Naturals/Transitioners--PLEASE LOOK


Well-Known Member
I have gone 2 months with NO new growth. Normally I see the little curly q's sprouting up by now, but there's none. My regimen has been this:

Go to sleep
Wake up
Tie a nice scarf OR put some extentions in
At the end of day, let hair loose

Condition (every now and then a deep moisturizing conditioning)
Air Dry with leave-in

I've used no heat, no daily styling products. I don't take any supplements--though that hasn't hurt me before.

What's going wrong? I'm transitioning and would love for my growth to appear any minute now, but it's been 2 months and I feel like I've made absolutely no progress. Should I be using products? Do you naturals/transitioners use special scalp products?
you put extensions in daily??? does that mean you take them out and then put them back in each day??? :confused:
Oops sorry. I wanted to say that I pin a few rows in with a couple of hair pins. Is that a no no? I'm confused about this process...really I am. I thought the key to growing hair during a transition was low-key maintenance. Also, my hair is in a short cut (about 1in. in back and 3in. on top), and it's still relaxed so there's not much i can do with it. What should and shouldn't I be doing?
How long were you usually doing touch ups when you had a perm? That should tell you how soon you should see new growth, and 2 months sounds like a long time to not have any.

When you wash your hair, is there absolutely no difference between the roots and the end?

The only problem I see with your regimen is letting your hair loose at night. Just be cautious about your ends breaking off.

What kind of leave in are you using? If it is protein rich it could be making your relaxed ends wiry and making it difficult to detect a change in texture.
Thanks! I'll keep these things in mind. :)

Normally my new growth looks curly. At this moment, there is no difference however when I wash I do see some, but shouldn't I be able to see growth whether wet or dry?

Actually my growth rate has noticeably slowed down from what it used to be. Is this temporary?
My rate of growth varies from month to month, season to season, etc. There are a lot of variables. Your routine looks fine, and I'm sure your hair has grown a bit, but you know how the saying goes...a watched pot never boils. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll get a growth spurt soon. ;)
honestly it may depend on your hair texture. are you 3c, 4a, 4b? i believe someone with 4b texture will see their newgrowth alot sooner than someone with a looser texture. for instance my texture is 3c i believe and i had to wait almost 3-4 months before i started to notice my newgrowth curl. my newgrowth was still there but it took nearly 1 inch of hair before it would make a curl.

also did you measure your hair at the start of your transition?
and how often were u perming before u transitioned?
I was relaxing an average of maybe 3 months apart. Also, as far as I have know, my hair texture was a mix of 3c/4b throughout different parts of my head. Maybe I should shampoo more frequently to bring out the new growth some more.

Unfortunately, I didn't measure my hair so I have no clue. I will say, my hair FEELS longer, its just that there is no new growth as evidence. Normally it only takes about 1/2" to curl up. So, I don't it possible my texture changed to a looser curl?
I think you should give it another couple of months before you panic. When I was relaxed there would be times when at 8 weeks post I had lots of newgrowth and other times I didn't, but I have never gone 4 entire months without any major new growth. Because you are transitioning you are probably "watching the pot" more than usual. And like somebody else said our hair grows at a different pace different times of the year.