.:eek2:

My hair will be stronger when I stop putting chemical relaxers in my hair.:strong:

I want to have the option to wear my hair natural and I also want to be able to wear my hair straight...versatility! :wink2:

My hair has thinned out partially because of relaxers and I think my hair will thicken up considerably without the dreaded chemicals.

Natural is back in style. (But even if it wasn't I would still transition):afro:.
:thought:I'm gonna save money in the long run.

Quote: It takes less energy to embrace what you have than to fight against it :yep:.

The black my mother..though I THINK I have convinced her to go natural...we'll see.
The red ..yes lawd
The green ...ding pick it up!
The edges are coming back...finally!
The too!
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Hey this gym's sister... this is my fourth and final BC...

The first three times I re-relaxed due to lack of information and thinking that my relaxed hair and natural hair would take the same treatment...

I BC'd this go round after 5 months of transitioning, I was planning to go 8 mon. but my two textures DON'T like the same thing and I try to use products that I would/could/do eat and my relaxed hair didn't respond the way my natural hair did to my homemade products... so it had to go

NOW I am learning about my hair and LOVIN IT I can't keep my hands out of my little twisted out fro...

I had some bad experiences the first go rounds, but now I don't care because my hair is a pleasure to me, it is the healthiest it has ever been in my 30 years and I am happy with the relative ease of my day and the gym is a whole other place now that I can swim without planning a rollerset or whatever and I have never ran from the rain, but now I pray for rain just so my tresses can do their thang from all that water!!!!
i'm an excessive typer/talker so to make it short...i got a sew in i didn't know how to maintain and went from SL to ear length when i took it out. when i got turned on to a dominican salon after going those 4 or 5 months without a relaxer, that blowout made me realize i could one day be that girl who is curly monday and stick straight tuesday. plus the fact that my edges grew in like crazy...whooooo i have a hairline!!!

ETA: reading some other posts reminded me....thickness is also a reason. i always felt my hair was too thin with a relaxer, and now it has body and volume when i get a blowout. oh yeah, and my mom and sister are transitioning as well. my mom gets regular blowouts so has not maintained length but has thicker sister is only 13 and relaxers broke her hair off something horrible. now it is almost SL again.
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My decision to transition was last minute.

I was relaxed when I joined this board, and my plans were to grow out my relaxed hair, play around with my straight length for a while, then transition.

My first relaxer stretch was 16 months, and during that time I got acquainted with my natural hair. I went natural back in middle school, but I was pressing all the time so I didn't really know how to style my natural hair.

When I did get my touchup, I missed my newgrowth immediately, that was Aug25, last relaxer EVER! I jumped on the Silk Elements bandwagon and I began to notice shedding. I realized that relaxing, for me, was more trouble than it was worth.

*experimenting with different relaxers to find the best one, which in the mean time can lead to setbacks

*having to deal with my own natural texture ANYWAY in order to stretch the relaxer. you have straight hair for the first week, then after that you're right back to finding creative ways to deal with two textures. might as well just deal with one.

*the a natural it looks and feels thicker.

*worrying about consistent results.

*being a "slave" to a chemical treatment which i would have to keep up religiously or else suffer breakage.

*i always hated getting my hair relaxed...dealing with overlapping, overprocessing, underprocessing, don't get in on scalp, don't leave it on too long, ooops didn't leave it on long enough so now I've exposed my hair to chemicals but did not get the results I wanted, now must wait 4-6 weeks to go at it again, corrective relaxers, shampooing over and over and over again to make sure all the chemical is out. just got tired of it.

For some people it's worth it, not for me. If i want straight hair I'll invest in a wig or Maxiglide.
These are my reasons exactly!!!

My decision to transition was last minute.

I was relaxed when I joined this board, and my plans were to grow out my relaxed hair, play around with my straight length for a while, then transition.

My first relaxer stretch was 16 months, and during that time I got acquainted with my natural hair. I went natural back in middle school, but I was pressing all the time so I didn't really know how to style my natural hair.

When I did get my touchup, I missed my newgrowth immediately, that was Aug25, last relaxer EVER! I jumped on the Silk Elements bandwagon and I began to notice shedding. I realized that relaxing, for me, was more trouble than it was worth.

*experimenting with different relaxers to find the best one, which in the mean time can lead to setbacks

*having to deal with my own natural texture ANYWAY in order to stretch the relaxer. you have straight hair for the first week, then after that you're right back to finding creative ways to deal with two textures. might as well just deal with one.

*the a natural it looks and feels thicker.

*worrying about consistent results.

*being a "slave" to a chemical treatment which i would have to keep up religiously or else suffer breakage.

*i always hated getting my hair relaxed...dealing with overlapping, overprocessing, underprocessing, don't get in on scalp, don't leave it on too long, ooops didn't leave it on long enough so now I've exposed my hair to chemicals but did not get the results I wanted, now must wait 4-6 weeks to go at it again, corrective relaxers, shampooing over and over and over again to make sure all the chemical is out. just got tired of it.

For some people it's worth it, not for me. If i want straight hair I'll invest in a wig or Maxiglide.
There are probably more reasons than I can think of, but to name a few:

  1. I needed a change - I was tired of going to the Dominican Salon every week, and coming out with the same pretty style, length everything - my hair was never unhealthy, but I didn't experiment, which meant it felt dull to me...
  2. Whenever I did it myself, I always opted for the wash n go look... The fullness was just more flattering for my face - I loved it wild - felt like I didn't look like everyone else
  3. When I moved to CA and was out of the watchful eye of my Dominican stylist, I had to go to other salons, and I couldn't believe how horrible some of these places are! They insisted on using lye relaxers rather than the no-lye I was used to - explaining that it was healthier (which I don't doubt, but it also got my hair straighter than I wanted), and would blowdry and flat iron my hair rather than roller set and blow the roots (which is what I was used to) - I finally decided that that whole process was for the birds!
  4. I began to feel like an imposter going to get my hair relaxed only to wear it wet and wavy all the time... If I didn't want it straight - why was I relaxing it in the first place
  5. I thought I would transition for a while, but I soon realized that I jeapardized both my natural and relaxed hair by doing so. My natural hair was tangled and not getting properly conditioned because I couldn't reach it, and my straight ends were not getting the straightening that it should have (so I got more shedding). My relaxed hair and natural hair needed to be cared for differently, and if ultimately natural was going to win out - why keep sacrificing healthy natural hair to save permed hair?
I am sooooo incredibly happy with my decision. I BC'd after 9 months and it was the first time EVER (at least that I can remember) that my hair was shorter than shoulder length. It was liberating! I could wash my hair everyday - go swimming, workout, everything! I could wash my hair (and deep condition - which is the real plus), as often as I liked - without all the drama and styling thereafter. Now that its longer and natural, it is a LOT more work, but I can always go back to a trusty wash and go for ease if I need to...

Oh, and I don't have to run from rain and humidity now - they are both friends to my frizzy mane!
i was just bored. :look:

my hair was relaxed AND colored AND i did rinses over the color. it was taking a toll on my ends. i thought the color would break up the monotony of my boredom but it didn't and was just making my hair more high-maintenance. i decided the best thing to do was get my hair braided up so i wouldn't have to deal with it. the one time i had my hair braided by this girl from my hometown, she used some cheap synthetic hair that made my scalp dry and itchy... and she made them entirely too tight. i went to Vegas the day after she put them in, spent 4 days running the city having fun :grin: and when i got home i noticed little red bumps along my hairline. :nono: took them out that instant and never let her braid my hair again.

my SO's sister offered to braid my hair and promised me she didn't braid tightly. i was online researching braiding hair and somehow stumbled across Nappturality. after a few months i decided to give natural hair a try. :yep:

and i've been an online hair nut ever since :drunk:
13 month transitioner checking in. Listing in no particular order:

-Freedom for scalp burns every 3 months

-My hair has always been resistant to relaxers anyway

-Staring a new phase in my life and wanting to reinvent my look

-Curious to know what my natural hair really looks like

-I was "over" wondering what effects relaxers are having on my skin, scalp and body.

-Having my daughter and seeing her beautiful natural hair..that inspired me to take the plunge.
Hey this gym's sister... this is my fourth and final BC...

The first three times I re-relaxed due to lack of information and thinking that my relaxed hair and natural hair would take the same treatment...

I BC'd this go round after 5 months of transitioning, I was planning to go 8 mon. but my two textures DON'T like the same thing and I try to use products that I would/could/do eat and my relaxed hair didn't respond the way my natural hair did to my homemade products... so it had to go

NOW I am learning about my hair and LOVIN IT I can't keep my hands out of my little twisted out fro...

I had some bad experiences the first go rounds, but now I don't care because my hair is a pleasure to me, it is the healthiest it has ever been in my 30 years and I am happy with the relative ease of my day and the gym is a whole other place now that I can swim without planning a rollerset or whatever and I have never ran from the rain, but now I pray for rain just so my tresses can do their thang from all that water!!!!

The last time I got my hair relaxed (February 2005) the girl doing it was just so careless and was relaxing the back of my hair root to tip, until I stopped her. It just made me realize how tired I was of having to depend on other people to do my hair (I couldn't have been a self-relaxer).

I was already curious about my natural texture and had failed trying to transition once before. I decided that this time I would make it work. I had found LHCF around that time so I knew I'd be okay the second time around.